Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import PercentFormatter
from datetime import timedelta
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import seaborn as sns

def AddDrawdownInformation(df):

    # convert to cumulative return series
    cumRetSeries = df.add(1).cumprod()
    # initialize variables
    lastPeak = cumRetSeries.iloc[0][0]
    cumRetSeries['drawdown'] = 1
    cumRetSeries['ddGroup'] = 0

    # loop through the series and calculate drawdown
    count = 0
    for i in range(len(cumRetSeries)):
        if cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 0] < lastPeak:
            cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 1] = cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 0] / lastPeak
            cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 2] = count
            lastPeak = cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 0]
            cumRetSeries.iloc[i, 2] = count
            count += 1
    cumRetSeries['drawdown'] = cumRetSeries['drawdown'] - 1
    # get the max drawdown per group
    maxDrawdown = cumRetSeries.groupby('ddGroup', as_index = False)['drawdown'].min()
    maxDrawdown = maxDrawdown['drawdown']
    maxDrawdown = maxDrawdown.to_frame()
    maxDrawdown.columns = ['maxDrawdown']
    # get the start of the drawdown for each group
    startDrawdown = {key: value[0].date() for key, value in cumRetSeries.groupby('ddGroup').groups.items()}
    startDrawdown = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(startDrawdown, orient = 'index')
    startDrawdown.columns = ['startDrawdown']
    # get the end of the drawdown for each group
    endDrawdown = {key: value[-1].date() for key, value in cumRetSeries.groupby('ddGroup').groups.items()}
    endDrawdown = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(endDrawdown, orient = 'index')
    endDrawdown.columns = ['endDrawdown']
    # get the bottom of the drawdown for each group
    bottomDrawdown = cumRetSeries.groupby('ddGroup', as_index = False)['drawdown'].idxmin()
    bottomDrawdown = bottomDrawdown.to_frame()
    bottomDrawdown.columns = ['bottomDrawdown']
    infoDrawdown = pd.concat([startDrawdown, bottomDrawdown, endDrawdown, maxDrawdown], axis = 1)
    finalDf = pd.merge(cumRetSeries, infoDrawdown, how = 'inner', left_on = 'ddGroup', right_index = True)
    return finalDf
def AddDrawupInformation(drawdownDf, minimumDrawdownBetweenDrawups = 0.02):
    # initialize variables
    df = drawdownDf.copy()
    df['drawup'] = 1
    df['duGroup'] = 0
    # loop through the dataframe and calculate drawup
    count = 0
    newDrawdown = False
    for i in range(len(df)):
        # check if we started a new drawdown
        if df.iloc[i].name == df.iloc[i, 3] and df.iloc[i, 6] < minimumDrawdownBetweenDrawups * -1:
            newDrawdown = True
        if df.iloc[i].name == df.iloc[i, 4] and df.iloc[i, 6] < minimumDrawdownBetweenDrawups * -1:
            lastBottom = df.iloc[i, 0]
            newDrawdown = False
            count += 1
        if not newDrawdown and count > 0:
            df.iloc[i, 7] = df.iloc[i, 0] / lastBottom
            df.iloc[i, 8] = count
    df['drawup'] = df['drawup'] - 1
    # get the max drawup per group
    maxDrawup = df.groupby('duGroup')['drawup'].max()
    maxDrawup = maxDrawup.to_frame()
    maxDrawup.columns = ['maxDrawup']
    finalDf = pd.merge(df, maxDrawup, how = 'left', left_on = 'duGroup', right_index = True)

    return finalDf

def PlotDrawdownSeries(df, maxDays = 100, minimumMaxDrawdown = 0.1):
    filteredDf = df[(df['maxDrawdown'] <= minimumMaxDrawdown * -1) & (df.index >= df['startDrawdown']) & (df.index <= df['bottomDrawdown'])]
    grouped = filteredDf.groupby('ddGroup')
    plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10))
    for name, group in grouped:
        y = [0] + group['drawdown'].values[:maxDays].tolist()
        y = [i * 100 for i in y]
        x = [i for i in range(len(y))]
        fromDate = group['startDrawdown'][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        toDate = group['bottomDrawdown'][0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        duration = (group.index[-1] - group.index[0]).days
        maxDD = group['maxDrawdown'][0]
        plt.plot(x, y, label = fromDate + '/' + toDate + '; ' + str(duration) + ' days ; ' + '{:.0%}'.format(maxDD), linewidth = 1)
        plt.title('Historical Drawdown Series With Max DD Above ' + '{:.0%}'.format(abs(minimumMaxDrawdown))
                  + '\n First ' + str(maxDays) + ' Trading Days')
        plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(PercentFormatter(decimals = 0))
        plt.axhline(y = 0, color = 'black', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 1)
    plt.legend(loc = 'right', bbox_to_anchor = (1.5, 0.5), ncol = 1, frameon = False)

def PlotDrawupSeries(df, maxDays = 100, minimumMaxDrawup = 0.1):
    filteredDf = df[(df['duGroup'] != 0) & (df['maxDrawup'] > minimumMaxDrawup)]
    grouped = filteredDf.groupby('duGroup')

    plt.figure(figsize = (10, 10))
    for name, group in grouped:
        y = [0] + group['drawup'].values[:maxDays].tolist()
        y = [i * 100 for i in y]
        x = [i for i in range(len(y))]
        fromDate = group.index[0].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        toDate = group.index[-1].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        duration = (group.index[-1] - group.index[0]).days
        maxDU = group['maxDrawup'][0]
        plt.plot(x, y, label = fromDate + '/' + toDate + '; ' + str(duration) + ' days ; ' + '{:.0%}'.format(maxDU), linewidth = 1)
        plt.title('Historical Drawdup Series With Max DU Above ' + '{:.0%}'.format(abs(minimumMaxDrawup))
                  + '\n First ' + str(maxDays) + ' Trading Days')
        plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(PercentFormatter(decimals = 0))
        plt.axhline(y = 0, color = 'black', linestyle = '-', linewidth = 1)
    plt.legend(loc = 'right', bbox_to_anchor = (1.5, 0.5), ncol = 1, frameon = False)
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

def ConsolidatePrices(df, consolidationPeriod):
    if consolidationPeriod is None:
        return df
    # consolidate and take the last value
    df = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(level = 'time', freq = consolidationPeriod), group_keys = False).apply(lambda x: x.tail(1))
    return df
def GetDailyClose(qb, tickers, startDate, endDate, resolution, consolidationPeriod = None):
    # add symbols
    symbols = [qb.AddEquity(ticker, resolution).Symbol for ticker in tickers]
    # get historical data
    df = qb.History(symbols, startDate, endDate, resolution)['close']
    # unstack
    df = df.unstack(0)
    df.columns.name = None
    # rename index to avoid issues with symbol object naming
    df.columns = [qb.Securities[x].Symbol.Value + '_' for x in df.columns]
    # when using daily resolution, QuantConnect uses the date at midnight after the trading day
    # hence skipping Mondays and showing Saturdays. We avoid this by subtracting one day from the index
    df.index = df.index- timedelta(1)

