Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
from collections import deque
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numpy import sum
import decimal as d
from Order_codes import (OrderTypeCodes, OrderDirectionCodes, OrderStatusCodes)
from System.Drawing import Color

class BTCStrategyIndicators(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2017, 9, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2019, 7, 21)    # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(100000)             # Set Strategy Cash
        self.AddCrypto("BTCUSD", Resolution.Hour, Market.Bitfinex)

        self.symbol = 'BTCUSD'
        # Create a Consolidator with 4 hours resolution. Register the RSI Indicator within the Consolidator.
        consFourHours = TradeBarConsolidator(4)
        self.rsiFourHour = RelativeStrengthIndex(14)
        consFourHours.DataConsolidated += self.OnFourHoursData
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator("BTCUSD", consFourHours)
        self.RegisterIndicator("BTCUSD", self.rsiFourHour, consFourHours)
        # Create a Consolidator with 1 day resolution. Register the RSI Indicator within the Consolidator.
        consOneDay = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=1))
        self.rsiDaily = RelativeStrengthIndex(14)
        consOneDay.DataConsolidated += self.OnDayData
        self.RegisterIndicator("BTCUSD", self.rsiDaily, consOneDay)
        # Define flags variable to manage orders
        self.stopLimitTicket = None
        self.buyStopOrder = None
        # Create the buy and sell tickets ojects to track if orders are filled
        self.buyTicket = None
        self.sellTicket = None 
        # Flags to avoid multiple orders while the first order to buy is not filled.
        self.buySignal = None
        # The daySignal variable would tell if the condition in the daily timeframe is reached 
        self.daySignal = None
        # Define variables to calculate pnl of each trade
        self.buyPrice = None
        self.sellPrice = None 
        # Define two rolling window for storing 4 hour and daily prices. Each rolling 
        # window have 14 periods.
        self.rsiWindow = RollingWindow[float](14)
        self.rsiDailyWindow = RollingWindow[float](14)
        # Initialize the k and d Lines in each Resolution 
        self.kLineDaily = SimpleMovingAverage('klineDaily',3)
        self.dLineDaily = SimpleMovingAverage('dlineDaily',3)
        self.kLineFourHour = SimpleMovingAverage("ThreeSMAkline", 3)
        self.dLineFourHour = SimpleMovingAverage("ThreeSMAdline", 3)
        # Buy and sells order filled are marked with black diamond(buys) and green light square(sells)
        btcPrice = Chart('BTCPrice')
        btcPrice.AddSeries(Series("BTCUSD", SeriesType.Line,0))
        btcPrice.AddSeries(Series("Buy", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        btcPrice.AddSeries(Series("Sell", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        overlayPlot = Chart("OverlayPlot")
        # Buy Signals are marked with a green triangle in the stochastic lines
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("RedLine", SeriesType.Line, '$',Color.Red,0))
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("BlueLine", SeriesType.Line, '$' , Color.Blue,0))
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series('BuySignals', SeriesType.Scatter,'$', Color.Green,0))
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("RSI", SeriesType.Line,1))
        # Get the time in which the day and four hour bars closed
        self.DayBarTime = None
        self.FourHourBar = None 
        # set a warm-up period to initialize the indicator

