Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
from clr import AddReference

from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Algorithm import *
from QuantConnect.Data.UniverseSelection import *

import numpy as np
import itertools

from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

from AlphaGenerator_SLSQP import *
from AlphaGenerator_ZScore import *
from AlphaGenerator_WVF_opt import *
from AlphaGenerator_ACR import *
from AlphaGenerator_VAA import *

class Modexvet(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        Algo Settings
        self.Minimum_order_value = 1000 #This reduces fees by trading only when a large reblance is needed
        QC Trading Settings
        self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute)
        StartDate = [int(x) for x in self.GetParameter("StartDate").split(',')]
        EndDate = [int(x) for x in self.GetParameter("EndDate").split(',')]
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Margin)
        self.SetWarmup(252) #252
        Initialization of all components of the algorithm
        self.Util = Utilities(self) #import Utilities functions
        #Start the Portfolio Manager - Defines the allocation between the different component alpha signals
        self.portfolio_manager = PortfolioManager_EquiWeight(self) #Simple even weighting of alpha signals
        #Start the Execution Handler - Performs trades
        self.exec_handler = ExecutionHandler_Market(self) #Simple Market orders
        #Build list of alpha signals
        self.alpha_slsqp = AlphaGenerator_SLSQP(self)
        self.alpha_zscore = AlphaGenerator_ZScore(self)
        self.alpha_WVF_opt = AlphaGenerator_WVF_opt(self)
        self.alpha_ACR = AlphaGenerator_ACR(self)
        self.alpha_VAA = AlphaGenerator_VAA(self)
        Define The Fixed Universe for modular
        #Create a unique universe out of our combined asset lists
        self.securities = ["SPY"]
        self.securities += list(itertools.chain.from_iterable([alpha.stocks for alpha in self.portfolio_manager.list_alpha]))
        self.securities = self.Util.Unique(self.securities)
        self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(1)
        self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidated
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator("SPY", self.consolidator)
        for stock in self.securities:
            if not stock == "SPY":
                self.AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, stock, Resolution.Daily)
                #self.AddEquity(stock, Resolution.Daily)
        Register Indicators
        for alpha in self.portfolio_manager.list_alpha:
        Rebalance Schedule settings
                self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen("SPY", -15),
        if self.GetParameter("WVF") == "True":
                self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 5),
        if self.GetParameter("VAA") == "True":
                self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose("SPY", 5),
        Define risk management parameters
        self.max_leverage                 = 1.0 #highest combined leverage
        self.reserved                     = 0.0 #Tell algo to reserve (won't trade with) this amount of cash
        self.normalize                    = True #noramalize leverage (attempt to stay at max leverage always)
        Flags - Do not Change these!
        self.modular_rebal_needed = True
        self.calculated_alphas = False
        self.computed_portfolio = False
        self.before_trading_success = False
        Temp Variables - Do not Change these!
        self.modular_leverage = 1.0
        Setup Charting
        stockPlot = Chart('Data Graph')
        stockPlot.AddSeries(Series('Long', SeriesType.Line, 0))
        stockPlot.AddSeries(Series('Short', SeriesType.Line, 0))
        stockPlot2 = Chart('Leverage')
        stockPlot2.AddSeries(Series('Leverage', SeriesType.Line, 0))
    def my_before_trading(self):
        #self.Log("before trading")
        portfolio = self.Portfolio
        portfolio_val_total = float(portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        #Reset Daily Flags
        self.computed_portfolio = False
        self.modular_rebal_needed = True
        self.calculated_alphas = False
        ''' NOT USED
        #Dynamic cash reserve
        if portfolio_val_total >= 20000:
            self.reserved                    = 11240 #Tell algo to reserve (won't trade with) this amount of cash
            self.reserved                    = 0 #Tell algo to reserve (won't trade with) this amount of cash
        self.before_trading_success = True
    Timed Functions
    def OnDataConsolidated(self, sender, bar):
        #if before_trading_start has not run due to error:
        if not self.before_trading_success == True:
        #Rebalance when needed:
        if self.modular_rebal_needed:
    #Handles Modular Rebalance, first it calculates alphas once per minute, once all are calculated it assembles the target_portfolio, then it executes orders until all orders are satisfied.
    def Modular_Rebalance(self):
        if not self.calculated_alphas:
            for alpha in np.setdiff1d(self.portfolio_manager.list_alpha,self.portfolio_manager.calculated):
            self.calculated_alphas = True
            self.portfolio_manager.calculated = []
        if not self.computed_portfolio:
            # compute new allocation each alpha would like
            for alpha in self.portfolio_manager.list_alpha:
            # compute new target portfolio
            # compute order strategy
            self.computed_portfolio = True
        target = self.portfolio_manager.target_portfolio
Misc/Utility Functions
import numpy as np

