Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.api as sm
import sklearn as sk
from sklearn import linear_model
import math
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
from pandas.tseries.offsets import MonthEnd
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from io import StringIO

class FINA4803(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        ### The below is required for self.History, but can't get it to work yet
        #historydate = datetime.date(datetime.now()) - datetime.date(datetime(1998,12,23))
        #self.history_days = int(historydate.days)+1
        #self.alpha_file_df = self.getRegressionCoefficients()
        #The alpha_file_df's first date, change accordingly
        self.First_Trading_Date = datetime(2002,2,28)
        self.Start_Date = datetime(2002, 2, 28) #Backtest period begin - earliest date is 2002/01/31 for FF5 Portfolio, 2002/02/28 for ETF
        self.End_Date = datetime(2020,12,31) #Backtest period end - latest is last month's last day (e.g. if now is 2021/02/25, then latest is 2021/01/31)
        self.SetCash(1000000) #Starting Cash
        #Number of months between backtest period begin and the ETF's first start trading dates
        self.counter = (self.Start_Date.year - self.First_Trading_Date.year) * 12 + (self.Start_Date.month - self.First_Trading_Date.month)
        #Start Date, End Date - don't change these
        #self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage, AccountType.Cash)
        self.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercentage = 0.02 # Set Cash %age of Portfolio
        self.benchmark = "SPY"
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark) # Add SPY for Benchmark
        self.SetBenchmark(self.benchmark) # Set Benchmark
        #Download regression results from dropbox, relevant links below:
        # 36 Months Rolling Alpha, Monthly Trading
        FF5_Against_FF_Portfolio = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/a64gl0yxgx285xl/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_FF_Portfolio = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/aqeqt8yag7cpydi/Alphas%20-%20FF%20Portfolio%20Against%20FF3%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_6_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/cn4v6oqhvvm3g5t/Alphas%20-%206%20ETF%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_6_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/622igj5olkys3sv/Alphas%20-%206%20ETF%20Against%20FF3%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF5_Against_9_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/x2c915qgyjmcgpw/Alphas%20-%209%20ETFs%20Against%20FF5%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        FF3_Against_9_ETFs = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/377ig3soc14oo65/Alphas%20-%209%20ETFs%20Against%20FF3%20Factors.csv?dl=1"
        alpha_file = self.Download(FF5_Against_6_ETFs)
        self.alpha_file_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(alpha_file)))
        self.alpha_file_df = self.alpha_file_df.rename({'Unnamed: 0':'Date'}, axis=1) #Added "Date" column name
        self.alpha_file_df.drop('Date', axis=1, inplace=True)
        #Download NBER US Reccession Index data
        nber_link = "https://www.dropbox.com/s/rxigxh2fi0hb8si/USREC%20%28New%29.csv?dl=1"
        nber_file = self.Download(nber_link)
        self.nber_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(nber_file)))
        self.nber_df['DATE'] = pd.to_datetime(self.nber_df['DATE']) - MonthEnd(1) #Changed dates to datetime format, added MonthEnd(1) so that the dates are consistent with the ETF's dates
        self.nber_df = self.nber_df.loc[self.nber_df['DATE']>=self.First_Trading_Date]
        self.nber_df = self.nber_df.reset_index(drop=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
        self.nber_df["USREC"] = self.nber_df["USREC"].replace([0],'NO')
        self.nber_df["USREC"] = self.nber_df["USREC"].replace([1],'YES')
        #Adding tickers and safe-haven asset to portfolio
        self.safe_haven_status = True
        self.safe_haven = "TLT"
        tickers = ["XLB","XLE","XLF","XLI","XLK","XLP","XLU","XLV","XLY",self.safe_haven,self.benchmark]
        for ticker in tickers:
            symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Daily).Symbol #Add equity to portfolio and assigns symbol
            self.Securities[symbol].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.TotalReturn) # Total Return adjusts the price according to the dividend received
            #self.Consolidate(symbol, Calendar.Monthly, self.CalendarTradeBarHandler) #Consolidates daily data into monthly data https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/Algorithm.Python/DataConsolidationAlgorithm.py
            self.Securities[symbol].SetLeverage(1.0) #Leverage is set to 1 to ensure no margin used
        #Runs the self.RegressionandTrade on the last trading day each month right after market open, according to whether XLB (one of the tickers) is trading or not
        #Plot Portfolio's Cash

    def CalendarTradeBarHandler(self, tradeBar):
    def RegressionandTrade(self):
        self.DefaultOrderProperties.TimeInForce = TimeInForce.Day

        datapoint = self.alpha_file_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        nber_datapoint = self.nber_df.iloc[[int(self.counter)]]
        num_of_pos = int(datapoint.gt(0).sum(axis=1))
        first_in_list = False
        if self.safe_haven_status == False:
            if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                for ticker in datapoint.columns:
                    if first_in_list == False:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
                            first_in_list = True
                    elif first_in_list == True:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
            elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":
                for ticker in datapoint.columns:
                    if first_in_list == False:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
                            first_in_list = True
                    elif first_in_list == True:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
        elif self.safe_haven_status == True:
            if nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "NO":
                for ticker in datapoint.columns:
                    if first_in_list == False:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
                            first_in_list = True
                    elif first_in_list == True:
                        if float(datapoint[ticker]) >0:
                            #self.SetHoldings([PortfolioTarget(ticker, 1/num_of_pos)])
            elif nber_datapoint["USREC"].all() == "YES":