    def OnFourHoursData(self, sender, bar):
        This function has a Four Hour Consolidator where the data is 
        pumped in 4 hours interval. The rsiWindow store the values of
        RSI in a 14 period rolling window. With these values we create 
        the Stoch RSI
        # Don't do anything if the algorithm is warming up
        if self.IsWarmingUp:  return
        #if not self.rsiFourHour.IsReady: return 
       # self.rsiFourHour.Update(bar.EndTime, bar.Close)
        # Don't do anything if the rolling window has not enough values
        # Add the values of rsi in the rsiWindow rolling window
        if not self.rsiWindow.IsReady: return
        # Debugging messages to check consolidator and system times 
    #   self.Debug('Four Hour Consolidation EndTime Time %s  %s price %s close %s period %s' % (bar.EndTime,bar.Time,bar.Price,bar.Close,bar.Period))
        #self.Debug('Time %s' % self.Time)
        # Get the values of the current, max and min RSI since 14 periods
        rsiFourHour = self.rsiWindow[0]
        maxRSI = max(self.rsiWindow)
        minRSI = min(self.rsiWindow)
        # Define the Stoch variable that is the Stochastic formula with the RSI values
            Stoch = (rsiFourHour - minRSI) / (maxRSI - minRSI)
            # Get the kline of the Stochastic, which is the 3 SMA period
        # Geth the dline of the Stochastic which is the 3 SMA of the kline 
        if self.kLineFourHour.IsReady:                      
        if not self.kLineFourHour.IsReady or not self.dLineFourHour.IsReady: return
        #self.Debug('length of kLineFour %s' % self.kLineFourHour.Count)
        #self.Debug('length of kLineFour %s' % self.dLineFourHour.Count)
        kLine = round(self.kLineFourHour.Current.Value * 100,2)
        dLine = round(self.dLineFourHour.Current.Value * 100,2)
        dLineDaily = round(self.dLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2)
        kLineDaily = round(self.kLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2)
        #if self.rsiFourHour.IsReady and self.rsiDaily.IsReady:
        #    self.Debug('RSI Four Hour %s, kLine, Dline four hour %s %s at time %s' % (self.rsiFourHour, kLine,dLine,bar.EndTime))
        #    self.Debug('RSI Daily %s kLine, dLine daily  %s %s at time %s ' % (self.rsiDaily,kLineDaily, dLineDaily,bar.EndTime))
        #if self.dLineFourHour.IsReady:
        #self.Debug('kLine Four hour %s' % self.kLineFourHour)
        #self.Debug('Stoch is %s' % Stoch)
        #self.Debug('max RSI %s' % maxRSI)
        #self.Debug('min RSI %s' % minRSI)
        #self.Debug('RSI FourHour Value %s price %s time %s' % (rsiFourHour, bar.Close, bar.EndTime))
        #self.Debug('Four Hour RSI %s kLine %s, dLine %s , price %s consolidated time %s time %s' % (rsiFourHour,kLine,dLine,round(bar.Close,2),bar.EndTime,self.Time))
        # If the daily signal is True and kLine and dLine are lower than 20 and kLine
        # is higher than dLine, send a Limit Order to buy.
        if self.daySignal == True:
            if (kLine > dLine) and (kLine < 20) and not self.buySignal:
                currentPrice = round(self.Securities[self.symbol].Close,2)
                self.Debug('Send a LimitOrder to BUY BTCUSD at time %s with close bar time on four hours %s daily close on %s CurrentPrice %s' % (self.Time,bar.EndTime, self.DayBarTime, currentPrice))
                self.Debug('On bar time %s, kLineFourHour %s, dLineFourHour %s, kLineDaily %s dLineDaily %s' % (bar.EndTime, kLine,dLine,kLineDaily,dLineDaily))
                halfPortfolio = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * 0.5
                self.Plot("OverlayPlot", "BuySignals", kLineDaily)
                quantity = round(halfPortfolio/currentPrice,2)
                # Set limitPrice to buy 15 usd below past close of the bar
                orderPrice = round(bar.Close-15)
                self.buySignal = True
                self.buyTicket = self.LimitOrder('BTCUSD',quantity,orderPrice)
    def OnDayData(self,sender,bar):
        This function has daily timeframe, so the data is pumped one time a day.
        The rsiDailyWindow would store the values of RSI and then, generate the 
        Stoch RSI with the curr, min and max values of the window. Then are gene-
        rated the k and d lines.
        # Don't do anything if the algorithm is warming up
        if self.IsWarmingUp:  return
        #if not self.rsiDaily.IsReady: return
        # Add the RSI Values to the rolling window to store 14 values of RSI
        if not self.rsiDailyWindow.IsReady: return
        # Debugging messages to check consolidators and system times
        #self.Debug('Day Consolidation Time %s' % bar.EndTime)
        #self.Debug('Time %s' % self.Time)
        rsiDaily = self.rsiDailyWindow[0]
        maxRSI = max(self.rsiDailyWindow)
        minRSI = min(self.rsiDailyWindow)
        # Define the Stoch variable that is the Stochastic formula with the RSI values
            Stoch = (rsiDaily - minRSI) / (maxRSI - minRSI)
            # Get the kline of the Stochastic, which is the 3 SMA period
        # Geth the dline of the Stochastic which is the 3 SMA of the kline 
        if self.kLineDaily.IsReady:
        if not self.kLineDaily.IsReady or not self.dLineDaily.IsReady: return
        #self.Debug('RSI Daily Value %s price %s time %s' % (rsiDaily, bar.Close, bar.EndTime))
        #self.Debug('RSI MAX and MIN %s %s at time %s' % (round(maxRSI,2), round(minRSI,2),self.Time))
        #self.Debug('Daily kline is %s' % self.kLineDaily.Current.Value)
        #self.Debug('Daily dline is %s' % self.dLineDaily.Current.Value)
        kLineDaily = round(self.kLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2) 
        dLineDaily = round(self.dLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2)
        self.Plot("OverlayPlot", "BlueLine", kLineDaily)
        self.Plot("OverlayPlot", "RedLine", dLineDaily)
        self.Plot("OverlayPlot", "RSI", rsiDaily)
        self.Plot('BTCPrice', 'BTCUSD', bar.Close)
        #kLineFourHour = round(self.kLineFourHour.Current.Value * 100,2)
        #dLineFourHour = round(self.dLineFourHour.Current.Value * 100,2)
        #self.Debug('RSI Daily %s %s maxRSI %s minRSI %s , kLine, dLine daily  %s %s at time %s ' % (self.rsiDaily,round(self.rsiDaily.Current.Value,2), maxRSI,minRSI,kLineDaily, dLineDaily,bar.EndTime))