class Utilities(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
    def Variance(self,x,*args):
        #Variance Function for SLSQP
        p = np.squeeze(np.asarray(args))
        Acov = np.cov(p.T)
        return np.dot(x,np.dot(Acov,x))
    def Jac_Variance(self,x,*args):
        #jac_variance Function for SLSQP
        p = np.squeeze(np.asarray(args))
        Acov = np.cov(p.T)
        return 2*np.dot(Acov,x)
    def Unique(self,seq,idfun=None): 
        # order preserving
        if idfun is None:
            def idfun(x): return x
        seen = {}
        result = []
        for item in seq:
            marker = idfun(item)
            if marker in seen:
            seen[marker] = 1
        return result
    def my_record_vars(self):
        account_leverage = float(self.data.Portfolio.TotalHoldingsValue) / float(self.data.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        self.data.Plot('Leverage', 'Leverage', account_leverage)
        portfolio = self.data.Portfolio
        positions = portfolio.Keys
        pos = 0
        short = 0
        for symbol in positions:
            if not self.data.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol): continue
            if portfolio[symbol].IsLong:
                pos += 1
            if portfolio[symbol].IsShort:
                short += 1
        self.data.Plot('Data Graph', 'Long', pos)
        self.data.Plot('Data Graph', 'Short', short)
    def cancel_open_orders(self):
        oo = [order.Symbol for order in self.data.Transactions.GetOpenOrders()]
        if len(oo) == 0: return
        oo = self.Unique(oo)
        for symbol in oo:
            if not self.data.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol): return
    def cancel_open_order(self, symbol):
        if not self.data.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol): return
        oo = self.data.Transactions.GetOpenOrders(symbol)
        if len(oo) == 0: return
    def get_open_orders(self, symbol=None):
        orders = False
        if symbol == None:
            if len(self.data.Transactions.GetOpenOrders()) > 0:
                orders = True
            if not self.data.Securities.ContainsKey(symbol):
                return orders
            if len(self.data.Transactions.GetOpenOrders(symbol)) > 0:
                orders = True
        return orders
from Utility_Functions import *
import numpy as np

Set up Modular Framework Classes
#Alpha generator module is supposed to find edge on the market and ask the portfolio manager for allocation.
class AlphaGenerator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.alloc = dict() # allocation wanted
        self.stocks = [] # positions associated to the strategy
    def register_indicators(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def compute_allocation(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()    
#Execution Handler module takes care of the strategy to reach allocation once the portfolio manager gives a target allocation.
class ExecutionHandler(object):
    #make orders
    def execute_orders(self, target_portfolio):
        raise NotImplementedError()
#Portfolio manager module manages the portfolio on the chosen frequency.
class PortfolioManager(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.target_portfolio = dict() # target_portfolio
        self.list_alpha = [] # list of strategies
        self.calculated = [] # Which strategies have been calculated
    #Builds a list of alphas
    def create_alpha_list(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()
    # computes the target portfolio
    def compute_target(self):
        raise NotImplementedError()