        self.counter = self.counter+1

    def Testfunct(self): #This is a test function only, feel free to modify
        etf_tickers = ["XLB","XLE","XLF","XLI","XLK","XLP","XLU","XLV","XLY"]
        for symbol in etf_tickers:
            self.SetHoldings(symbol, 1/len(etf_tickers))
    def PlotStuff(self):
        self.Plot('Trade Plot', 'Cash', self.Portfolio.Cash)
    #Unused / Draft Functions
    def OnData(self, data):
        '''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here.
                data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
    def getRegressionCoefficients(self):
        # .py version of Regression.ipynb 
        # each qb instance is changed to self
        ### FF5 Factors
        ff5_path = self.Download("https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dyjtlyf1g4ulvn/F-F_Research_Data_5_Factors_2x3.CSV?dl=1")
        #Below are standard code just to modify the data:
        ff5_df = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(StringIO(ff5_path), skiprows = 3)) #skiprows since I'm skipping the text and directly to the data
        ff5_df = ff5_df.rename({'Unnamed: 0':'Date'}, axis=1) #Added "Date" column name
        ff5_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(ff5_df['Date'],format='%Y%m') + MonthEnd(1) #Changed dates to datetime format, added MonthEnd(1) so that the dates are consistent with the ETF's dates
        ff5_df = ff5_df.loc[ff5_df['Date']>='1998-12-22'] #Cut off is 22 Dec 1998 since ETFs only have data after this date
        ff5_df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) #Reset Index to reflect the date cutoff
        ff5_df.drop(ff5_df.index[:1],inplace=True) #Drops the first date since it's not required for the regression
        ff5_df.reset_index(drop=True,inplace=True) #Reset Index to start from 0
        ff5_date = ff5_df.at[len(ff5_df)-1,'Date'] #Variable that is used later
        ### etf_ticker_list & history
        etf_ticker_list = ['XLB', 'XLE', 'XLF', 'XLI', 'XLK', 'XLP', 'XLU', 'XLV', 'XLY'] #etf ticker list, doesn't change
        self.history_df = {}
        for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
            ticker_symbol = self.AddEquity(ticker).Symbol #QuantConnect's way of adding securities. The securities will be added to self.Securities
            self.Securities[ticker_symbol].SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.TotalReturn) #This adjusts the price data so that all the prices have dividends reinvested and splits are adjusted
            self.history_df[ticker] = self.History(ticker_symbol,self.history_days,Resolution.Daily)
        startDate = datetime(2019,12,22) #First trading dates of all of the ETFs
        endDate = datetime(ff5_date.year, ff5_date.month, ff5_date.day) #Taken from a variable that is defined in the previous cell
        #self.history_df = self.History([self.Securities.Keys],timedelta(days=self.history_days),Resolution.Daily)
        #tester = True
        #while tester == True:
             #if self.history_df["XLB"].empty == True:
             #elif self.history_df["XLB"].empty == False:
        ticker_data = {}

        ### close_prices
        #modifies the dataframe above into a dictionary containing each ETF's closing price

        for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
            close_prices[ticker] = self.history_df[ticker]["close"]
        ### close_prices_monthly
        close_prices_monthly = {}
        #changes daily closing data into monthly using resample
        for ticker in close_prices:
            close_prices_monthly[ticker] = pd.DataFrame(close_prices[ticker].resample("1M").last()) #simply takes the last trading price of each month
            close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['close'].pct_change(periods = 1) #price change from each month
            close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'].fillna(0) #fills NaN's data with 0 (there shouldn't be any NaNs, but just in case)
            close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change']*100 #multiply by 100 so it's consistent with Fama French's RF
            close_prices_monthly[ticker].drop(close_prices_monthly[ticker].index[:1],inplace=True) #drops the first datapoint, since we can't find the price change because it's the first trading month
            close_prices_monthly[ticker]["Price Change - RF"] = close_prices_monthly[ticker]['Price Change'] - ff5_df["RF"].values
        ### etf_alphas
        etf_alphas = {}
        #dictionary to store the alphas (or intercepts) of each ETF, regressed with Fama French's 5 factors
        for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
            counter = 0
            counter1 = 36
            #counters are 0 to 36 (36 months worth of data is regressed)
            etf_alphas[ticker] = pd.DataFrame()
            placeholder = []
            while counter1 < len(close_prices_monthly[ticker].index): #Runs the while loop as long as data is available
                X = ff5_df[['Mkt-RF','SMB','HML','RMW','CMA']].iloc[counter:counter1,] #Dependent variable, which are Fama French's 5 factors
                Y = close_prices_monthly[ticker]["Price Change - RF"].iloc[counter:counter1,] #Independent variable
                regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
                counter = counter+1
                counter1 = counter1+1
            etf_alphas[ticker][ticker] = placeholder
        ### combined_etf_alpha
        #Basically combines all of the etf_alphas dictionary into one dataframe
        combined_etf_alpha = pd.DataFrame() 
        for ticker in etf_ticker_list:
            combined_etf_alpha = pd.concat([combined_etf_alpha,etf_alphas[ticker]],axis=1)
        #The below is probably bad practice since I set my own dates
        #It starts at 2002/02/28, since the data begins from 1999/01/31 + 36 months (3 years) = 2002/01/31 (call this date t)
        #This signal is practically only generated during t+1 month, that's why I began at 2002/02/28.
        combined_etf_alpha = combined_etf_alpha.set_index(pd.date_range(start='2/28/2002', periods=len(etf_alphas["XLE"]),freq="M"),"Trading Dates")
        return combined_etf_alpha