        self.DayBarTime = bar.EndTime
        #self.Debug('Daily RSI Value %s daykLine %s ,daydLine %s, klineFourHour %s , dlineFourHour %s, price %s at consolidator time %s and time %s' % (round(self.rsiDaily.Current.Value,2), kLineDaily, dLineDaily, kLineFourHour, dLineFourHour, round(bar.Close,2), bar.EndTime,self.Time))
        # If kLine and dLine are less than 15 the flag variable self.daySignal is set to True
        if (kLineDaily) < d.Decimal(15) and  (dLineDaily) < d.Decimal(15):
            self.daySignal = True
           # self.Debug('At %s daySignal is True as kLine and dLine daily are %s %s' % (bar.EndTime,kLineDaily, dLineDaily))
            #self.Debug('%s k line and d line daily are %s %s' % (self.Time,Stoch, self.kLineDaily.Current.Value))#,self.dLineDaily.Current.Value))

            self.daySignal = False
        currentPrice = self.Securities['BTCUSD'].Price
        # If the stopOrder was submitted, and the current Price is higher than
        # previous price, we update the stopPrice and limitPrice of the stopLimitOrder. 
        if self.stopLimitTicket is not None:
            if currentPrice > self.previousPrice:
                updateOrderFields = UpdateOrderFields()
                # Update stop and limit price of the stopLimit order each time current Price is higher than previous price
                newStop = round(currentPrice * d.Decimal(0.93),3)
                limitPrice = round(newStop - 15,3)
                updateDate = self.stopLimitTicket.Time.date()
                updateOrderFields.StopPrice = newStop
                updateOrderFields.LimitPrice = limitPrice
              #  self.Debug('Update stopLimitOrder at %s  with current price %s higher than previous price %s new stop is %s' % (updateDate,currentPrice, self.previousPrice,newStop))
        # Track the dLine and kLine differences once the BTCUSD asset is in 
        # the Portfolio
        if self.Portfolio['BTCUSD'].Invested:
            dLine = round(self.dLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,3)
            kLine = round(self.kLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,3)
            diff = round(dLine - kLine,2)
            if (diff) > d.Decimal(3):
                # Cancel open orders that are in the market: stopOrder
                quantity = self.Portfolio['BTCUSD'].Quantity
                # Set limitPrice to sell 15 usd above past close
                sellPrice = round(bar.Close + 15,2)
                self.sellTicket = self.LimitOrder('BTCUSD',-quantity,sellPrice)
                self.Debug('On %s sell BTC with a difference between dLine and KLine of %s dLine is higher than kLine by 3' % (self.Time.date(),diff))
        self.previousPrice = currentPrice
    def CancelOpenOrders(self):
        oo = self.Transactions.GetOpenOrders()
        for order in oo:
            #self.Debug('On Time %s' % self.Time)
            #self.Debug('At %s cancel %s Open Order with %s direction submitted on %s last update on %s' % (self.Time,OrderTypeCodes[order.Type], OrderDirectionCodes[order.Direction],order.Time, order.LastUpdateTime))
    def OnOrderEvent(self, event):
        # Handle filling of buy & sell orders:
        # Determine if order is the buy or the sell or the stop
        order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(event.OrderId)
        #self.Log("{0}: {1}: {2}".format(self.Time, order.Type, event))
        #if OrderStatusCodes[order.Status] == 'Filled' and OrderDirectionCodes[order.Direction] == 'Buy' and not self.buyStopOrder:
        if self.buyTicket is not None and not self.buyStopOrder:
            if OrderStatusCodes[self.buyTicket.Status] == 'Filled':
                quantity = self.buyTicket.Quantity
                self.buyPrice = self.buyTicket.AverageFillPrice
                self.Plot("BTCPrice", "Buy", self.buyPrice)
                self.Debug("Buy Limit order filled at time %s with price %s" % (self.Time, self.buyPrice)) 
                # Define a stopLimitOrder witha a stopPrice 7% far away the filled price
                stopPrice = round(self.buyPrice * d.Decimal(0.93),2)
                # LimitPrice 15 usd below the stopPrice. This price would be updated if current BTC price go up
                stopLimitPrice = round(stopPrice - d.Decimal(15),2)
                # This variable is set to true in order to send the stopOrder one time only
                self.buyStopOrder = True  
               # self.Debug("Submit Stop Limit Order with Stop and Limit price of %s %s" % (stopPrice, stopLimitPrice))                
                self.stopLimitTicket = self.StopLimitOrder('BTCUSD',-quantity,stopPrice,stopLimitPrice)
        if self.sellTicket is not None and self.buySignal:
            # Reset buystopOrder 
            if OrderStatusCodes[self.sellTicket.Status] == 'Filled':
                self.sellPrice = self.sellTicket.AverageFillPrice
                dLine = round(self.dLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2) 
                kLine = round(self.kLineDaily.Current.Value * 100,2)
                self.Debug("At %s SELL LIMIT order filled at price %s time filled %s with k and d Daily Lines %s %s" % (self.Time, self.sellPrice, order.LastFillTime, kLine,dLine)) 
                self.Plot("BTCPrice", "Sell", self.sellPrice)
                if self.sellPrice > self.buyPrice:
                    pnl = (self.sellPrice - self.buyPrice) * (-self.sellTicket.Quantity)
                    self.Debug('Win trade with Pnl %s' % round(pnl,2))
                    pnl = (self.sellPrice - self.buyPrice) *  (-self.sellTicket.Quantity)
                    self.Debug('Loss trade with Pnl %s' % round(pnl,2))
                self.buyStopOrder = None
                self.buyTicket = None
                self.buySignal = None
                self.sellTicket = None
                self.sellPrice = None
                self.buyPrice = None
                if self.stopLimitTicket is not None:
                    self.stopLimitTicket = None