Manage Modular Execution
# PortfolioManagerEquiWeight gives equal dollar allocation to each alpha and builds a target portfolio
class PortfolioManager_EquiWeight(PortfolioManager):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
    #Builds a list of alphas
    def create_alpha_list(self):    
        # creation of alpha generator #1
        if self.data.GetParameter("SLSQP") == "True":
            self.data.Log("SLSQP ACTIVE")
        # creation of alpha generator #2
        if self.data.GetParameter("ZScore") == "True":
            self.data.Log("ZScore ACTIVE")
        # creation of alpha generator #3
        if self.data.GetParameter("WVF") == "True":
            self.data.Log("WVF_OPT ACTIVE")
        # creation of alpha generator #4
        if self.data.GetParameter("ACR") == "True":
            self.data.Log("ACR ACTIVE")
        # creation of alpha generator #5
        if self.data.GetParameter("VAA") == "True":
            self.data.Log("VAA ACTIVE")
    def compute_target(self):
        #clear desired allocation
        for stock in self.data.securities:
            self.target_portfolio[stock] = 0
        #update allocation for each alpha signal
        for alpha in self.list_alpha:
            for stock in alpha.alloc:
                #Calculate the weight with simple equal weighting
                nb_alpha = max(1,len(self.list_alpha)) #prevents divide by 0
                alloc_alpha = alpha.alloc[stock] / nb_alpha
                #update the total allocation for the stock
                self.target_portfolio[stock] = self.target_portfolio[stock] + alloc_alpha
        #option to normalize target_portfolio to fill all availible leverage
        if self.data.normalize:
            original_wt = sum(np.abs(self.target_portfolio.values()))
            if original_wt > 0.0:
                factor = 1.0/original_wt
                factor = 0.0
            for stock in self.target_portfolio:        
                self.target_portfolio[stock] = self.target_portfolio[stock]*factor
# ExecutionHandler_Market makes market orders to reach allocation
class ExecutionHandler_Market(ExecutionHandler):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data

    def execute_orders(self, target_portfolio):
        #Gets curernt Portfolio values
        portfolio = self.data.Portfolio
        portfolio_val_total = float(portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        port_value_adjusted = (portfolio_val_total - self.data.reserved) * self.data.max_leverage
        modular_leverage = (port_value_adjusted * self.data.modular_leverage)/portfolio_val_total
        #Process Sells
        sold = False
        for stock in self.data.securities:
            if self.data.Util.get_open_orders(stock):
                self.data.Debug("Open Orders on: " + str(stock) + ", waiting")
                self.data.modular_rebal_needed = True
            #Calculate required rebalance amount for each allocation
            current = float(self.data.Portfolio[stock].AbsoluteHoldingsValue)
            goal = (port_value_adjusted*target_portfolio[stock])
            goal_pct = (modular_leverage*target_portfolio[stock])
            amount = (goal-current)
            #Sell if needed and order exceeds minimum, always sells if allocation is 0%
            if amount < 0.0 and (abs(amount) > self.data.Minimum_order_value or goal_pct == 0.0):
                self.data.SetHoldings(stock, goal_pct)
                sold = True
        if sold: #wait until next minute for order execution if any stock was sold
            self.data.modular_rebal_needed = True
        #Process Buys
        for stock in self.data.securities:
            #Calculate required rebalance amount for each allocation
            current = float(self.data.Portfolio[stock].AbsoluteHoldingsValue)
            goal = (port_value_adjusted*target_portfolio[stock])
            goal_pct = (modular_leverage*target_portfolio[stock])
            amount = (goal-current)
            #Buy if needed and order exceeds minimum
            if amount > 0.0 and abs(amount) > self.data.Minimum_order_value:
                self.data.SetHoldings(stock, goal_pct)
        #Log final desired allocation
        for stock in self.data.securities:
            self.data.Log(str(stock) + ". Allocation = " + str(round(target_portfolio[stock]*100,1)) + "%")
        self.data.modular_rebal_needed = False
        self.data.Log("Modular Execution Finished")
from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize

class AlphaGenerator_SLSQP(AlphaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.Util = Utilities(self.data)
        #SLSQP assets
        self.stocks = [
        self.allocation = {}
        SLSQP parameters
        self.sqslp_days = 42
        self.x1 = np.asarray([1.0/len(self.stocks) for i in self.stocks])
        self.eps = 0.01
        self.tol = float(1.0e-6) #assume convergence is 10 time SLSQP ftol of 1e-6
    def register_indicators(self):
    def compute_allocation(self):
        for sid in self.allocation:
            self.alloc[sid] = self.allocation[sid]
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        prices = self.data.History(self.stocks, self.sqslp_days, Resolution.Daily)['close'].unstack(level=0)
        ret = prices.pct_change()[1:].values
        ret_mean = prices.pct_change().mean()
        ret_std = prices.pct_change().std()
        ret_norm = ret_mean/ret_std
        ret_norm = ret_norm.values
        ret_norm_max = np.max(ret_norm)
        eps_factor = 0.9 if ret_norm_max >0 else 1.0
        self.eps = eps_factor*ret_norm_max
        stocks_temp = ret_mean.keys()
        bnds = []
        limits = [0,1] #[0,1] for long only [-1,1] for long/short
        for stock in stocks_temp:
        self.x1 = np.asarray([1.0/len(stocks_temp) for i in stocks_temp])
        bnds = tuple(tuple(x) for x in bnds)
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x:  np.sum(x)-1.0},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:  np.dot(x,ret_norm)-self.eps})
        res= optimize.minimize(self.Util.Variance, self.x1, args=ret,jac=self.Util.Jac_Variance, method='SLSQP',constraints=cons,bounds=bnds)
        if res.success:    # if SLSQP declares success
            weighted_ret_norm = np.dot(res.x,ret_norm)
            w_ret_constraint = weighted_ret_norm - self.eps + self.tol
            if(w_ret_constraint > 0): # and constraint is actually met
                allocation = res.x
                allocation[allocation<0.0] = 0.0 #Remove to allow short
                if factor > 0:
                    allocation = allocation/factor
                for i,stock in enumerate(stocks_temp):
                    self.allocation[stock] = allocation[i]
                self.data.WVF_opt_calculated = True
                self.data.Log("SLSQP: constraint fail, SLSQP status = {0}".format(res.status))
                for i,stock in enumerate(self.stocks):
                    self.allocation[stock] = 0.0
            self.data.Log("SLSQP: SLSQP fail, SLSQP status = {0}".format(res.status))
            for i,stock in enumerate(self.stocks):
                self.allocation[stock] = 0.0
from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math

class AlphaGenerator_ZScore(AlphaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        #zscore assets
        self.stocks = [
        zscore parameters
        self.fixed_wt_pct = 0.50
        self.fixed_wt = {
                            "XLP": 0.50,
                            "TLT": 0.40, 
                            "ZIV": 0.10,
        self.vol_factor = 0.5 #TLT = .5, SPY = 1
        self.ext_factor = 4.0 #move too extreme, leave asset
        self.lookback = 150
        self.allocation = {}
    def register_indicators(self):
    def compute_allocation(self):
        for sid in self.allocation:
            self.alloc[sid] = self.allocation[sid]
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        for sid in self.stocks:
            if not self.data.data.ContainsKey(sid):
                self.data.Log("ZScore No data")
        history = self.data.History(['TLT'], self.lookback, Resolution.Daily)
        mean = history['close'].mean()
        sigma = history['close'].std()
        price = float(self.data.Securities['TLT'].Price)
        if sigma != 0.0:
            z = (price - mean) / sigma**self.vol_factor
            z = 0.0
        if -self.ext_factor <= z <= self.ext_factor:
            tlt_target = 1.0/(1+math.exp(-1.2*z)) # Pure momentum adding 1 to the sin wave to prevent shorting
            tlt_target = 0.0
        spy_target = (1.0-tlt_target)
        for sid in self.stocks:
            self.allocation[sid] = 0.0
            if sid in self.fixed_wt:
                self.allocation[sid] += self.fixed_wt[sid] * self.fixed_wt_pct
        self.allocation["TLT"] += tlt_target * (1.0 - self.fixed_wt_pct)
        self.allocation["SPY"] += spy_target * (1.0 - self.fixed_wt_pct)
from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import optimize