    # apply consolidation
    df = ConsolidatePrices(df, consolidationPeriod)
    return df
def Sigmoid(x, L, b, x0, k):
    y = (L - b) / (1 + np.exp(-k * (x - x0))) + b
    return y
def CalculateCumulativeReturns(x, pricesType):
    if pricesType == 'log':
        cumulativeReturns = (x - x.shift()).fillna(0).cumsum()
    elif pricesType == 'raw':
        cumulativeReturns = x.pct_change().fillna(0).add(1).cumprod().add(-1)
    return cumulativeReturns
def PlotSigmoidOnSplitDf(df, benchmarkDf = None, splitDf = 2):
    if benchmarkDf is not None:
        # calculate cumulative returns from log prices
        df = df.transform(lambda x: CalculateCumulativeReturns(x, 'log'))
        yLabel = 'Cumulative Log-Returns'
        yLabel = 'Log-Prices'
    plt.figure(figsize = (12, 8))
    # plot
    plt.plot(df.index, df.values, '.', label = 'data')
    if benchmarkDf is not None:
        # filter benchmark data to match index
        sameDates = benchmarkDf.index.intersection(df.index)
        filteredBenchmarkDf = benchmarkDf.loc[benchmarkDf.index.isin(sameDates)]
        # calculate cumulative returns from log prices
        filteredBenchmarkDf = filteredBenchmarkDf.transform(lambda x: CalculateCumulativeReturns(x, 'log'))
        benchmarkData = filteredBenchmarkDf.values
        # plot
        plt.plot(df.index, benchmarkData, color = 'black', label = 'benchmark', alpha = 0.2)

    listOfDf = np.array_split(df, splitDf)
    xdataLast = 0
    for df in listOfDf:
        xdata = np.array([i + xdataLast for i in range(0, len(df.index))])
        ydata = df.values

        # fit function to get optimal parameters
        p0 = [np.max(ydata), np.median(xdata), 1, np.min(ydata)]
        popt, pcov = curve_fit(Sigmoid, xdata, ydata, p0,
                                bounds = ([-np.inf, -np.inf, np.min(xdata), -np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.max(xdata), np.inf]),
                                maxfev = 100000)

        # get y by applying sigmoid
        y = Sigmoid(xdata, *popt)
        # plot
        plt.plot(df.index, y, label = 'fit')
        # update xdataLast
        xdataLast = xdata[-1]
def FitCurve(df):
    xdata = np.array([i for i in range(0, len(df.index))])
    ydata = df.values
    if ydata[-1] < ydata[0]:
        return []

    # fit function to get optimal parameters
    p0 = [np.max(ydata), np.min(ydata), np.median(xdata), 1]

        popt, pcov = curve_fit(Sigmoid, xdata, ydata, p0,
                                bounds = ([-np.inf, -np.inf, np.min(xdata), -np.inf], [np.inf, np.inf, np.max(xdata), np.inf]),
                                maxfev = 100000)
        return []
    if popt[0] < popt[3]:
        return []
    # get y by applying sigmoid
    y = Sigmoid(xdata, *popt)
    # get optimal coefficients
    optL = popt[0] # L
    optB = popt[1] # b
    optX0 = popt[2] # x0
    optK = popt[3] # k
    # calculate total growth in period
    startPrice = ydata[0]
    endPrice = ydata[-1]
    periodReturn = (endPrice / startPrice) - 1
    # calculate slope at midpoint
    slopeMidpoint = (optL - optB) * optK / 4
    # calculate error
    residuals = np.square(ydata - y)
    mse = np.mean(np.square(residuals))
    rmse = np.sqrt(mse)
    return [len(df.index), rmse, periodReturn, optL, optB, optX0, optK, slopeMidpoint, df.index, ydata, y]
from QuantConnect.Securities.Option import *
from datetime import timedelta
import json
import math

def FormatHandler(x):
    ''' Serialize datetime and QC Symbol object for json storage '''
    if isinstance(x, datetime):
        return x.isoformat()
    elif isinstance(x, Symbol):
        return str(x.Value)
def UpdateEmailDictionary(self, expiryGroup, infoDict):
    ''' Update the email dictionary '''

    legLabel = infoDict['legLabel']
    daysToRoll = infoDict['daysToRoll']
    monetizingValue = infoDict['monetizingValue']
    monetizingLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['monetizingLiquidate']
    monetizingValueVsTarget = monetizingValue / monetizingLiquidate
    if daysToRoll == 7 or daysToRoll == 1:
        self.emailDict[expiryGroup]['rollingContracts'] = '* Rolling ' + legLabel + ' in ' + str(daysToRoll) + ' days.\n'
    currentThreshold = self.emailDict[expiryGroup]['monetizingContracts'][1]
    if monetizingValueVsTarget >= currentThreshold:
        self.emailDict[expiryGroup]['monetizingContracts'] = ['* ' + legLabel + ' is at ' + '{:.0%}'.format(monetizingValueVsTarget) + ' of monetizing target.\n', currentThreshold + 0.25]
def UpdateExpiryGroupsToRestart(self, expiryGroup, dynamicRule):
    ''' Adds expiry groups to expiryGroupsToRestartDict when needed to restart legs '''
    tag = '(' + expiryGroup + '; ' + dynamicRule + ' triggered)'
    rollMaxExpiryDays = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['rollMaxExpiryDays']
    for expiryGroup in self.sameRollMaxExpiryDaysExpiryGroups[str(rollMaxExpiryDays)]:
        self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict[expiryGroup] = [None, tag]