        ## CHECK IF STOP LIMIT ORDER WAS FILLED ##          
        if self.stopLimitTicket is not None and self.buySignal:
            if OrderStatusCodes[self.stopLimitTicket.Status] == 'Filled':
                self.sellPrice = self.stopLimitTicket.AverageFillPrice
                self.Plot("BTCPrice", "Sell", self.sellPrice)
                # If stop order is filled, cancel the sell order, if any:
               # self.Debug("On %s StopLimit order filled with price %s time filled %s" % (self.Time,self.sellPrice, order.LastFillTime))
                if self.sellPrice > self.buyPrice:
                    pnl = (self.sellPrice - self.buyPrice) * (-self.stopLimitTicket.Quantity)
                    self.Debug('Win trade with Pnl %s' % round(pnl,2))
                    pnl = (self.sellPrice - self.buyPrice) * (-self.stopLimitTicket.Quantity)
                    self.Debug('Loss trade with Pnl %s' % round(pnl,2))
                self.stopLimitTicket = None
                self.buyStopOrder = None
                self.buyTicket = None
                self.buySignal = None
                self.sellPrice = None
                self.buyPrice = None
                if self.sellTicket is not None:
                    self.sellTicket = None
This file contains QuantConnect order codes for easy conversion and more 
intuitive custom order handling


OrderTypeKeys = [
    'Market', 'Limit', 'StopMarket', 'StopLimit', 'MarketOnOpen',
    'MarketOnClose', 'OptionExercise',

OrderTypeCodes = dict(zip(range(len(OrderTypeKeys)), OrderTypeKeys))

OrderDirectionKeys = ['Buy', 'Sell', 'Hold']
OrderDirectionCodes = dict(zip(range(len(OrderDirectionKeys)), OrderDirectionKeys))


OrderStatusCodes = {
    0:'New', # new order pre-submission to the order processor
    1:'Submitted', # order submitted to the market
    2:'PartiallyFilled', # partially filled, in market order
    3:'Filled', # completed, filled, in market order
    5:'Canceled', # order cancelled before filled
    6:'None', # no order state yet
    7:'Invalid', # order invalidated before it hit the market (e.g. insufficient capital)
    8:'CancelPending', # order waiting for confirmation of cancellation