Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
1) Copy backtest files and run back tests for exact same 
- time periods
- # contracts (1) / comparable contract size

Extract portfolio NAV from strategy equity chart : https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/2817/how-to-get-backtest-results-into-research/p1

Compare live algo vs backtest : https://www.quantconnect.com/forum/discussion/7606/a-new-reconciliation-metric/p1 

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import decimal
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pickle
from math import floor
# page w/ all Micro symbols - https://www.quantconnect.com/datasets/algoseek-us-futures

Algo Overview

Intraday momentum strategy that uses the momentum gauge with the following chars.
- Uses the mg difference - postive or negative to decide whether to short or long
- Uses overnight price gap to further qualify that the above is a continuing trend

Algo Deployment Steps

- Record previous prod code in file
- Increment VERSION
- Write RELEASE_NOTES or set to empty string ""
- Ensure GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE is set to most recent correct value
- Deploy Algo


# To Do:
# Modify deployment steps if self.LiveMode works as expected.
# Determine if we want to add back the old ratcheting system vs START_TAKE_PROFIT_POINTS_HIGHER
# Modify text messages to indicate when a ratchet occurs when multiple ratches take place i.e. "You've made a lot of money x2"
# Add custom rounding class for brokerage perecision - "To meet brokerage precision requirements, order StopPrice was rounded to 3670.00 from 3669.9165125"
# Setup to use the continous contract
# Can we switch from a hardcoded margin requirment to a dynamic self.initialMargin for holding daily? NOT overnight
# Customized profit / loss day ?? Keep it generalized, likely not going to do
# Adding tight stop loss after 2pm

# --------------------------------------------------------- #

# -- Release Configurations -- #

RELEASE_NOTES = "RELEASE NOTES: Fixed bug, forgot to change log level to minimal"
VERSION = 3.09

# -- User Configurations -- #

LOG_LEVEL = "minimal"
NUMBERS = ["+12035831419", "+15059771023", "+12035215903"]
FIRST_NAME = "Alpha"

# -- Global Configurations -- #

# FUTURES_CONTRACT = Futures.Indices.SP500EMini
FUTURES_CONTRACT = Futures.Indices.MicroSP500EMini


GAP_MIN = .002



# https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/trading/margin-futures-fops.php

class gapMomentum(QCAlgorithm):
    closeObjectStoreKey = "close_object"

    def Initialize(self):
        """ Initialize -- note SP500 MG start date data is 2018-11-28 """
        # -- Preset Times -- #
        # # Opto Set
        # self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 3, 25)
        # # Long Set
        # self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 5, 15)
        # self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 4, 1)
        # 1 Year
        # self.SetStartDate(2021, 3, 25)
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 3, 25)
        # Debug margin req
        # self.SetStartDate(2020, 3, 3)
        # self.SetEndDate(2020, 4, 25)
        # Current Set 
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 6, 1)
        # -- Optimizations Used -- #
        start_take_profit_points = self.GetParameter("start_take_profit_points")
        self.start_take_profit_points = START_TAKE_PROFIT_POINTS if start_take_profit_points is None else float(start_take_profit_points)
        profit_points = self.GetParameter("profit_points")
        self.profit_points = PROFIT_POINTS if profit_points is None else float(profit_points)
        gap_min = self.GetParameter("gap_min")
        self.gapMin = GAP_MIN if gap_min is None else float(gap_min)
        risk_percentage = self.GetParameter("risk_percentage")
        self.risk_percentage = RISK_PERCENTAGE if risk_percentage is None else float(risk_percentage) 
        max_loss_as_percentage = self.GetParameter("max_loss_as_percentage")
        self.max_loss_as_percentage = MAX_LOSS_POINTS_AS_PERCENTAGE if max_loss_as_percentage is None else float(max_loss_as_percentage) 
        start_take_profit_points_higher = self.GetParameter("start_take_profit_points_higher")
        self.start_take_profit_points_higher = START_TAKE_PROFIT_POINTS_HIGHER if start_take_profit_points_higher is None else float(start_take_profit_points_higher) 
        profit_points_higher = self.GetParameter("profit_points_higher")
        self.profit_points_higher = PROFIT_POINTS_HIGHER if profit_points_higher is None else float(profit_points_higher) 
        # -- Futures & Equity Setup & Go Live Clear -- #
            self.SetStartDate(2022, 2, 14)
            self.SetEndDate(2022, 2, 16)
        # Setup Futures Contract
        self.futuresContract = self.AddFuture(FUTURES_CONTRACT)
        self.futuresContract.SetFilter(5, 150)
        self.contracts = {}
        self.oi_contract = None
        # Brokerage Model
        # Add SPXL for market hours
        self.equity = self.AddEquity(EQUITY, Resolution.Minute).Symbol
        # Initial dwonload for back-test
        url = self.Download(address="https://www.dropbox.com/s/6w6ip6fvh2q7ciw/SP500_MG_Real_prod.csv?dl=1", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache"})
        self.MG_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(url))
        self.MG_df['Date'] = self.MG_df['Date'].apply(Utils.dateModFromString)
        self.MG_df['Date'] = self.MG_df['Date'].apply(Utils.dateModToFormat)
        # Capture Closing price
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(EQUITY), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.equity, 0), self.captureClosingPrice)
        # Scheduled Entry
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(EQUITY), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.equity, 0), self.openPosition)
        # Initilization Vars
        self.closingPrice = None
        self.priceGap = None
        self.price = None
        self.positionType = None
        self.openingPrice = 0
        self.security = None
        self.gapDown = None
        self.gapUp = None
        self.closePrice = None
        self.positionType = None
        self.boughtIn = False
        self.sitOut = False
        self.textProfit = True
        self.closePriceRH = None
        self.closePriceMP = None
        self.fillPrice = None
        self.stopLossTriggered = False
        self.stopLossTriggeredHigher = False