def CalculateDaysToExpiration(self, infoDict):
    ''' Calculate number of days left to contracts expiration '''
    nextExpiryDate = infoDict['nextExpiryDate']
    daysToExpiration = (nextExpiryDate.date() - self.Time.date()).days
    if daysToExpiration < 0:
        daysToExpiration = 0
    return daysToExpiration
def CalculateDaysToRoll(self, expiryGroup, infoDict):
    ''' Calculate number of days left to roll contracts '''
    daysToExpiration = CalculateDaysToExpiration(self, infoDict)
    daysToRollBeforeExpiration = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['daysToRollBeforeExpiration']
    daysToRoll = daysToExpiration - daysToRollBeforeExpiration
    return daysToRoll
def CalculateMonetizingValue(self, infoDict, remainingContractsValue):
    ''' Calculate monetizing value '''
    initialContractsValue = infoDict['initialContractsValue']
    contractsValueChange = remainingContractsValue - initialContractsValue
    portfolioValueAtPurchase = infoDict['portfolioValueAtPurchase']
    monetizingValue = contractsValueChange / portfolioValueAtPurchase
    return monetizingValue
def UpdateOptionsCumulativeAttribution(self, expiryGroup, infoDict):
    ''' Update and plot options cumulative attribution '''
    # get variables from the leg
    listContracts = infoDict['listContracts']
    numberOfContracts = infoDict['numberOfContracts']
    initialContractsValue = infoDict['initialContractsValue']
    legLabel = infoDict['legLabel']
    # calculate current options value
        remainingContractsValue = 0
        for contract in listContracts:
            contractId = str(self.Securities[contract].Symbol).replace(' ', '')
            if contractId in self.avoidContractsWithPrice and self.Securities[contract].BidPrice > self.avoidContractsWithPrice[contractId]:
                bidPrice = 0.01
                bidPrice = self.Securities[contract].BidPrice
            if self.Portfolio[contract].Quantity > 0:
                remainingContractsValue += numberOfContracts * 100 * bidPrice
                remainingContractsValue += 0
        remainingContractsValue = 0
    if self.portValueWin.IsReady and self.optionsValueWinDict[expiryGroup].IsReady and self.initialOptionsValueDict[expiryGroup].IsReady:
        if initialContractsValue != self.initialOptionsValueDict[expiryGroup][0]:
            prevOptionsValue = initialContractsValue
            prevOptionsValue = self.optionsValueWinDict[expiryGroup][0]
        if remainingContractsValue == 0:
            remainingContractsValue = prevOptionsValue
        # calculate the change in options value between yesterday and today, and retrieve previous portfolio value
        optionsValueChange = remainingContractsValue - prevOptionsValue
        prevPortValue = self.portValueWin[0]
        # calculate options attribution and add to cumulative calculation
        optionsAttr = (optionsValueChange / prevPortValue)
        cumOptionsAttr = optionsAttr + self.cumSumOptionsAttrDict[expiryGroup]
        if cumOptionsAttr != 0:
            self.Plot('Chart Options Cumulative Attribution', legLabel + ' Attr', cumOptionsAttr * 100)
        self.cumSumOptionsAttrDict[expiryGroup] = cumOptionsAttr
    # update rolling windows
def CalculateRemainingContractsValue(self, infoDict):
    ''' Calculate remaining contracts value '''
        remainingContractsValue = sum([(self.Portfolio[contract].Quantity * 100 * self.Securities[contract].BidPrice) for contract in infoDict['listContracts']])
        remainingContractsValue = 0
    # adjust the remaining contracts value to account for possible overlapping legs
    totalContracts = sum([self.Portfolio[contract].Quantity for contract in infoDict['listContracts']])
    numberOfContracts = infoDict['numberOfContracts']
    if totalContracts > 0:
        legRatio = numberOfContracts / totalContracts
        remainingContractsValue = legRatio * remainingContractsValue

    return remainingContractsValue
def CheckDynamicRebalancing(self, expiryGroup, infoDict, monetizingValue):
    ''' Check dynamic rebalancing rules '''
    dynamicRebalancing = False
    dynamicRule = ''
    # get rules parameters ----------------------------------------------------
    # underlying moves up/down
    underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate']
    underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate']
    # underlying sideways
    underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate']
    underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate']
    underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate']
    # monetizing threshold
    monetizingLiquidate = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]['monetizingLiquidate']
    # calculate underlyingPriceMove --------------------------------------------
    underlyingSymbol = self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup]
    underlyingCurrentPrice = self.Securities[underlyingSymbol].Price
    underlyingPriceAtEntry = infoDict['underlyingPriceAtEntry']
    underlyingPriceMove = (underlyingCurrentPrice / underlyingPriceAtEntry) - 1
    # check for underlying moves -----------------------------------------------
    legs = infoDict['legs']
    if legs == 'calls' and underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate is not None:
        if underlyingPriceMove < underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate:
            dynamicRebalancing = True
            dynamicRule = 'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate'
    elif legs == 'puts' and underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate is not None:
        if underlyingPriceMove > underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate:
            dynamicRebalancing = True
            dynamicRule = 'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate'
    elif underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate is not None and underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate is not None:
        if underlyingPriceMove < underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate or underlyingPriceMove > underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate:
            dynamicRebalancing = True
            dynamicRule = 'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate/underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate'
    entryDate = infoDict['entryDate']
    if (underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate is not None and underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate is not None
    and underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate is not None and (self.Time - entryDate) >= timedelta(underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate)):
        if underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate < underlyingPriceMove < underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate:
            dynamicRebalancing = True
            dynamicRule = 'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate/underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate'
    # check for monetization ---------------------------------------------------
    if monetizingLiquidate is not None and monetizingValue > monetizingLiquidate:
        dynamicRebalancing = True
        dynamicRule = 'monetizingLiquidate'
    # check the validity of the contracts first to avoid monetizing due to wrong prices
    listContracts = infoDict['listContracts']
    validContracts = CheckContractValidity(self, listContracts, expiryGroup)
    if not validContracts:
        dynamicRebalancing = False
        dynamicRule = ''

    if dynamicRebalancing and self.tradingLogs:
        + ': liquidating all option contracts with the same rollMaxExpiryDays due to dynamic rule: ' + dynamicRule
        + '; underlyingPriceMove: ' + str(underlyingPriceMove) + '; monetizingValue: ' + str(monetizingValue))
    return dynamicRebalancing, dynamicRule
def RollExpiryGroup(self, infoDict, expiryGroup, rollingType, message):
    ''' Liquidate existing contracts and enter new ones '''
    parameters = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]
    if rollingType == 'static':
        daysToExpiration = None
        expiryDays = parameters['rollMaxExpiryDays']
        daysToExpiration = CalculateDaysToExpiration(self, infoDict)
        expiryDays = parameters['maxExpiryDays']

    self.Log(parameters['legLabel'] + '; start of ' + rollingType + ' early rebalancing ----------')
    listContracts = infoDict['listContracts']
    if self.tradingLogs:
        LoggingContractsInfo(self, listContracts)
    # we add the remaining contracts value to the budget
    remainingContractsValue = CalculateRemainingContractsValue(self, infoDict)
    initialContractsValue = infoDict['initialContractsValue']
    if remainingContractsValue > (initialContractsValue * 0.75):
        remainingContractsValue = 0

