Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
Portfolio Turnover
from AlgorithmImports import *

class alpha_1_day(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self, ndx):
        self.symbol = None
        self.level = None
        self.symbol_data = {}
        self.ndx = ndx
        self.last_consolidation_time = None
        self.minute = 0

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):        
        insights = []
        # Very important function handling consolidation
        if self.last_consolidation_time is not None and self.minute != self.last_consolidation_time.minute:
            self.minute = self.last_consolidation_time.minute  # Update the minute value

            for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
                if symbol in data and data[symbol] is not None:
                    bar = data[symbol]
                    #algorithm.Debug(f'Symbol: {symbol}, Open: {bar.Open}, Close: {bar.Close}')
                    if 'level' in self.symbol_data[symbol] and self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] is not None:
                        #algorithm.Plot("Breakout Price", f"{symbol} Day Open", self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'])

                        # Generate insights for /NQ only
                        if symbol.Value == "/NQ":
                            if bar.Close > symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight(symbol.Value, timedelta(minutes=20), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up))
                            elif bar.Close <= symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat))
        return insights

    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, bar):
        self.last_consolidation_time = bar.Time

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):

        # Set symbol and add to the algorithm
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            # Notice that I have made literally the same if statement in main.py in OnSecurititesChanged function
            # It seems that main.py is still passing some contracts other than NDX and /NQ
            # Therefore I double check and make sure no other contract than /NQ and NDX can pass further
            # In Live trading this will likely pose a problem and will need to be fixed
            # Question 1: why are other contracs reaching here?
            # Question 2: how to handle the fact that QC has a max of 10 active series. What does that mean?
            if security.Symbol == "/NQ" or security.Symbol == "NDX":
                self.symbol_data[security.Symbol] = {}

            self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=15))
            self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.consolidation_handler
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(security.Symbol, self.consolidator)

                                    algorithm.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.ndx, 5), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.SetLevel(algorithm, security.Symbol)))
            # Liquidate positions at the end of the month for /NQ only
                                    algorithm.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.ndx, 5), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.LiquidatePositions(algorithm)))
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if security.Symbol in self.symbol_data:


    def SetLevel(self, algorithm, symbol):
        for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
            if symbol.Value == "NDX":  # check if the symbol is "NDX"
                history = algorithm.History(symbol, 1, Resolution.Minute)
                if not history.empty:
                    self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] = history.loc[str(symbol)].open[0]

    def LiquidatePositions(self, algorithm):
        #self.level = None
from AlgorithmImports import *

class alpha_1_month(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self, ndx):
        self.symbol = None
        self.level = None
        self.symbol_data = {}
        self.ndx = ndx
        self.last_consolidation_time = None
        self.minute = 0

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):        
        insights = []
        # Very important function handling consolidation
        if self.last_consolidation_time is not None and self.minute != self.last_consolidation_time.minute:
            self.minute = self.last_consolidation_time.minute  # Update the minute value

            for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
                if symbol in data and data[symbol] is not None:
                    bar = data[symbol]
                    #algorithm.Debug(f'Symbol: {symbol}, Open: {bar.Open}, Close: {bar.Close}')
                    if 'level' in self.symbol_data[symbol] and self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] is not None:
                        algorithm.Plot("Breakout Price", f"{symbol} Month Open", self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'])
                        algorithm.Plot("Breakout Price", "NDX Price Close", bar.Close)

                        # Generate insights for /NQ only
                        if symbol.Value == "/NQ":
                            if bar.Close > symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight(symbol.Value, timedelta(minutes=20), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up))
                            elif bar.Close <= symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat))
        return insights

    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, bar):
        self.last_consolidation_time = bar.Time

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):

        # Set symbol and add to the algorithm
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            # Notice that I have made literally the same if statement in main.py in OnSecurititesChanged function
            # It seems that main.py is still passing some contracts other than NDX and /NQ
            # Therefore I double check and make sure no other contract than /NQ and NDX can pass further
            # In Live trading this will likely pose a problem and will need to be fixed
            # Question 1: why are other contracs reaching here?
            # Question 2: how to handle the fact that QC has a max of 10 active series. What does that mean?
            if security.Symbol == "/NQ" or security.Symbol == "NDX":
                self.symbol_data[security.Symbol] = {}

            self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=15))
            self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.consolidation_handler
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(security.Symbol, self.consolidator)