        self.SetWarmup(1, Resolution.Daily)  
        if self.LiveMode:
            self.Log("Initialized Algorithim -- Version: " + str(VERSION))
            for number in NUMBERS:
                self.Notify.Sms(number, "Initialized Algorithim -- Version: " + str(VERSION))
                if RELEASE_NOTES != "":
                    self.Notify.Sms(number, RELEASE_NOTES)

                # RELEASE_NOTES
    def OnData(self, data):
        """ Sorts Futures Contracts by OpenInterest """
        self.data = data
            value = self.ObjectStore.Read(self.closeObjectStoreKey)
            deserialized_value = bytes(self.ObjectStore.ReadBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey))
            self.closingPrice = pickle.loads(deserialized_value)
            self.Debug("Current closingPrice stored: " + str(self.closingPrice))
            self.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey, pickle.dumps(GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE))
            self.Debug("Manually stored closingPrice: " + str(GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE))
        if GO_LIVE_CLEAR:

        # Iterates through futures contracts
        for chain in self.data.FutureChains:
            # self.Log("Current Security At OnData: "+ str(self.security)) 
            contracts = sorted([k for k in chain.Value if k.OpenInterest > 0],
                key=lambda k : k.OpenInterest, reverse=True)
            # self.Log("Contracts At Ondata: " + str(contracts))

            if not contracts:
                # self.Log("Continuing at OnData, no contracts")

            # Chooses Futures Contract with most open interest
            self.oi_contract = contracts[0]
            # Uses Futures Contract with most Open Interest
            self.symbol = self.oi_contract.Symbol
            if self.symbol not in self.contracts:
                self.contracts[self.symbol] = SymbolData(self, self.symbol)
                self.contracts[self.symbol].consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.IntradayBars
                # self.Log("Setting Consolidator at Intraday")  

            # self.Debug(" Debug for chain ")    
            self.security = self.Securities[self.symbol]
            self.price = self.security.Price
            # self.Log("Current Security At OnData: " + str(self.security))
            # self.Log("Current Price For Security At OnData: " + str(self.price))
            self.initialMargin = self.security.BuyingPowerModel.InitialOvernightMarginRequirement # [RHINSEN] - do we need this?
        self.closePriceMP = self.price
    def openPosition(self): 
        """ Opens Position Short or Long """
        self.Log("At OpenPosition")

