Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
from SymbolData import SymbolData
from TradeManagement import TradeManagement
import QuantConnect as qc
class CryingBlueFlamingo(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2020, 7, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2020, 7, 3)  # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(1000000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.symbol_data = {}
        self.trade_managers = {}
        self.benchmark = "SPY"
        tickers = ["SPY", "TLT", "AAPL" , "AMZN", "MSFT"]
        for ticker in tickers:
            symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker).Symbol
            option = self.AddOption(ticker)
            option.SetFilter(-15, +15, timedelta(0), timedelta(10))
            option.PriceModel = qc.Securities.Option.OptionPriceModels.BjerksundStensland()
            option.PriceModel.EnableGreekApproximation = True
            self.symbol_data[symbol] = SymbolData(self, symbol, option.Symbol)
            self.trade_managers[symbol] = TradeManagement(self, symbol)
        # Want to open a short position before the market closes
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.benchmark, 1), self.Rebalance)
    def Rebalance(self):
        '''Fires everyday 1 minute before market close'''
        for symbol, symbol_data in self.symbol_data.items():
            if not symbol_data.IsReady:
            signal = self.CalculateSignal(symbol_data)
            #hammer_signal = self.CalculateSignal(symbol_data)
            trade_manager = self.trade_managers[symbol]
            # Go short if there is a Hanging Man Signal 
            if signal and not self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                # trade_manager = self.trade_managers[symbol]
            if self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
                trade_manager.days_active += 1
            # Go long if there is a hammer signal 
            if hammer_signal:
                trade_manager = self.trade_managers[symbol]
    def OnData(self, data):
        for symbol, trade_manager in self.trade_managers.items():
            if not self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
            current_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
            stop_loss = trade_manager.stop_loss
            take_profit = trade_manager.take_profit
            days_active = trade_manager.days_active
            if current_price > stop_loss or current_price < take_profit:
            if days_active > 2:
                self.Debug(f"{symbol} -- held for {days_active}...Liquidating")
    #Finds a Red Hanging Man candle whose High is higher than the prior 5 days highs, and above the 20SMA.
    def CalculateSignal(self, symbol_data):
        # Daily bars
        bars = symbol_data.bar_window
        # Minute bars
        #self.Debug(f"Rolling window for {symbol_data.symbol} on {self.Time} is size {symbol_data.minute_bar_window.Count}")
        max_price = max([x.High for x in symbol_data.minute_bar_window])
        #self.Debug(f"Max price over minute consolidators for {symbol_data.symbol} on {self.Time} is {max_price}")
        low_price = min([x.Low for x in symbol_data.minute_bar_window])
        #self.Debug(f"Low price over minute consolidators for {symbol_data.symbol} on {self.Time} is {low_price}")
        latest_daily_bar = symbol_data.summary_bar
        latest_consolidator = symbol_data.todays_minute_bars[0]
        first_consolidator = symbol_data.todays_minute_bars[-1]
        number_of_bars_today = len(symbol_data.todays_minute_bars)
        self.Debug(f"{symbol_data.symbol} - {latest_daily_bar.Time} -> {latest_daily_bar.EndTime} Todays' daily bar: {latest_daily_bar}")
        # checking if the high of the latest daily bar is greater than the high of all following bars
        uptrend = all([latest_daily_bar.High > bar.High for bar in list(bars)[:6]])
        downtrend = all([latest_daily_bar.Low < bar.Low for bar in list(bars)[:6]]) 
        red_bar = latest_daily_bar.Close < latest_daily_bar.Open