                                    algorithm.TimeRules.At(0, 0), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.SetLevel(algorithm, security.Symbol)))
            # Liquidate positions at the end of the month for /NQ only
                                    algorithm.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.ndx, 10), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.LiquidatePositions(algorithm)))
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if security.Symbol in self.symbol_data:


    def SetLevel(self, algorithm, symbol):
        for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
            if symbol.Value == "NDX":  # check if the symbol is "NDX"
                history = algorithm.History(symbol, 1, Resolution.Minute)
                if not history.empty:
                    self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] = history.loc[str(symbol)].open[0]

    def LiquidatePositions(self, algorithm):
        #self.level = None
from AlgorithmImports import *

class alpha_1_week(AlphaModel):
    def __init__(self, ndx):
        self.symbol = None
        self.level = None
        self.symbol_data = {}
        self.ndx = ndx
        self.last_consolidation_time = None
        self.minute = 0

    def Update(self, algorithm, data):        
        insights = []
        # Very important function handling consolidation
        if self.last_consolidation_time is not None and self.minute != self.last_consolidation_time.minute:
            self.minute = self.last_consolidation_time.minute  # Update the minute value

            for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
                if symbol in data and data[symbol] is not None:
                    bar = data[symbol]
                    #algorithm.Debug(f'Symbol: {symbol}, Open: {bar.Open}, Close: {bar.Close}')
                    if 'level' in self.symbol_data[symbol] and self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] is not None:
                        #algorithm.Plot("Breakout Price", f"{symbol} Week Open", self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'])

                        # Generate insights for /NQ only
                        if symbol.Value == "/NQ":
                            if bar.Close > symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight(symbol.Value, timedelta(minutes=20), InsightType.Price, InsightDirection.Up))
                            elif bar.Close <= symbol_info['level']:
                                #insights.append(Insight.Price(symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat))
        return insights

    def consolidation_handler(self, sender, bar):
        self.last_consolidation_time = bar.Time

    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, algorithm, changes):

        # Set symbol and add to the algorithm
        for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
            # Notice that I have made literally the same if statement in main.py in OnSecurititesChanged function
            # It seems that main.py is still passing some contracts other than NDX and /NQ
            # Therefore I double check and make sure no other contract than /NQ and NDX can pass further
            # In Live trading this will likely pose a problem and will need to be fixed
            # Question 1: why are other contracs reaching here?
            # Question 2: how to handle the fact that QC has a max of 10 active series. What does that mean?
            if security.Symbol == "/NQ" or security.Symbol == "NDX":
                self.symbol_data[security.Symbol] = {}

            self.consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=15))
            self.consolidator.DataConsolidated += self.consolidation_handler
            algorithm.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(security.Symbol, self.consolidator)

                                    algorithm.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.ndx, 5), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.SetLevel(algorithm, security.Symbol)))
            # Liquidate positions at the end of the month for /NQ only
                                    algorithm.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose(self.ndx, 5), 
                                    Action(lambda: self.LiquidatePositions(algorithm)))
        for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
            if security.Symbol in self.symbol_data:


    def SetLevel(self, algorithm, symbol):
        for symbol in self.symbol_data.keys():
            if symbol.Value == "NDX":  # check if the symbol is "NDX"
                history = algorithm.History(symbol, 1, Resolution.Minute)
                if not history.empty:
                    self.symbol_data[symbol]['level'] = history.loc[str(symbol)].open[0]

    def LiquidatePositions(self, algorithm):
        #self.level = None
from AlgorithmImports import *
from alpha_1_month import alpha_1_month as Month
from alpha_1_week import alpha_1_week as Week
from alpha_1_day import alpha_1_day as Day
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

class MyAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2023, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2023, 12, 31)

        self.ndx = self.AddIndex("NDX", Resolution.Minute).Symbol
        self.qqq = self.AddFuture(Futures.Indices.NASDAQ100EMini, Resolution.Minute)
        self.qqq.SetFilter(timedelta(0), timedelta(180))
        self.contract = None

        # Track symbols in our universe
        self.universe_symbols = [self.ndx]
        # Set algorithm framework models

        # Add Alpha model
        # Repeat this line if we want to add more alpha models (for each timeframe for example)




    def OnData(self, data):
        # for symbol in self.universe_symbols:
        #     if symbol in data and data[symbol] is not None:
        #         self.Plot("Data Chart", str(symbol), data[symbol].Close)

        # ndx_close = data[self.ndx].Close if self.ndx in data and data[self.ndx] is not None else 0
        # nq_close = data[self.qqq.Symbol].Close if self.qqq.Symbol in data and data[self.qqq.Symbol] is not None else 0
    def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
        added_contracts = [x for x in changes.AddedSecurities if x.Symbol.SecurityType == SecurityType.Future]
        if added_contracts:
            self.contract = sorted(added_contracts, key=lambda x: x.Expiry, reverse=True)[0]
            # Pass through only continuous future contract data (probably not suitable for live trading, but for plotting it's good)
            if self.contract.Symbol == "/NQ":

                # Append symbol to out universe symbols array which then goes to the manual universe selection model