        # Return for hardcoding / clearing
        # Catch if OnData didn't run first, if it hasn't, set security

        # if self.security is None: # Remove to set secruity evertytime
        if self.security is None:
            for chain in self.data.FutureChains:
                contracts = sorted([k for k in chain.Value if k.OpenInterest > 0],
                    key=lambda k : k.OpenInterest, reverse=True)

                self.Log("Contracts: " + str(contracts))

                if not contracts:
                    self.Log("Continuing at openPosition -- No Contracts")

                # Chooses Futures Contract with most open interest
                self.oi_contract = contracts[0]
                # Uses Futures Contract with most Open Interest
                if self.symbol not in self.contracts:
                    self.contracts[self.symbol] = SymbolData(self, self.symbol)
                    self.contracts[self.symbol].consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.IntradayBars
                    self.Log("Set Consolidator At Open")

                self.security = self.Securities[self.symbol]
                self.price = self.security.Price
                self.Log("Current Security At openPosition: " + str(self.security))
                self.Log("Current Price For Security At openPosition: " + str(self.price))
        # Read in stored value for closePrice to closingPrice when not warming up
        if not self.IsWarmingUp:
            if self.ObjectStore.ContainsKey(self.closeObjectStoreKey):
                value = self.ObjectStore.Read(self.closeObjectStoreKey)
                deserialized_value = bytes(self.ObjectStore.ReadBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey))
                self.closingPrice = pickle.loads(deserialized_value)
                self.Log("Set closingPrice At openPosition From Saved Value")  

                if self.LiveMode:
                    self.closingPrice = GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE
                    self.Log("Set closingPrice At openPosition From Global Value")

            # Calculate price gap for MG
            if self.price is not None and self.closingPrice is not None and self.priceGap is None:
                self.Log("Setting PriceGap at openPosition")
                # Needed for a new day of trading
                self.startInvestment = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
                self.boughtIn = False
                self.sitOut = False
                self.textProfit = True
                self.fillPrice = None
                self.keepPrice = self.price
                self.openingPrice = self.price

                # Price Gap Logic
                self.priceGap = self.price - self.closingPrice
                self.gapUp = self.closingPrice * (1+self.gapMin)
                self.gapDown = self.closingPrice * (1-self.gapMin)

                self.Log("PriceGap set at openPosition- Old Closing Price: " + str(self.closingPrice) + " -- Open Price: " + str(self.price) + " -- Price Gap: " + str(self.priceGap) + " -- gap Up: " + str(self.gapUp) + " -- gap down: " + str(self.gapDown))

                for number in NUMBERS:
                    if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                        self.Notify.Sms(number, "Set at openPosition- Old Closing Price: " + str(self.closingPrice) + " -- Open Price: " + str(self.price) + " -- Price Gap: " + str(self.priceGap) + " -- gap Up: " + str(self.gapUp) + " -- gap down: " + str(self.gapDown))
                # Cause a reinitilization of the file download every open position if LIVE
                if self.LiveMode:
                    url = self.Download(address="https://www.dropbox.com/s/6w6ip6fvh2q7ciw/SP500_MG_Real_prod.csv?dl=1", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache"})
                    self.MG_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(url))
                    # Grab last known entry, which should be yesterday
                    self.dayUsed = self.MG_df.iloc[-1][0]
                    self.MG_positive = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][1])
                    self.MG_negative = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][2])
                    self.MG_difference = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][3])
                    self.MG_daily_change = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][4])

                    for number in NUMBERS:
                        if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                            self.Notify.Sms(number, str(self.Time) + " -- Using Day: " + str(self.dayUsed) + " -- MG Difference: " + str(self.MG_difference) + " -- MG Daily Change: " + str(self.MG_daily_change))
        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " opening Portfolio Margin: " + str(self.Portfolio.MarginRemaining)) 
    def captureClosingPrice(self):
        """ Capture closing price """
        # Closing Price information [MPURCELL]
        if not self.IsWarmingUp:

            self.closePriceRH = self.price
            if self.closePriceRH is not None:
                self.closePrice = self.closePriceRH
                self.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey, pickle.dumps(self.closePrice))
                self.priceGap = None