        #green_bar = latest_daily_bar.Close > latest_daily_bar.Open
        if red_bar:
            body = abs(latest_daily_bar.Open - latest_daily_bar.Close)
            shadow = abs(latest_daily_bar.Close - latest_daily_bar.Low)
            wick = abs(latest_daily_bar.High - latest_daily_bar.Open)
            #dayATR = abs(latest_daily_bar.High - latest_daily_bar.Low)
            hanging_man = (shadow > 2 * body) and  (wick < 0.3 * body)
        if  green_bar:
            body = abs(latest_daily_bar.Close - latest_daily_bar.Open)
            shadow = abs(latest_daily_bar.Open - latest_daily_bar.Low)
            wick = abs(latest_daily_bar.High - latest_daily_bar.Close)
            dayATR = abs(latest_daily_bar.High - latest_daily_bar.Low)
            green_hammer = (shadow > 2 * body) and  (wick < 0.3 * body)
        sma = (sum([b.Close for b in list(bars)[:-1]]) + latest_daily_bar.Close) / 10
        # latest_market_price 
        price = self.Securities[symbol_data.symbol].Price
        above_sma = latest_daily_bar.Close > sma
        below_sma = latest_daily_bar.Close < sma
        #Hanging Man Signal 
        signal = red_bar and uptrend and hanging_man and above_sma 
        #Hammer Signal
        #hammer_signal = green_bar and downtrend and green_hammer and below_sma 
        if signal:
            self.Debug(f" Signal Candle for {symbol_data.symbol} on {self.Time} is - Body: {body} , Wick: {wick} , shadow: {shadow}")
            self.Debug(f"Minute Bar Consolidator OHLC for Signal Day {symbol_data.symbol} on {self.Time} is {latest_daily_bar}")
            return signal
        if hammer_signal:
            return hammer_signal
    def CoarseSelection(self, coarse):
        # list of ~8500 stocks (coarse data)
        # coarse is a list of CoarseFundamental objects
        # Descending order
        sorted_by_liquidity = sorted(coarse, key=lambda c:c.DollarVolume, reverse=True)
        most_liquid_coarse = sorted_by_liquidity[:self.universe_size]
        # needs to return a list of Symbol object
        most_liquid_symbols = [c.Symbol for c in most_liquid_coarse]
        return most_liquid_symbols
from SymbolData import SymbolData

class TradeManagement:
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.days_active = 0
        self.entry_price = None
        self.stop_loss = None
        self.take_profit = None
    def CreateEntry(self, quantity):
        # initial entry market order
        #self.algorithm.MarketOrder(self.symbol, quantity)
        current_price = self.algorithm.Securities[self.symbol].Price
        contract = self.select_option(OptionRight.Call, current_price * 1.10, 7)
        symbol_data = self.algorithm.symbol_data[self.symbol]
        # Update our 1 period ATR with latest bar, so we have today's range
        atr = symbol_data.atr.Current.Value
        self.entry_price = current_price
        self.stop_loss = self.entry_price + 0.5 * atr # Use High from the current day 
        self.take_profit = self.entry_price - 1 * atr
        if contract is not None:
            self.algorithm.MarketOrder(contract.Symbol, -1)
            self.algorithm.Debug(f"Entering {self.symbol} on {{self.Time}}...Entry Price: {current_price}, Take Profit: {self.take_profit}, StopLoss: {self.stop_loss}")
            self.Debug(f"No contracts found for {self.symbol}")
    def Liquidate(self):
        self.algorithm.Debug(f"Liquidating.. {self.symbol}....{self.algorithm.Securities[self.symbol].Price}")
        self.entry_price = None
        self.stop_loss = None
        self.take_profit = None
        self.days_active = 0
    def select_option(self, right, expiry, strike):
        right: OptionRight.Call or Put
        expiry: in dte (ex. 10)
        strike = 110, etc..
        option_chain_symbol = self.algorithm.symbol_data[self.symbol].option_chain_symbol
        option_chains = self.algorithm.CurrentSlice.OptionChains
        if option_chains.ContainsKey(option_chain_symbol):
            option_chain = option_chains[option_chain_symbol]
            self.Debug(f"{self.symbol} - NO OPTION CHAIN DATA...")