    # liquidating contracts ------------------------
    liquidationWorked = LiquidateOptionContracts(self, expiryGroup, listContracts, message)
    if not liquidationWorked:
        return False, False
    # roll over contracts --------------------------
    enterOptionContractsWorked = EnterOptionContracts(self, expiryGroup,
                                                    parameters['calendarType'], parameters['positionSizing'],
                                                    expiryDays, parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration'],
                                                    parameters['calls'], parameters['puts'], parameters['legLabel'],
                                                    daysToExpiration, remainingContractsValue, rollingType)
    if not enterOptionContractsWorked:
        return True, False
    return True, True
def LoggingContractsInfo(self, listContracts):
    ''' Print some contracts info before rolling '''
    for contract in listContracts:
        contractId = str(self.Securities[contract].Symbol).replace(' ', '')
        lastPrice = self.Securities[contract].Price
        bidPrice = self.Securities[contract].BidPrice
        askPrice = self.Securities[contract].AskPrice
        self.Log(str(contractId) + '; lastPrice: ' + str(lastPrice) + '; bidPrice: ' + str(bidPrice) + '; askPrice: ' + str(askPrice))
def RebalanceCashAsset(self, shares = None):
    ''' Rebalance holdings for the cash asset '''

    if self.tradingLogs:
        self.Log('information before rebalancing cash asset'
        + '; TotalPortfolioValue: ' + str(self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        + '; cashSymbol HoldingsValue: ' + str(self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].HoldingsValue)
        + '; Cash: ' + str(self.Portfolio.Cash))
    # rebalance holdings of cash asset
    if shares is None:
        shares = int(self.Portfolio.Cash / self.Securities[self.cashSymbol].Price)
        self.MarketOrder(self.cashSymbol, shares, False, str('Rebalancing Cash Asset ' + self.specialTag))
        self.MarketOrder(self.cashSymbol, shares, False, str('Rebalancing Cash Asset ' + self.specialTag))
    self.specialTag = ''
    if self.tradingLogs:
        self.Log('information after rebalancing cash asset'
        + '; TotalPortfolioValue: ' + str(self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue)
        + '; cashSymbol HoldingsValue: ' + str(self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].HoldingsValue)
        + '; Cash: ' + str(self.Portfolio.Cash))
def EnterOptionContracts(self, expiryGroup, calendarType, positionSizing, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration,
                        dictCalls, dictPuts, legLabel, daysToExpiration = None, remainingContractsValue = None, rollingType = ''):
    ''' Enter option contracts '''
    # get the symbol for the group
    expiryGroupSymbol = self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup]
    # get only the valid calls/puts for which we actually want to trade
    dictValidCalls = {key: value for key, value in dictCalls.items() if value[1] is not None and value[1] != 0}
    dictValidPuts = {key: value for key, value in dictPuts.items() if value[1] is not None and value[1] != 0}
    # get dictionaries with relevant contracts for calls and puts
        dictContracts = GetTradingContracts(self, expiryGroup, calendarType, maxExpiryDays,
                                            daysToRollBeforeExpiration, dictValidCalls, dictValidPuts,
                                            legLabel, rollingType)
    except BaseException as e:
        if self.tradingLogs:
            self.Log('GetTradingContracts function failed due to: ' + str(e))
        dictContracts = {'calls': {}, 'puts': {}}

    # create a list with all the contracts for calls and puts to added and traded
    listContracts = list(dictContracts['calls'].values()) + list(dictContracts['puts'].values())
    if len(listContracts) == 0:
        return False
    # loop through filtered contracts and add them to get data
    for contract in listContracts:
        option = self.AddOptionContract(contract, Resolution.Minute)
        option.PriceModel = OptionPriceModels.CrankNicolsonFD() # apply options pricing model
        CustomSecurityInitializer(self, self.Securities[contract])

    # check the validity of the contracts
    validContracts = CheckContractValidity(self, listContracts, expiryGroup)
    if not validContracts:
        return False

    # separate long/short calls/puts
    dictLongs, dictShorts = {}, {}
    dictLongs['calls'] = {key: value for key, value in dictValidCalls.items() if value[1] > 0}
    dictLongs['puts'] = {key: value for key, value in dictValidPuts.items() if value[1] > 0}
    dictShorts['calls'] = {key: value for key, value in dictValidCalls.items() if value[1] < 0}
    dictShorts['puts'] = {key: value for key, value in dictValidPuts.items() if value[1] < 0}
    # get relevant variables ---------------------------------------------------
    # check if we have calls/puts or both
    if dictValidCalls and dictValidPuts:
        legs = 'both'
    elif dictValidCalls and not dictValidPuts:
        legs = 'calls'
    elif not dictValidCalls and dictValidPuts:
        legs = 'puts'
        legs = 'calls'
    # save the date when we enter the positions
    entryDate = self.Time
    # get the next expiry date
    nextExpiryDate = listContracts[0].ID.Date
    # calculate total number of days to expiration
    totalExpiryDays = (nextExpiryDate.date() - entryDate.date()).days
    self.Plot('Chart Expiry Days', legLabel + ' Expiry', totalExpiryDays)
    # calculate how many days left to roll
    daysToRoll = totalExpiryDays - daysToRollBeforeExpiration
    # save the underlying price at entry
    underlyingPriceAtEntry = self.Securities[expiryGroupSymbol].Price
    # portfolio value at purchase
    portfolioValueAtPurchase = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
    # entering legs ------------------------------------------------------------
    # get adjusted budget
    adjustedAnnualBudget = CalculateAdjustedAnnualBudget(self, totalExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, daysToExpiration)
    # apply multiplier budget for position sizing -----------
    if positionSizing == 'multiplier':
        # calculate the budget for options
        budgetOptions = CalculateBudgetOptions(self, expiryGroupSymbol, adjustedAnnualBudget, 1, remainingContractsValue, legLabel)
        # calculate sum product of option prices for the entire expiry group
        sumProdOptionPrices = CalculateSumProdOptionPrices(self, dictContracts, dictLongs, dictShorts)
        # calculate the number of contracts to trade
        numberOfContracts = CalculateNumberOfContracts(self, budgetOptions, sumProdOptionPrices, expiryGroup, 'ALL')
        if numberOfContracts is None:
            return False

    # enter longs and shorts --------------------------------
    initialContractsValue = 0
    totalNumberOfContracts = 0
    totalNotionalRatio = 0
    # start with short positions to get the premium
    for optionSide, strikeGroups in dictShorts.items():
        for strikeGroup, value in strikeGroups.items():
            # apply dollar budget when required ------------
            if positionSizing == 'dollar':
                # calculate the number of option contracts to trade
                annualBudgetPercent = value[1]
                budgetOptions = CalculateBudgetOptions(self, expiryGroupSymbol, adjustedAnnualBudget, annualBudgetPercent, remainingContractsValue, legLabel)
                initialContractsValue += budgetOptions
                optionPrice = self.Securities[dictContracts[optionSide][strikeGroup]].BidPrice
                # calculate the number of contracts to trade
                shortNumberOfContracts = CalculateNumberOfContracts(self, budgetOptions, optionPrice, expiryGroup, strikeGroup)
                if shortNumberOfContracts is None:
                    return False
                multiplier = value[1]
                initialContractsValue += budgetOptions * multiplier
                shortNumberOfContracts = numberOfContracts * multiplier
            # get notional ratio
            notionalRatio = CalculateNotionalRatio(self, shortNumberOfContracts, expiryGroupSymbol)
            totalNotionalRatio += notionalRatio
            totalNumberOfContracts += shortNumberOfContracts
            # place market order
            self.MarketOrder(dictContracts[optionSide][strikeGroup], shortNumberOfContracts, False,
                            expiryGroup + '; short ' + optionSide + '; strike ' + '{:.0%}'.format(value[0])
                            + ' vs atm; notional ratio ' + '{:.0%}'.format(notionalRatio))
    # long positions
    for optionSide, strikeGroups in dictLongs.items():
        for strikeGroup, value in strikeGroups.items():
            # apply dollar budget when required ------------
            if positionSizing == 'dollar':
                # calculate the number of option contracts to trade
                annualBudgetPercent = value[1]
                budgetOptions = CalculateBudgetOptions(self, expiryGroupSymbol, adjustedAnnualBudget, annualBudgetPercent, remainingContractsValue, legLabel)
                initialContractsValue += budgetOptions
                optionPrice = self.Securities[dictContracts[optionSide][strikeGroup]].AskPrice
                # calculate the number of contracts to trade
                longNumberOfContracts = CalculateNumberOfContracts(self, budgetOptions, optionPrice, expiryGroup, strikeGroup)
                if longNumberOfContracts is None:
                    return False
                multiplier = value[1]
                initialContractsValue += budgetOptions * multiplier
                longNumberOfContracts = numberOfContracts * multiplier
            # get notional ratio
            notionalRatio = CalculateNotionalRatio(self, longNumberOfContracts, expiryGroupSymbol)
            totalNotionalRatio += notionalRatio
            totalNumberOfContracts += longNumberOfContracts
            # place market order
            self.MarketOrder(dictContracts[optionSide][strikeGroup], longNumberOfContracts, False,
                            expiryGroup + '; long ' + optionSide + '; strike ' + '{:.0%}'.format(value[0])
                            + ' vs atm; notional ratio ' + '{:.0%}'.format(notionalRatio))
    self.Plot('Chart Notional', legLabel + ' Notional', round(totalNotionalRatio * 100, 0))
    # information for allContractsByExpiryGroup --------------------------------