                self.Log('Used RH close price of: ' + str(self.closePrice))
                if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                    for number in NUMBERS:
                        self.Notify.Sms(number, "Closing Price: " + str(self.closePrice))

            elif self.closePriceMP is not None:
                self.closePrice = self.closePriceMP
                self.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey, pickle.dumps(self.closePrice))
                self.priceGap = None

                self.Log('Used MP close price of: ' + str(self.closePrice))
                if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                    for number in NUMBERS:
                        self.Notify.Sms(number, "Closing Price: " + str(self.closePrice))
            self.closePrice = GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE
            self.Log('Used Global Close Price: ' + str(self.closePrice))
            self.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey, pickle.dumps(self.closePrice))
            self.priceGap = None

    def IntradayBars(self, sender, bar):
        """ Creates IntraDay Bars """
        if not self.oi_contract or self.oi_contract.Symbol != bar.Symbol:
        # Check if Today's date in MG File for back-testing
            current_time = f'{self.Time.year}-{self.Time.month}-{self.Time.day}'
            todayidxList = self.MG_df.index[self.MG_df['Date']==current_time].tolist()
            todayIDX = todayidxList[0] 
            self.todaysValues = True
            self.todaysValues = False
        # Use Yesterday's numbers to prevent look-ahead bias
        if self.todaysValues == True:
            self.dayUsed = self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][0]
            self.MG_positive = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][1])
            self.MG_negative = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][2])
            self.MG_difference = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][3])
            self.MG_daily_change = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][4])
        # Time Logic
        current_time = self.Time.strftime("%H:%M")
        current_time_as_date = datetime.strptime(current_time, '%H:%M').time()
        # This is a back-up if open position somehow doesn't get the priceGap, an OK use of a `==`
        if current_time_as_date >= datetime.strptime('9:30', '%H:%M').time() and current_time_as_date <= datetime.strptime('10:00', '%H:%M').time():
            if self.priceGap is None and not self.IsWarmingUp:
                self.Log("Setting PriceGap at Intraday")  

                if self.ObjectStore.ContainsKey(self.closeObjectStoreKey):
                    value = self.ObjectStore.Read(self.closeObjectStoreKey)
                    deserialized_value = bytes(self.ObjectStore.ReadBytes(self.closeObjectStoreKey))
                    self.closingPrice = pickle.loads(deserialized_value)
                    self.Log("Set closingPrice At Intraday From Saved Value")  

                    if self.LiveMode:
                        self.closingPrice = GO_LIVE_CLOSING_OVERWRITE_VALUE
                        self.Log("Set closingPrice At Intraday From Overwrite Value")  

                # Needed for a new day of trading
                self.startInvestment = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
                self.boughtIn = False
                self.sitOut = False
                self.textProfit = True
                self.fillPrice = None
                self.keepPrice = self.price
                self.openingPrice = self.price
                # Price Gap Logic
                self.priceGap = self.price - self.closingPrice
                self.gapUp = self.closingPrice * (1+self.gapMin)
                self.gapDown = self.closingPrice * (1-self.gapMin)

                self.Log("PriceGap Set at Intraday Bars == - Old Closing Price: " + str(self.closingPrice) + " -- Open Price: " + str(self.price) + " -- Price Gap: " + str(self.priceGap) + " -- gap Up: " + str(self.gapUp) + " -- gap down: " + str(self.gapDown))
                for number in NUMBERS:
                    if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                        self.Notify.Sms(number, "Set at == - Old Closing Price: " + str(self.closingPrice) + " -- Open Price: " + str(self.price) + " -- Price Gap: " + str(self.priceGap) + " -- gap Up: " + str(self.gapUp) + " -- gap down: " + str(self.gapDown))
                if self.LiveMode:
                    url = self.Download(address="https://www.dropbox.com/s/6w6ip6fvh2q7ciw/SP500_MG_Real_prod.csv?dl=1", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache"})
                    self.MG_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(url))
                    # Grab last known entry, which should be yesterday
                    self.dayUsed = self.MG_df.iloc[-1][0]
                    self.MG_positive = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][1])
                    self.MG_negative = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][2])
                    self.MG_difference = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][3])
                    self.MG_daily_change = float(self.MG_df.iloc[-1][4])
                    self.Log(str(self.Time) + " -- Using Day: " + str(self.dayUsed) + " -- MG Difference: " + str(self.MG_difference) + " -- MG Daily Change: " + str(self.MG_daily_change))