        contracts = [contract for contract in option_chain.Contracts.Values]
        # filtering for calls or puts
        filter_for_right = [s for s in contracts if s.Right == right]
        # sorted by expiry
        expiry_date = self.algorithm.Time + timedelta(days=expiry)
        sorted_by_expiry = sorted(filter_for_right, key=lambda c:abs(c.Expiry - expiry_date), reverse=False)
        if len(sorted_by_expiry) > 0:
            closest_expiry = sorted_by_expiry[0].Expiry
            contracts_with_desired_expiry = [c for c in filter_for_right if c.Expiry == closest_expiry]
            return None
        sorted_by_strike = sorted(contracts_with_desired_expiry, key=lambda c:abs(c.Strike - strike), reverse=False)
        if len(sorted_by_strike) > 0:
            selected_contract = sorted_by_strike[0]
            return selected_contract
            return None
class SymbolData:
    '''Containers to hold relevant data for each symbol'''
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol, option_chain):
        self.algorithm = algorithm
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.option_chain_symbol = option_chain
        # self.minute_consolidator = self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.ResolveConsolidator(Resolution.Minute)
        self.minute_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=1))
        self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.symbol, self.minute_consolidator)
        self.minute_consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnMinuteBar
        # defines daily consolidator and then registers to receive data
        self.daily_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
        self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(symbol, self.daily_consolidator)
        self.daily_consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDailyBar
        # 1. instantiantes a SimpleMovingAverage object
        # 2. subscribes it to receive data
        self.sma = SimpleMovingAverage(10) # Test 10 vs 20 
        self.algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, self.sma, self.daily_consolidator)
        self.atr = AverageTrueRange(1)
        self.algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, self.atr, self.daily_consolidator)
        # holds recent bars
        self.bar_window = RollingWindow[TradeBar](10)
        self.minute_bar_window = RollingWindow[TradeBar](500) 
    def WarmUpIndicators(self):
        # returns a dataframe
        history = self.algorithm.History(self.symbol, 20, Resolution.Daily)
        for bar in history.itertuples():
            time = bar.Index[1]
            open = bar.open
            high = bar.high
            low = bar.low
            close = bar.close
            volume = bar.volume
            trade_bar = TradeBar(time, self.symbol, open, high, low, close, volume)
            self.sma.Update(time, close)
    def OnDailyBar(self, sender, bar):
        '''Fires each time our daily_consolidator produces a bar
        that bar is passed in through the bar parameter'''
        # save that bar to our rolling window

    def OnMinuteBar(self, sender, bar):
        '''Fires each time our minute_consolidator produces a bar
        that bar is passed in through the bar parameter'''
        # save that bar to our rolling window
        # sorted(self.minute_bar_window, key = lambda thing: thing.Time)  
    def KillDailyConsolidator(self):
        self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(self.symbol, self.daily_consolidator)
    def KillMinuteConsolidator(self):
        self.algorithm.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(self.symbol, self.minute_consolidator)
    def IsReady(self):
        return self.sma.IsReady and self.atr.IsReady and self.bar_window.IsReady and self.minute_bar_window.IsReady
    def CalculateOHLC(self):
        # Rolling window open
        bars = list(self.minute_bar_window)
        todays_bars = [bar for bar in bars if bar.Time.day == self.algorithm.Time.day]
        # desecending in time, larger indices -> further in past
        todays_bars_sorted = sorted(todays_bars, key=lambda b:b.Time, reverse=True)
        opening_bar = todays_bars_sorted[-1]
        open = opening_bar.Open
        # Rolling window close
        closing_bar = todays_bars_sorted[0]
        close = closing_bar.Close
        # High and low over period
        high = max([x.High for x in todays_bars_sorted])
        low = min([x.Low for x in todays_bars_sorted])
        # Calculate volume
        volume = sum([x.Volume for x in todays_bars_sorted])
        # Time
        time = opening_bar.Time
        period = TimeSpan.FromMinutes((self.algorithm.Time - time).seconds // 60)
        # Create a summary trade bar
        self.summary_bar = TradeBar(time, self.symbol, open, high, low, close, volume, period)
    def todays_minute_bars(self):
        bars = list(self.minute_bar_window)
        # self.Debug(f"Filtering bars for {self.symbol} ON....{self.algorithm.Time.day}")
        todays_bars = [bar for bar in bars if bar.Time.day == self.algorithm.Time.day]
        # desecending in time, larger indices -> further in past
        todays_bars_sorted = sorted(todays_bars, key=lambda b:b.Time, reverse=True)
        return todays_bars_sorted