class AlphaGenerator_WVF_opt(AlphaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.Util = Utilities(self.data)
        WVF parameters
        self.WFV_limit = 14
        self.n = 28
        self.WVF_opt_calculated = False
        self.allocation = {}
        #WVF_opt assets
        self.bull     = "TQQQ"
        self.bear    = "TMF"
        self.stocks = [
        self.vxx = self.data.AddEquity("VXX")
        WVF_SLSQP parameters
        self.sqslp_days = 17
        self.x1 = np.asarray([1.0/len(self.stocks) for i in self.stocks])
        self.eps = 0.01
        self.tol = float(1.0e-6) #assume convergence is 10 time SLSQP ftol of 1e-6
        SPY_FIX parameters
        self.period = 28 #"LookBack Period Standard Deviation High")
        self.bbl = 22 # "Bolinger Band Length")
        self.mult = 1.05 # "Bollinger Band Standard Devaition Up")
        self.lb = 22 # "Look Back Period Percentile High")
        self.ph = .90 # "Highest Percentile - 0.90=90%, 0.95=95%, 0.99=99%")
        # Criteria for Down Trend Definition for Filtered Pivots and Aggressive Filtered Pivots
        self.ltLB = 40 # Long-Term Look Back Current Bar Has To Close Below This Value OR Medium Term--Default=40")
        self.mtLB = 14 # Medium-Term Look Back Current Bar Has To Close Below This Value OR Long Term--Default=14")
        self.Str = 3 # Entry Price Action Strength--Close > X Bars Back---Default=3")
    def register_indicators(self):
    def compute_allocation(self):
        for sid in self.allocation:
            self.alloc[sid] = self.allocation[sid]
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        history = self.data.History(["VXX"], int(self.n + 2), Resolution.Daily)
        vxx_prices = history.loc["VXX"]["close"][:-1]
        vxx_lows = history.loc["VXX"]["low"][:-1]
        vxx_highest = vxx_prices.rolling(window = self.n, center=False).max()
        # William's VIX Fix indicator a.k.a. the Synthetic VIX
        WVF = ((vxx_highest - vxx_lows)/(vxx_highest)) * 100
        # Sell position when WVF crosses under 14
        if(WVF[-2] > self.WFV_limit and WVF[-1] <= self.WFV_limit):
            self.allocation["ZIV"] = 0.0
            #self.data.Log("sell XIV")
        history = self.data.History([self.bear], 200, Resolution.Daily)
        ma_tmf = history.loc[self.bear]["close"].mean()
        cp_tmf = float(self.data.Securities[self.bear].Price)
        if cp_tmf < ma_tmf:
            self.allocation[self.bear] = 0.0
        Allocate stocks
        if not self.WVF_opt_calculated:
        SPY_FIX calculate
        bullish_size = self.allocation[self.bull]
        bearish_size = self.allocation[self.bear]
        history = self.data.History([self.bull], int((2*self.period) + 2), Resolution.Daily)
        spy_close = history.loc[self.bull]["close"]
        spy_lows = history.loc[self.bull]["close"]
        spy_highest = spy_close.rolling(window = self.period).max()
        # Williams Vix Fix Formula
        WVF_s = ((spy_highest - spy_lows)/(spy_highest)) * 100
        sDev = self.mult * np.std(WVF_s[-int(self.bbl):])
        midLine = np.mean(WVF_s[-int(self.bbl):])
        upperBand = midLine + sDev
        rangeHigh = (max(WVF_s[-int(self.lb):])) * self.ph
        spy_higher_then_Xdays_back = spy_close[-1] > spy_close[-int(self.Str)]
        spy_lower_then_longterm = spy_close[-1] < spy_close[-int(self.ltLB)]
        spy_lower_then_midterm = spy_close[-1] < spy_close[-int(self.mtLB)]
        # Alerts Criteria
        alert2 = not (WVF_s[-1] >= upperBand and WVF_s[-1] >= rangeHigh) and (WVF_s[-2] >= upperBand and WVF_s[-2] >= rangeHigh)
        spy_change = (alert2 or spy_higher_then_Xdays_back) and (spy_lower_then_longterm or spy_lower_then_midterm)
        if (spy_change and bearish_size > bullish_size) or (not spy_change and bullish_size > bearish_size):
            self.allocation[self.bear] = bullish_size
            self.allocation[self.bull] = bearish_size
    def WVF_opt_reset(self):
        self.WVF_opt_calculated = False
    def WVF_opt_allocate(self):
        prices = self.data.History(self.stocks, self.sqslp_days, Resolution.Daily)['close'].unstack(level=0)
        ret = prices.pct_change()[1:].values
        ret_mean = prices.pct_change().mean()
        ret_std = prices.pct_change().std()
        ret_norm = ret_mean/ret_std
        ret_norm = ret_norm.values
        ret_norm_max = np.max(ret_norm)
        eps_factor = 0.9 if ret_norm_max >0 else 1.0
        self.eps = eps_factor*ret_norm_max
        bnds = []
        limits = [0,1] #[0,1] for long only [-1,1] for long/short
        for stock in self.stocks:
        bnds = tuple(tuple(x) for x in bnds)
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x:  np.sum(x)-1.0},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x:  np.dot(x,ret_norm)-self.eps})
        res= optimize.minimize(self.Util.Variance, self.x1, args=ret,jac=self.Util.Jac_Variance, method='SLSQP',constraints=cons,bounds=bnds)
        if res.success:    # if SLSQP declares success        
            weighted_ret_norm = np.dot(res.x,ret_norm)
            w_ret_constraint = weighted_ret_norm - self.eps + self.tol
            if(w_ret_constraint > 0): # and constraint is actually met
                allocation = res.x
                allocation[allocation<0] = 0 #Remove to allow short
                if factor > 0:
                    allocation = allocation/factor
                for i,stock in enumerate(self.stocks):
                    self.allocation[stock] = allocation[i]
                self.data.WVF_opt_calculated = True
                self.data.Log("WVF: constraint fail, SLSQP status = {0}".format(res.status))
                for i,stock in enumerate(self.stocks):
                    self.allocation[stock] = 0.0
            self.data.Log("WVF: SLSQP fail, SLSQP status = {0}".format(res.status))
            for i,stock in enumerate(self.stocks):
                self.allocation[stock] = 0.0
from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import itertools