    self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup] = {'legLabel': legLabel, 'legs': legs, 'listContracts': listContracts,
                                                    'entryDate': entryDate, 'nextExpiryDate': nextExpiryDate, 'daysToRoll': daysToRoll,
                                                    'underlyingPriceAtEntry': underlyingPriceAtEntry,
                                                    'numberOfContracts': totalNumberOfContracts,
                                                    'initialContractsValue': initialContractsValue,
                                                    'remainingContractsValue': initialContractsValue,
                                                    'portfolioValueAtPurchase': portfolioValueAtPurchase,
                                                    'monetizingValue': 0}
    if self.LiveMode:
        self.emailDict[expiryGroup]['enterContracts'] = ('* Entered ' + str(totalNumberOfContracts) + ' new contracts for '
        + legLabel + ': ' + str([x.Value for x in listContracts])
        + '. The contracts had a cost of ' + '{:.2%}'.format(initialContractsValue / portfolioValueAtPurchase)
        + ' of Portfolio Value and will be rolled in ' + str(daysToRoll) + ' days.\n')
    if self.tradingLogs:
        self.Log(expiryGroup + ': entering new option contracts for next period; nextExpiryDate: ' + str(nextExpiryDate))

    return True
def CalculateAdjustedAnnualBudget(self, totalExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, daysToExpiration):
    ''' Get adjusted annual budget (for rolling days and early rebalancing) for entire expiry group '''
    rollAdjustment = 365 / (totalExpiryDays - daysToRollBeforeExpiration)
    if daysToExpiration is not None:
        earlyRebalancingAdjustment = 1 - ((math.ceil(daysToExpiration) - daysToRollBeforeExpiration) / totalExpiryDays)
        if earlyRebalancingAdjustment < 0:
            earlyRebalancingAdjustment = 1
        earlyRebalancingAdjustment = 1
    adjustedAnnualBudget = (self.annualBudget / rollAdjustment) * earlyRebalancingAdjustment
    self.Log('adjustedAnnualBudget: ' + str(adjustedAnnualBudget))
    return adjustedAnnualBudget
def CalculateBudgetOptions(self, expiryGroupSymbol, adjustedAnnualBudget, annualBudgetPercent, remainingContractsValue, legLabel):
    ''' Calculate the budget for options '''
    budgetOptions = adjustedAnnualBudget * annualBudgetPercent * (self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].HoldingsValue + self.Portfolio.Cash)
    self.Log('cashSymbol HoldingsValue + Portfolio Cash: ' + str(self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].HoldingsValue + self.Portfolio.Cash))
    self.Log('budgetOptions: ' + str(budgetOptions))
    if remainingContractsValue is not None:
        budgetOptions = budgetOptions + remainingContractsValue
        self.Log('remainingContractsValue: ' + str(remainingContractsValue))
        self.Log('final budgetOptions: ' + str(budgetOptions))
        self.Log('end of early rebalancing ----------')
    # rebalancing cash asset to make sure cash and cashSymbol holdings are well balanced
    cashImbalance = self.Portfolio.Cash - budgetOptions
    if cashImbalance < 0:
        shares = round(cashImbalance / self.Securities[self.cashSymbol].Price) - 1
        shares = int(cashImbalance / self.Securities[self.cashSymbol].Price)
    if self.tradingLogs:
        self.Log('rebalancing cash asset due to cash imbalance'
        + '; budgetOptions: ' + str(budgetOptions)
        + '; Cash: ' + str(self.Portfolio.Cash)
        + '; cashImbalance: ' + str(cashImbalance)
        + '; shares: ' + str(shares))
    RebalanceCashAsset(self, shares)
    self.Plot('Chart Budget', legLabel + ' budgetOptions (%)', round(budgetOptions / self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue, 4) * 100)
    return budgetOptions
def CalculateSumProdOptionPrices(self, dictContracts, dictLongs, dictShorts):
    ''' calculate the sum product of option prices needed for position sizing system based on number of contracts '''
    # sum product of multipliers and prices (we split into longs/shorts to correctly apply AskPrice/BidPrice)
    sumProdLongCalls = sum([value[1] * self.Securities[dictContracts['calls'][key]].AskPrice for key, value in dictLongs['calls'].items()])
    sumProdLongPuts = sum([value[1] * self.Securities[dictContracts['puts'][key]].AskPrice for key, value in dictLongs['puts'].items()])
    sumProdShortCalls = sum([value[1] * self.Securities[dictContracts['calls'][key]].BidPrice for key, value in dictShorts['calls'].items()])
    sumProdShortPuts = sum([value[1] * self.Securities[dictContracts['puts'][key]].BidPrice for key, value in dictShorts['puts'].items()])
    sumProdOptionPrices = sumProdLongCalls + sumProdLongPuts + sumProdShortCalls + sumProdShortPuts
    return sumProdOptionPrices
def CalculateNumberOfContracts(self, budgetOptions, optionPrice, expiryGroup, strikeGroup):
    ''' Calculate the number of contracts to trade '''
    numberOfContracts = int((budgetOptions / 100) / optionPrice)
    if abs(numberOfContracts) < 1:
        self.specialTag = '(' + expiryGroup + '/' + strikeGroup + ' trade missing since < 1 contract on ' + str(self.Time.date()) + ')'
        if self.tradingLogs:
            self.Log(expiryGroup + '/' + strikeGroup + ': numberOfContracts to trade < 1')
        return None
    return numberOfContracts
def CalculateNotionalRatio(self, numberOfContracts, expiryGroupSymbol):
    ''' Calculate notional ratio coverage '''
    notionalRatio = 0
    numerator = numberOfContracts * 100 * self.Securities[expiryGroupSymbol].Price
    denominator = self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].Quantity * self.Securities[self.cashSymbol].Price

    if denominator != 0:
        notionalRatio = numerator / denominator
    return notionalRatio
def LiquidateOptionContracts(self, expiryGroup, openContracts, tag = 'no message'):
    ''' Liquidate any open option contracts '''