                    for number in NUMBERS:
                        if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                            self.Notify.Sms(number, str(self.Time) + " -- Using Day: " + str(self.dayUsed) + " -- MG Difference: " + str(self.MG_difference) + " -- MG Daily Change: " + str(self.MG_daily_change))
        # Begin to allow buy in process when price gap is exceeded
        if current_time_as_date >= datetime.strptime('9:30', '%H:%M').time() and current_time_as_date <= datetime.strptime('16:55', '%H:%M').time() and self.sitOut == False:
            # For Initial BuyIn
            if not self.security.Invested and self.boughtIn == False and self.sitOut == False and self.priceGap and self.Securities[EQUITY].Exchange.ExchangeOpen == True and not self.IsWarmingUp:
                It's not enough to wish, dream, hope. Even children know this. We must set sail into the sea of uncertainty. 
                We must meet fear face-to-face. We must take our dreams as maps for a greater journey. 
                Dreams, to come true, need a good story. So go live one.
                    — Vironika Tugaleva
                 # -- Long -- #
                if float(self.MG_daily_change) > 0:
                    self.positionType = 'Long'
                    # Calculate cutOffPrice using percentage instead of static number 
                    self.max_loss_points = self.price * self.max_loss_as_percentage
                    self.cutOffPrice = self.price - self.max_loss_points
                    if self.price > self.gapUp:
                        self.Log("Investing Long at Intraday")  

                        self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk = floor( (self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.risk_percentage) / (self.max_loss_points * PRICE_PER_POINT)) 
                        self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity = floor( self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / MARGIN_REQ_PER_CONTRACT )
                        if self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity < self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk:
                            self.contractsToTrade = self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity
                            self.contractsToTrade = self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk
                        self.MarketOrder(self.symbol, 1) 
                        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " Buy price: " + str(self.price) + " long contractsToTrade: " + str(self.contractsToTrade) + " portfolio value: " + str(self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue) )
                        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " risk%: " + str(self.risk_percentage) + " risk $: " + str(self.contractsToTrade * self.max_loss_points * 5) + " max_loss_pts: " +str(self.max_loss_points))
                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, str(FIRST_NAME) + ", IntraDay Gap Momentum Playing Long Today at algo price: " + str(self.price))
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, str(FIRST_NAME) + ", IntraDay Gap Momentum Playing Long Today")
                        self.boughtIn = True
                        self.stopLossTriggered = False
                        self.stopLossTriggeredHigher = False
                        self.keepPrice = self.price
                        ## Global SL
                        self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.symbol, -1, self.cutOffPrice)
                # -- Short -- #
                elif float(self.MG_daily_change) < 0:
                    self.positionType = 'Short'
                    # Calculate cutOffPrice using percentage instead of static number
                    self.max_loss_points = self.price * self.max_loss_as_percentage
                    self.cutOffPrice = self.price + self.max_loss_points
                    if self.price < self.gapDown:
                        self.Log("Investing Short at Intraday")  
                        self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk = floor( (self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * self.risk_percentage) / (self.max_loss_points * PRICE_PER_POINT)) 
                        self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity = floor( self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / MARGIN_REQ_PER_CONTRACT )
                        if self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity < self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk:
                            self.contractsToTrade = self.contractsToTradeMaxByEquity
                            self.contractsToTrade = self.contractsToTradeMaxByRisk
                        self.MarketOrder(self.symbol, -1)
                        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " Sell price: " + str(self.price) + " short contractsToTrade: " + str(self.contractsToTrade) + " portfolio value: " + str(self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue))
                        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " risk%: " + str(self.risk_percentage) + " risk $: " + str(self.contractsToTrade * self.max_loss_points * 5) + " max_loss_pts: " +str(self.max_loss_points))
                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, str(FIRST_NAME) + ", IntraDay Gap Momentum Playing Short Today at algo price: " + str(self.price))
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, str(FIRST_NAME) + ", IntraDay Gap Momentum Playing Short Today")
                        self.boughtIn = True
                        self.stopLossTriggered = False
                        self.stopLossTriggeredHigher = False
                        self.keepPrice = self.price
                        ## Global SL
                        self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder(self.symbol, 1, self.cutOffPrice) 
            # -- Dynamic Exit -- #
            if self.security.Invested and self.stopLossTriggered == False:
                # For Long, set a take profit after PROFIT_BUFFER_POINTS exceeded
                if self.positionType == 'Long':
                    if self.price >= (self.keepPrice + self.start_take_profit_points):
                        # Update Global SL
                        self.stopLossTriggered = True
                        self.keepPoints = self.keepPrice + self.profit_points 
                        updateSettings = UpdateOrderFields()
                        updateSettings.StopPrice =  decimal.Decimal(round(self.keepPoints, 2))
                        response = self.stopMarketTicket.Update(updateSettings)