class AlphaGenerator_ACR(AlphaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.Util = Utilities(self.data)
        self.ACR_assets = [
        self.ACR_bonds = [
        self.ACR_sectors = [
                            "XLB", #Materials
                            "XLY", #Consumer Cyclical
                            "XLF", #Financials
                            "IYR", #ISHARES Real Estate
                            "XLP", #Consumer Defensive
                            "XLV", #Healthcare
                            "XLU", #Utilities
                            "XLE", #Energy
                            "XLI", #Industrials
                            "XLK", #Tech
        self.ACR_fixed = [
        self.Hedge = ["VXX",]
        for stock in self.ACR_sectors:
        self.stocks = self.ACR_assets+self.ACR_bonds+self.ACR_fixed + self.Hedge
        ACR (Asset Class Rotation) parameters
        self.ACR_sector_step = 13 #12% step change = all bonds if 9 of 11 sectors down
        self.ACR_asset_step = 20 #20% step change
        self.allocation = {}
        self.ACR_fixed_weight = [
                                0.0, #SPY
    def register_indicators(self):
    def compute_allocation(self):
        for sid in self.allocation:
            self.alloc[sid] = self.allocation[sid]
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        for sid in self.stocks:
            if not sid in self.allocation:
                self.allocation[sid] = 0.0
        ACR_assets_weight = np.zeros(len(self.ACR_assets))
        ACR_bonds_data = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=['Weight','Ratio','20Day','60Day'],index=self.ACR_bonds) 
        ACR_sectors_data = pd.DataFrame(0, columns=['Ratio','20Day','200Day'],index=self.ACR_sectors)
        Determine sector trends and calculate weight to assets/bonds
        ACR_sectors_data.loc[:,'20Day'] = self.data.History(self.ACR_sectors, 20, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
        ACR_sectors_data.loc[:, '200Day'] = self.data.History(self.ACR_sectors, 200, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
        ACR_sectors_data['Ratio'] = ACR_sectors_data['20Day']/ACR_sectors_data['200Day'] - 1
        ACR_bonds_weight = len(ACR_sectors_data[ACR_sectors_data['Ratio'] < 0]) * self.ACR_sector_step/100.0
        if ACR_bonds_weight > 1.0:
            ACR_bonds_weight = 1.0
        ACR_bonds_weight = ACR_bonds_weight * (1-sum(self.ACR_fixed_weight))
        Determine bond trends and which duration to be in
        if ACR_bonds_weight > 0.0:
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[:,'20Day'] = self.data.History(self.ACR_bonds, 20, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[:, '60Day'] = self.data.History(self.ACR_bonds, 60, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).mean()
            ACR_bonds_data['Ratio'] = ACR_bonds_data['20Day']/ACR_bonds_data['60Day'] - 1
            ACR_bonds_data['Weight'] = 0
            ACR_bonds_data.loc[ACR_bonds_data['Ratio'].idxmax(), 'Weight'] = ACR_bonds_weight
        returns = self.data.History(self.ACR_assets, 126, Resolution.Daily)["close"].unstack(level=0).dropna().pct_change().dropna() + 1.0
        Create portfolio combinations
        n = len(self.ACR_assets)
        steps = [x/100.0 for x in range(0,101,int(self.ACR_asset_step))]
        a = [steps for x in xrange(n)]
        b = list(itertools.product(*a))
        x = [sum(i) for i in b]
        port = pd.DataFrame(b)
        port['Sum'] = x
        port = port[port.Sum == 1]
        del port['Sum']
        Score and Weight portoflio
        port_returns = pd.DataFrame(np.dot(returns, port.T), index=returns.index)