    # check the validity of the contracts
    validContracts = CheckContractValidity(self, openContracts, expiryGroup)
    if not validContracts:
        return False
    if self.tradingLogs:
        openOptionContracts = GetOpenOptionContracts(self)
        self.Log('open option contracts and HoldingsValue before liquidating: '
                + str({self.Securities[contract].Symbol.Value: self.Portfolio[contract].HoldingsValue for contract in openOptionContracts}))
    for contract in openContracts:
        if self.Securities[contract].Invested:
            self.Liquidate(contract, 'Liquidated - ' + expiryGroup + ' ' + tag)
            self.lastMinutePricesDict.pop(contract, None)
            if self.tradingLogs:
                self.Log(expiryGroup + '/' + str(contract) + ': liquidating due to ' + tag)
    if self.LiveMode:
        legLabel = self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup]['legLabel']
        remainingContractsValue = self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup]['remainingContractsValue']
        self.emailDict[expiryGroup]['liquidateContracts'] = ('* Liquidated contracts for ' + legLabel + ' due to ' + tag + ': ' + str([x.Value for x in openContracts])
        + '. The contracts had remaining value of ' + '${:,.2f}'.format(remainingContractsValue) + '.\n')
    return True

def CheckContractValidity(self, contracts, expiryGroup):
    ''' Check the validity of the contracts '''
    for contract in contracts:
        contractId = str(self.Securities[contract].Symbol).replace(' ', '')

        # this is to remove specific option contracts above a certain price
        if (contractId in self.avoidContractsWithPrice
        and (self.Securities[contract].AskPrice > self.avoidContractsWithPrice[contractId]
        or self.Securities[contract].BidPrice > self.avoidContractsWithPrice[contractId])):
            if contractId not in self.dataChecksDict['contractAboveLimitPrice']:
                self.dataChecksDict['contractAboveLimitPrice'].update({contractId: [self.Time]})

            return False
        if self.Securities[contract].AskPrice == 0 or self.Securities[contract].BidPrice == 0:
            if contractId not in self.dataChecksDict['contractPriceZero']:
                self.dataChecksDict['contractPriceZero'].update({contractId: [self.Time]})
            #self.Plot('Chart Data Checks', 'contractPriceZero', 0)
            return False
    return True
def GetOpenOptionContracts(self):
    ''' Get any open option contracts '''

    return [x.Symbol for x in self.ActiveSecurities.Values if x.Invested and x.Type == SecurityType.Option]

def GetTradingContracts(self, expiryGroup, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, dictCalls, dictPuts, legLabel, rollingType):
    ''' Get the final option contracts to trade '''
    # get a list with the option chain for the underlying symbol and the current date
    expiryGroupSymbol = self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup]
    contracts = self.OptionChainProvider.GetOptionContractList(expiryGroupSymbol, self.Time.date())
    if len(contracts) == 0:
        if self.Time.date() not in self.dataChecksDict['emptyOptionContracts']:
            self.dataChecksDict['emptyOptionContracts'].update({self.Time.date(): 'emptyOptionContracts'})
            #self.Plot('Chart Data Checks', 'emptyOptionContracts', 0)

        return {'calls': {}, 'puts': {}}
    strikePercentsForCalls = {key: value[0] for key, value in dictCalls.items()}
    strikePercentsForPuts = {key: value[0] for key, value in dictPuts.items()}
    # get calls and puts contracts after filtering for expiry date and strike prices
    calls = FilterOptionContracts(self, 'calls', expiryGroup, contracts, strikePercentsForCalls, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, legLabel, rollingType)
    puts = FilterOptionContracts(self, 'puts', expiryGroup, contracts, strikePercentsForPuts, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, legLabel, rollingType)
    dictContracts = {'calls': calls, 'puts': puts}
    return dictContracts
def GetFurthestContracts(self, optionSide, contracts, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration):
    ''' Get the furthest expiration contracts given maxExpiryDays '''
    if optionSide == 'calls':
        side = 0
    elif optionSide == 'puts':
        side = 1
        raise ValueError('optionSide parameter has to be either calls or puts!')
    # avoid specific contracts before filtering
    contracts = [x for x in contracts if x.Value.replace(' ', '') not in self.avoidContracts 
                                        and x.Value.replace(' ', '')[:7] not in self.avoidContracts
                                        and x.Value.replace(' ', '')[:9] not in self.avoidContracts
                                        and x.Value.replace(' ', '')[:10] not in self.avoidContracts
                                        and x.ID.OptionRight == side]
    # fitler the contracts with expiry date below maxExpiryDays but greater than daysToRollBeforeExpiration
    if calendarType == 'monthlies':
        contractList = [i for i in contracts if (OptionSymbol.IsStandardContract(i) and (i.ID.Date.date() - self.Time.date()).days <= maxExpiryDays
                                                and (i.ID.Date.date() - self.Time.date()).days > daysToRollBeforeExpiration)]
    elif calendarType == 'weeklies':
        contractList = [i for i in contracts if (OptionSymbol.IsWeekly(i) and (i.ID.Date.date() - self.Time.date()).days <= maxExpiryDays
                                                and (i.ID.Date.date() - self.Time.date()).days > daysToRollBeforeExpiration)]
    elif calendarType == 'any':
        contractList = [i for i in contracts if (i.ID.Date.date() - self.Time.date()).days <= maxExpiryDays]
        raise ValueError('calendarType must be either monthlies, weeklies or any')
    if len(contractList) == 0:
        return None, None
    # get the furthest expiration contracts
    furthestExpiryDate = max([i.ID.Date for i in contractList])
    furthestContracts = [i for i in contractList if i.ID.Date == furthestExpiryDate]
    return furthestExpiryDate, furthestContracts

def FilterOptionContracts(self, optionSide, expiryGroup, contracts, strikePercents, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration, legLabel, rollingType):
    ''' Filter a list of option contracts using the given expiry and strike arguments '''
    if not strikePercents:
        return {}

    # get furthest expiration contracts
    furthestExpiryDate, furthestContracts = GetFurthestContracts(self, optionSide, contracts, calendarType, maxExpiryDays, daysToRollBeforeExpiration)
    if furthestContracts is None:
        return {}
    # calculate how many days to roll this new contract that we just found
    daysToRollNewContractThisLeg = (furthestExpiryDate.date() - self.Time.date()).days - daysToRollBeforeExpiration
    # check restarting when static rolling due to short distance between legs
    if rollingType == 'static':
        isRestartingNeeded = CheckRestartingLegs(self, expiryGroup, legLabel, optionSide, contracts, daysToRollNewContractThisLeg)
        if isRestartingNeeded:
            return {}