                        # Capture Profit Estimation
                        self.estimatedProfit = int(abs((round(self.keepPoints, 2) - self.fillPrice) * self.contractsToTrade * PRICE_PER_POINT))
                        self.Debug("Estimated profit Long: " + str(self.estimatedProfit))

                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "TP StopLoss Triggered At: " + str(self.price))
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You will be making money today")
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You have safely locked in an estimated $" + str(self.estimatedProfit) + " in profit")
                # For Short, set a take profit after PROFIT_BUFFER_POINTS exceeded
                if self.positionType == 'Short':
                    if self.price <= (self.keepPrice - self.start_take_profit_points):
                        # Update Global SL
                        self.stopLossTriggered = True
                        self.keepPoints = self.keepPrice - self.profit_points
                        updateSettings = UpdateOrderFields()
                        updateSettings.StopPrice =  decimal.Decimal(round(self.keepPoints, 2))
                        response = self.stopMarketTicket.Update(updateSettings)

                        # Capture Profit Estimation
                        self.estimatedProfit = int(abs((round(self.keepPoints, 2) - self.fillPrice) * self.contractsToTrade * PRICE_PER_POINT))
                        self.Debug("Estimated profit Short: " + str(self.estimatedProfit))

                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "TP StopLoss Triggered At: " + str(self.price))
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You will be making money today")
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You have safely locked in an estimated $" + str(self.estimatedProfit) + " in profit")
            # Check if higher take profit threshold is met & raise the dynamic Exit
            if self.security.Invested and self.stopLossTriggeredHigher == False:  
                if self.positionType == 'Long':
                    if self.price >= (self.keepPrice + self.start_take_profit_points_higher):
                        # Update Global SL
                        self.stopLossTriggeredHigher = True
                        self.keepPoints = self.keepPrice + self.profit_points_higher 
                        updateSettings = UpdateOrderFields()
                        updateSettings.StopPrice =  decimal.Decimal(round(self.keepPoints, 2))
                        response = self.stopMarketTicket.Update(updateSettings)

                        # Capture Profit Estimation
                        self.estimatedProfit = int(abs((round(self.keepPoints, 2) - self.fillPrice) * self.contractsToTrade * PRICE_PER_POINT))

                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "Higher TP StopLoss Triggered At: " + str(self.price))
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You will be making ALOT of money today, " + str(FIRST_NAME))
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You have safely locked in an estimated $" + str(self.estimatedProfit) + " in profit")
                        # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " Higher TP start - short algo price: " + str(self.price) + " keepPoints higher: " + str(self.keepPoints) + " keepPrice: " +str(self.keepPrice))
                if self.positionType == 'Short':
                    if self.price <= (self.keepPrice - self.start_take_profit_points_higher):
                        # Update Global SL
                        self.stopLossTriggeredHigher = True
                        self.keepPoints = self.keepPrice - self.profit_points_higher
                        updateSettings = UpdateOrderFields()
                        updateSettings.StopPrice =  decimal.Decimal(round(self.keepPoints, 2))
                        response = self.stopMarketTicket.Update(updateSettings)