        port_metrics = self.ACR_get_specs(port_returns)
        port_metrics = self.ACR_score(port_metrics)
        port_metrics['Z3'] = port_metrics.ZMean\
        port_metrics = port_metrics.sort_values(by='Z3', ascending=False)
        portfolios = port
        portfolios.columns = list(returns.columns.values)
        best = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()]).T])
        #log.info(best.loc[:, (best != 0).any(axis=0)].T)
        best = pd.DataFrame(portfolios.iloc[port_metrics['Z3'].idxmax()])
        ACR_assets_weight = [i[0]*(1-ACR_bonds_weight-sum(self.ACR_fixed_weight)) for i in best.values]
        risk_weight = 0
        for x in range(n):
            self.allocation[self.ACR_assets[x]] = ACR_assets_weight[x]#*.95
            risk_weight += ACR_assets_weight[x]
        #self.allocation[self.Hedge[0]] = risk_weight * .05
        for stock in self.ACR_bonds:
            self.allocation[stock] = ACR_bonds_data.loc[stock, 'Weight']
        for x in range(len(self.ACR_fixed)):
            self.allocation[self.ACR_fixed[x]] = self.ACR_fixed_weight[x]
    def ACR_drawdown(self, returns):
        mat = returns.cumprod().values
        [n, m] = np.shape(mat)
        maxes = np.maximum.accumulate(np.array(mat))
        for i in range(0,n):
            for j in range(m):
                mat[i,j] = mat[i,j] / maxes[i,j]
        df = pd.DataFrame(mat)
        df[df > 1] = 1
        return df
    def ACR_moving_returns(self, returns, w):
        mat = returns.values
        [n, m] = np.shape(mat)
        ret = np.zeros(shape = (n-w+1,m))
        for i in range(w-1,n):
            for j in range(m):
                ret[i-w+1,j] = np.power(np.prod(mat[(i-w+1):i+1,j]),(1.0/w))- 1.0
        return pd.DataFrame(ret)
    def ACR_get_specs(self, returns):
        metrics = pd.DataFrame((returns.mean()),columns=['Mean']) - 1.0
        metrics['STD'] = pd.DataFrame((returns.std()))
        metrics['Annualized'] = np.power(returns.cumprod().values.tolist()[-1],1.0/len(returns))- 1.0
        downside = returns.copy(deep=True) - 1
        downside[downside > 0] = 0
        downside = downside ** 2
        metrics['DownSide'] = pd.DataFrame(downside.mean() ** 0.5)
        draw = self.ACR_drawdown(returns)
        metrics['Max_Draw'] = 1.0 - draw.min().values
        ret15 = self.ACR_moving_returns(returns,21)
        metrics['Minimum15'] = ret15.min().values
        ret10 = self.ACR_moving_returns(returns,21)
        metrics['Mean10'] = ret10.mean().values
        metrics['STD10'] = ret10.std().values
        return metrics
    def ACR_zscore(self, stocks, var, var_save):
        stocks[var_save] = (stocks[var] - stocks[var].mean())/stocks[var].std(ddof=0)
        return stocks 
    def ACR_score(self, metrics):
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Mean', 'ZMean')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'STD', 'ZSTD')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Annualized', 'ZAnnualized')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'DownSide', 'ZDownSide')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Max_Draw', 'ZMax_Draw')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Minimum15', 'ZMinimum15')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'STD10', 'ZSTD10')
        metrics = self.ACR_zscore(metrics, 'Mean10', 'ZMean10')
        return metrics
Exvet_buy is ordering stocks that we already hold positions in, need to figure out why that isn't working and what other implications it might have (positions not registering)
from Manage_Modular import *
from Utility_Functions import *