                        # Capture Profit Estimation
                        self.estimatedProfit = int(abs((round(self.keepPoints, 2) - self.fillPrice) * self.contractsToTrade * PRICE_PER_POINT))

                        for number in NUMBERS:
                            if LOG_LEVEL == "info":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "Higher TP StopLoss Triggered At: " + str(self.price))
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You will be making ALOT of money today, " + str(FIRST_NAME))
                            elif LOG_LEVEL == "minimal":
                                self.Notify.Sms(number, "You have safely locked in an estimated $" + str(self.estimatedProfit) + " in profit")
            # Check whether max_loss_stop is exceeded, if so sit out
            if self.positionType == 'Long':
                if self.price <= self.cutOffPrice:
                    self.sitOut = True
                    if self.security.Invested:
            if self.positionType == 'Short':
                if self.price >= self.cutOffPrice:
                    self.sitOut = True
                    if self.security.Invested:
        # Liquadate always before end of day          
        if self.security.Invested and current_time_as_date >= datetime.strptime('16:55', '%H:%M').time():
            # self.Debug('Liqudated Close of Day ' + str(self.positionType) + ': ' + str(self.Time))
        # Bought in, and have closed position
        if not self.security.Invested and self.boughtIn == True and self.textProfit == True:
            self.textProfit = False
            # Get Daily Profit
            profit = round((self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue  - self.startInvestment), 2)
            # self.Debug('Daily Profit: '+str(profit))
            if profit >= 0:
                gains = 'Profit'
                gains = 'Loss'

            # Msg
            if LOG_LEVEL in ['minimal', 'info']:
                for number in NUMBERS:
                    self.Notify.Sms(number, "IntraDay Gap Momentum Sold " + str(self.positionType) + " Today for " + str(gains) + ": $" + str(profit))
    def closePosition(self):
        """ close position """
        ### Liquadate and Text
        # -- Clean up Stop Losses -- #
        # Gets Open Tickets related to stop loss
        open_tickets = self.Transactions.GetOpenOrderTickets()
        # Parses through open tickets looking for stop loss
        stop_tickets = [ticket for ticket in open_tickets if ticket.OrderType == OrderType.StopMarket]

        # If More then one active stop loss ticket, cancel current stop losses, create ticket
        if len(stop_tickets) > 1 :
            for ticket in stop_tickets:
                ticket.Cancel('Canceled stop loss tickets')
                create_ticket = True
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
        """ QC function for when futures contract changes """
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            self.symbol = security.Symbol
            symbolData = self.contracts.get(self.symbol, None)

    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderevent):
        """ Grabs price from initial fill event """

        order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(orderevent.OrderId)
        if orderevent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled:
            self.fillPrice  = orderevent.FillPrice

class SymbolData:
    """ For data consolidation with 5 minute bars"""
    def __init__(self, algorithm, symbol):
        periods = {
        '1D': timedelta(1),
        'INTRADAY': timedelta(minutes=5)

        self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(periods['INTRADAY'])
        # if algorithm.LiveMode:
        message = str(type(self.consolidator))
        # Used for Intraday Function
        self.atr = AverageTrueRange(14, MovingAverageType.Simple)
        algorithm.RegisterIndicator(symbol, self.atr, self.consolidator)
class Utils:
    """ Utility Functions """
    def dateModFromString(x):
        return datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')
    def dateModToFormat(x):
        return x.strftime("%Y-%-m-%-d")

Algo Objective:
Trade VIX futures intraday using previous day's direction and MG for direction. 

According to VIX Research: 
Days up Avg:        1.67
Days up median:     1.0
Days down Avg:      2.53
Days down median:   2.0 

MG_dailyChange predicts 
VIX updays after MG_daily_change < 0:    44% 
VIX downdays after MG_daily_change > 0:  68% 

Both conclude that predicting down days is easier than predicting up days. 

try adding TP pts similar to Gap Mo. PROD 


Notes / Inferences:

Shorting vix works much better than going long (as predicted). Going Long only has positive return if using MG_daily_change only 
MG_daily_change adds a lot of benefit to the short side - only a little to the long side. 
MG_difference does the worst 
Very little difference in CAGR between MG_daily_change only and MG_daily_change with days in a row (in_a_row has better PSR, info ratio, but/and trades 23% less) 

I could put $ into shorting now. 
- Long does better when the previously day was a down day for the VIX. 

# Next Steps
# Add TP pts 
# add SL 
From 2021 - June 2022
VX Range Avg:        0.63
VX Range Median:    .40     

# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import statistics
from datetime import datetime
from io import StringIO
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# endregion



class CryingFluorescentYellowBuffalo(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # Debug Set
        # self.SetStartDate(2022,3,1)   
        # self.SetEndDate(2022,6,10)
        # Long Set

        self.equity = self.AddEquity(EQUITY, Resolution.Minute)

        self.vix = self.AddData(CBOE, "VIX").Symbol

        # Setup Futures Contract
        self.futuresContract = self.AddFuture(FUTURES_CONTRACT, dataNormalizationMode = DataNormalizationMode.Raw, dataMappingMode = DataMappingMode.LastTradingDay, contractDepthOffset = 0)

        # Initial dwonload for back-test
        url = self.Download(address="https://www.dropbox.com/s/6w6ip6fvh2q7ciw/SP500_MG_Real_prod.csv?dl=1", headers={"Cache-Control": "no-cache", "Pragma": "no-cache"})
        self.MG_df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(url))
        self.MG_df['Date'] = self.MG_df['Date'].apply(Utils.dateModFromString)
        self.MG_df['Date'] = self.MG_df['Date'].apply(Utils.dateModToFormat)

        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(EQUITY), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(EQUITY, 1), self.dayStart)

        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(EQUITY), self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(EQUITY, 0), self.dayEnd)

        # Iniatialzed Vars
        self.MG_daily_change = None 
        self.previouslyUp = False

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):
        self.data = data 

        if data.ContainsKey("VIX"):
                self.vixPriceOpen = float(data['VIX'].Open)
                self.vixPriceClose = float(data['VIX'].Close)
        self.futuresPrice = self.futuresContract.Price

    def dayStart(self):

        # Check if Today's date in MG File for back-testing
            current_time = f'{self.Time.year}-{self.Time.month}-{self.Time.day}'
            todayidxList = self.MG_df.index[self.MG_df['Date']==current_time].tolist()
            todayIDX = todayidxList[0] 
            self.todaysValues = True
            self.todaysValues = False
        # Use Yesterday's numbers to prevent look-ahead bias
        if self.todaysValues == True:
            self.dayUsed = self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][0]
            self.MG_positive = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][1])
            self.MG_negative = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][2])
            self.MG_difference = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][3])
            self.MG_daily_change = float(self.MG_df.loc[todayIDX-1][4])
        if self.MG_daily_change is not None and self.vixPriceOpen is not None and self.vixPriceClose is not None:
            # self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " Vix prev Open: " + str(self.vixPriceOpen) + " Vix prev Close: " + str(self.vixPriceClose) + " MG_daily_change: " + str(self.MG_daily_change))

            # -- Short -- 
            if self.MG_daily_change > 0 and self.vixPriceOpen > self.vixPriceClose: 
                self.MarketOrder(self.futuresContract.Mapped, -1)
                self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " sell price: " + str(self.futuresPrice))

            # -- Long -- 
            # if self.MG_daily_change < 0 and self.previouslyUp == False: 
            #     self.MarketOrder(self.futuresContract.Mapped, 1)
            #     self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " sell price: " + str(self.futuresPrice))

    def dayEnd(self):
        if self.Portfolio.Invested:
            self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " close price: " + str(self.futuresPrice))
        if self.vixPriceOpen < self.vixPriceClose:
           self.previouslyUp = True
           self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " self.previouslyUp: True" )  

            self.previouslyUp = False
            self.Debug(str(self.Time) + " self.previouslyUp: False" )

class Utils:
    """ Utility Functions """
    def dateModFromString(x):
        return datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%d')
    def dateModToFormat(x):
        return x.strftime("%Y-%-m-%-d")