class AlphaGenerator_VAA(AlphaGenerator):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.Util = Utilities(self.data)
        # these are the growth symbols we'll rotate through
        self.GrowthSymbols =["SPY", 

        # these are the safety symbols we go to when things are looking bad for growth
        self.SafetySymbols = ["LQD", 
        self.Hedge = ["VXX",]
        #VAA assets
        self.stocks = self.GrowthSymbols + self.SafetySymbols + self.Hedge
        self.allocation = {}
        self.SymbolData = []
        self.SafetyData = []
        self.VAA_calculated = False
        VAA parameters
        self.weight1 = 12
        self.weight2 = 4
        self.weight3 = 2
        self.weight4 = 1
    def register_indicators(self):
        VAA Indicators
        # I split the indicators into two different sets to make it easier for illustrative purposes below.
        # Storing all risky asset data into SymbolData object
        for symbol in list(self.GrowthSymbols):
            self.oneMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 21, Resolution.Daily)
            self.threeMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 63, Resolution.Daily)
            self.sixMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 126, Resolution.Daily)
            self.twelveMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 252, Resolution.Daily)
            self.SymbolData.append([symbol, self.oneMonthPerformance, self.threeMonthPerformance, self.sixMonthPerformance, self.twelveMonthPerformance])
        # Storing all risk-free data into SafetyData object
        for symbol in list(self.SafetySymbols):
            self.oneMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 21, Resolution.Daily)
            self.threeMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 63, Resolution.Daily)
            self.sixMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 126, Resolution.Daily)
            self.twelveMonthPerformance = self.data.MOMP(symbol, 252, Resolution.Daily)
            self.SafetyData.append([symbol, self.oneMonthPerformance, self.threeMonthPerformance, self.sixMonthPerformance, self.twelveMonthPerformance])
    def compute_allocation(self):
        for sid in self.allocation:
            self.alloc[sid] = self.allocation[sid]
    def calculate_alpha(self):
        if self.VAA_calculated:
        for sid in self.stocks:
                self.allocation[sid] = 0.0

        ##Using the Score class at the bottom, compute the score for each risky asset.
        ##This approach overweights the front month momentum value and progressively underweights older momentum values
        orderedObjScores = sorted(self.SymbolData, key=lambda x: self.ObjectiveScore(x[1].Current.Value,x[2].Current.Value,x[3].Current.Value,x[4].Current.Value), reverse=True)
        ##Using the Score class at the bottom, compute the score for each risk-free asset.
        orderedSafeScores = sorted(self.SafetyData, key=lambda x: self.ObjectiveScore(x[1].Current.Value,x[2].Current.Value,x[3].Current.Value,x[4].Current.Value), reverse=True)
        ##Count the number of risky assets with negative momentum scores and store in N. If all four of the offensive assets exhibit positive momentum scores, 
        ##select the offensive asset with the highest score and allocate 100% of the portfolio to that asset at the close
        N = 0
        for x in orderedObjScores:
            if self.ObjectiveScore(x[1].Current.Value,x[2].Current.Value,x[3].Current.Value,x[4].Current.Value) < 0:
                N += 1
        if N >= 1:
            ## If any of the four risky assets exhibit negative momentum scores, select the risk-free asset (LQD, IEF or SHY) with the highest score 
            ## (regardless of whether the score is > 0) and allocate 100% of the portfolio to that asset at the close.
            self.allocation[orderedSafeScores[0][0]] = 1.0
            #self.allocation[self.Hedge[0]] = 0.0
            ## If none of the risky assets come back with negative momentum scores, allocation 100% to the best scoring risky asset and hold until month end
            self.allocation[orderedObjScores[0][0]] = 1.0 #.95
            #self.allocation[self.Hedge[0]] = .05
        self.VAA_calculated = True
    def ObjectiveScore(self,oneMonthPerformanceValue,threeMonthPerformanceValue,sixMonthPerformanceValue,twelveMonthPerformanceValue):
        return  ((self.weight1 * oneMonthPerformanceValue)
                + (self.weight2 * threeMonthPerformanceValue)
                + (self.weight3 * sixMonthPerformanceValue)
                + (self.weight4 * twelveMonthPerformanceValue))
    def VAA_reset(self):
        self.VAA_calculated = False