    # find the strike price for ATM options
    expiryGroupSymbol = self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup]
    atmStrike = sorted(furthestContracts, key = lambda x: abs(x.ID.StrikePrice - self.Securities[expiryGroupSymbol].Price))[0].ID.StrikePrice
    # create a list of all possible strike prices
    strikesList = sorted(set([i.ID.StrikePrice for i in furthestContracts]))
    # find strikes
    strikePrices = {}
    # loop through strikePercents and create a new dictionary strikePrices with the strikeGroup and the strikePrice
    for strikeGroup, strikePercent in strikePercents.items():
        objectiveStrike = atmStrike * (1 + strikePercent)
        if strikePercent <= 0:
            strikePrices[strikeGroup] = min([x for x in strikesList if x >= objectiveStrike and x <= atmStrike])
            strikePrices[strikeGroup] = max([x for x in strikesList if x >= atmStrike and x <= objectiveStrike])
    # find the contracts
    strikeContracts = {}
    # loop through strikePrices and create a new dictionary strikeContracts with the strikeGroup and the strikeContract
    for strikeGroup, strikePrice in strikePrices.items():
        strikeContracts[strikeGroup] = [i for i in furthestContracts if i.ID.StrikePrice == strikePrice][0]
        CheckStrikeExpiryDeviations(self, strikeGroup, strikeContracts, strikePercents, atmStrike, strikePrice, maxExpiryDays, furthestExpiryDate)

    return strikeContracts
def CheckRestartingLegs(self, expiryGroup, legLabel, optionSide, contracts, daysToRollNewContractThisLeg):
    The objective is to keep certain legs (of same term) away from each other by N days.
    We will restart the legs in case that helps us maintain that distance.
    if self.minDaysBetweenLegs is None:
        return False
    # calculate how many days to roll a restarted contract for this leg
    parameters = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]
    furthestExpiryDate, furthestContracts = GetFurthestContracts(self, optionSide, contracts, parameters['calendarType'],
                                                                parameters['maxExpiryDays'], parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration'])
    if furthestContracts is None:
        return False
    daysToRollRestartedContractThisLeg = (furthestExpiryDate.date() - self.Time.date()).days - parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration']
    # now we find other legs with the same intended horizon and check the distance between legs
    for expiryGroup, infoDict in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.items():
        isInvested = sum(self.Securities[contract].Invested for contract in infoDict['listContracts']) > 0

        if infoDict['legLabel'] != legLabel and infoDict['legLabel'][:2] == legLabel[:2] and infoDict['legs'] == optionSide:
            if not isInvested:
                dynamicRule = 'restartingForDistance'
                UpdateExpiryGroupsToRestart(self, expiryGroup, dynamicRule)
                return True
            # calculate how many days to roll a restarted contract for the other leg -----------------
            parameters = self.strategyParametersDict[expiryGroup]
            furthestExpiryDate, furthestContracts = GetFurthestContracts(self, optionSide, contracts, parameters['calendarType'],
                                                                        parameters['maxExpiryDays'], parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration'])
            if furthestContracts is None:
                return False
            daysToRollRestartedContractOtherLeg = (furthestExpiryDate.date() - self.Time.date()).days - parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration']
            # get the distance between legs if restarting
            distanceRestarting = abs(daysToRollRestartedContractOtherLeg - daysToRollRestartedContractThisLeg)
            # calculate how many days to roll the currently open contract for the other leg -----------
            daysToRollCurrentContractOtherLeg = CalculateDaysToRoll(self, expiryGroup, infoDict)
            # get the distance if just rolling
            distanceRolling = abs(daysToRollCurrentContractOtherLeg - daysToRollNewContractThisLeg)

            # compare distances and restart if needed --------------------------------------------------
            if distanceRestarting > distanceRolling and distanceRestarting > self.minDaysBetweenLegs:
                dynamicRule = 'restartingForDistance'
                UpdateExpiryGroupsToRestart(self, expiryGroup, dynamicRule)
                return True
    return False
def CheckStrikeExpiryDeviations(self, strikeGroup, strikeContracts, strikePercents, atmStrike, strikePrice, maxExpiryDays, furthestExpiryDate):
    ''' Check for deviations in strike price and expiry vs their targets and store in dataChecksDict '''
    contractId = strikeContracts[strikeGroup].Value.replace(' ', '')
    # check if the final strike deviates too much from our strikePriceTarget
    if contractId not in self.dataChecksDict['strikePriceTargetDeviation']:
        strikePriceTarget = atmStrike * (1 + strikePercents[strikeGroup])
        strikePriceTargetDeviation = abs((strikePrice / strikePriceTarget) - 1) * 100
        if strikePriceTargetDeviation > self.strikePriceTargetDeviationCheck:
            self.dataChecksDict['strikePriceTargetDeviation'].update({contractId: [strikePriceTarget, strikePrice]})
        #self.Plot('Chart Data Checks', str(maxExpiryDays) + 'x' + str(daysToRollBeforeExpiration) + ' strikePriceTargetDeviation (%)', strikePriceTargetDeviation)
    # check if the final expiry days deviates too much from our expiryDaysTarget
    if contractId not in self.dataChecksDict['expiryDaysTargetDeviation']:
        base = 30
        expiryDaysTarget = base * round(maxExpiryDays / base)
        expiryDays = (furthestExpiryDate.date() - self.Time.date()).days
        expiryDaysTargetDeviation = abs(expiryDaysTarget - expiryDays)
        if expiryDaysTargetDeviation > self.expiryDaysTargetDeviationCheck:
            self.dataChecksDict['expiryDaysTargetDeviation'].update({contractId: [expiryDaysTarget, expiryDays]})
        #self.Plot('Chart Data Checks', str(maxExpiryDays) + 'x' + str(daysToRollBeforeExpiration) + ' expiryDaysTargetDeviation (Days)', expiryDaysTargetDeviation)
def UpdateBenchmarkValue(self):
    ''' Simulate buy and hold the Benchmark '''
    if self.initBenchmarkPrice == 0:
        self.initBenchmarkCash = self.Portfolio.Cash
        self.initBenchmarkPrice = self.Benchmark.Evaluate(self.Time)
        self.benchmarkValue = self.initBenchmarkCash
        currentBenchmarkPrice = self.Benchmark.Evaluate(self.Time)
        self.benchmarkValue = (currentBenchmarkPrice / self.initBenchmarkPrice) * self.initBenchmarkCash
def UpdatePortfolioGreeks(self, slice):
    ''' Calculate the Greeks per contract and return the current Portfolio Greeks  '''
    portfolioGreeks = {}
    # loop through the option chains
    for i in slice.OptionChains:
        chain = i.Value
        contracts = [x for x in chain]
        if len(contracts) == 0:

        # get the portfolio greeks
        portfolioDelta = sum(x.Greeks.Delta * self.Portfolio[x.Symbol].Quantity for x in contracts) * 100
        portfoliGamma = sum(x.Greeks.Gamma * self.Portfolio[x.Symbol].Quantity for x in contracts) * 100
        portfolioVega = sum(x.Greeks.Vega * self.Portfolio[x.Symbol].Quantity for x in contracts) * 100
        portfolioRho = sum(x.Greeks.Rho * self.Portfolio[x.Symbol].Quantity for x in contracts) * 100
        portfolioTheta = sum(x.Greeks.Theta * self.Portfolio[x.Symbol].Quantity for x in contracts) * 100
        portfolioGreeks = {'Delta': portfolioDelta, 'Gamma': portfoliGamma,
                            'Vega': portfolioVega, 'Rho': portfolioRho, 'Theta': portfolioTheta}
    return portfolioGreeks
def CheckData(self, contracts):
    ''' Check for erroneous data '''
    for contract in contracts:
        # get current bid and ask prices
        currentPrice = self.Securities[contract].Price
        currentVolume = self.Securities[contract].Volume
        currentBidPrice = self.Securities[contract].BidPrice
        currentAskPrice = self.Securities[contract].AskPrice
        # add bid and ask prices or retrieve the last ones if we already have them
        if contract not in self.lastMinutePricesDict:
            self.lastMinutePricesDict[contract] = [currentPrice, currentBidPrice, currentAskPrice]
            lastPrice = self.lastMinutePricesDict[contract][0]
            lastBidPrice = self.lastMinutePricesDict[contract][1]
            lastAskPrice = self.lastMinutePricesDict[contract][2]
            # update prices
            self.lastMinutePricesDict[contract] = [currentPrice, currentBidPrice, currentAskPrice]
        # get the percent change for both bid and ask prices
        pctChangeBid = ((currentBidPrice / lastBidPrice) - 1) * 100
        pctChangeAsk = ((currentAskPrice / lastAskPrice) - 1) * 100
        # store extreme price changes
        if abs(pctChangeBid) > self.extremePriceChangeCheck or abs(pctChangeAsk) > self.extremePriceChangeCheck:
            contractId = str(self.Securities[contract].Symbol).replace(' ', '')
            if self.tradingLogs:
                self.Log('contractId: ' + str(contractId)
                + '; currentPrice: ' + str(currentPrice) + '; lastPrice: ' + str(lastPrice) + '; currentVolume: ' + str(currentVolume)
                + '; currentBidPrice: ' + str(currentBidPrice) + '; lastBidPrice: ' + str(lastBidPrice)
                + '; currentAskPrice: ' + str(currentAskPrice) + '; lastAskPrice: ' + str(lastAskPrice))

            if contractId not in self.dataChecksDict['extremePriceChange']:
                self.dataChecksDict['extremePriceChange'].update({contractId: [self.Time]})
            maxPctChange = pctChangeBid if abs(pctChangeBid) > abs(pctChangeAsk) else pctChangeAsk
            #self.Plot('Chart Data Checks', 'extremePriceChange (%)', maxPctChange)

def CustomSecurityInitializer(self, security):
        Initialize the security with different models
        security: Security which characteristics we want to change'''

    if security.Type == SecurityType.Equity:
        if self.constantFeeEquities is not None:
            # constant fee model that takes a dollar amount parameter to apply to each order
        if self.constantSlippagePercentEquities is not None:
            # constant slippage model that takes a percentage parameter to apply to each order value
    elif security.Type == SecurityType.Option:
        if self.constantFeeOptions is not None:
            # constant fee model that takes a dollar amount parameter to apply to each order
        if self.constantSlippagePercentOptions is not None:
            # constant slippage model that takes a percentage parameter to apply to each order value

class CustomFeeModel:
    ''' Custom implementation of the Fee Model '''
    def __init__(self, multiple):
        self.multiple = multiple
    def GetOrderFee(self, parameters):
        ''' Get the fee for the order '''
        absQuantity = parameters.Order.AbsoluteQuantity
        fee = max(1, absQuantity * self.multiple)
        return OrderFee(CashAmount(fee, 'USD'))
class CustomSlippageModel:
    ''' Custom implementation of the Slippage Model '''
    def __init__(self, multiple):
        self.multiple = multiple

    def GetSlippageApproximation(self, asset, order):
        ''' Apply slippage calculation to order price '''
        quantity = order.Quantity
        price = [asset.AskPrice if quantity > 0 else asset.BidPrice][0]
        slippage = price * self.multiple
        return slippage
### 2020_09_30 v45
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Fixed issue with overlapping legs monetizing (same contract for multiple legs) based on the monetizing rule for an individual leg
### Fixed Options Attribution chart to also account for the above issue
### Changed SPD monetization parameter to 7.5% for each MT leg
### Changed SPYC monetization parameter to 3.75% for each SPD MT leg
### ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

import pandas as pd
import json
import copy
import HelperFunctions as helpers

from StrategiesParameters import GetStrategyParametersDict
from System.Drawing import Color
from datetime import timedelta

class OptionsStrategyTemplateAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        ''' Initialization at beginning of backtest '''
        ### user-defined inputs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # didn't have full list of options available for spy before 7/1/10...verified EEM options available from 7/1/10 so ok there
        # weeklies seem to start for SPY in 01/16
        self.SetStartDate(2010, 7, 1) #20090301
        # just comment out end date to run through today
        self.SetEndDate(2020, 7, 31) #20100301
        # add emails if needed for Live trading
        self.emails = []
        # select a ticker as benchmark (will plot Buy&Hold of this benchmark)
        self.benchmarkTicker = 'TSLA'
        # select strategy ticker
        # current options are SPD, SPUC, SPYC, QQD, QQU, QQC and testing (for testing parameters)
        # for more information check the StrategiesParameters.py script
        self.strategyTicker = 'testing'

        # select ticker for cash asset (holdings of this asset will be 100% of remaining cash not used for options)
        cashTicker = 'TSLA'
        # take annual budget and split it evenly between all expiry groups and spreads budget evenly across all contracts
        # in a one year horizon (accounts for rollMaxExpiryDays in each group)...trades account for multipliers at end too
        self.annualBudget = 0.07
        # this variable applies to the function CheckRestarting which tries to keep a certain number of days between legs with same horizon
        # select None to deactivate
        self.minDaysBetweenLegs = None # None or an integer
        # get the dictionary of dictionaries containing all the parameters needed for the strategy
        self.strategyParametersDict = GetStrategyParametersDict(self.strategyTicker)
        # overwrite the default model for fees
        # - Default: Set to None to use the default IB Tiered Model for both stocks and options from here https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=1590&p=options1
        #    --- FYI for low number of stocks the default fee comes out to .005 (presumably dominated by the .0035 IB commission at low number of shares)
        #    --- FYI for low number of options contracts at hefty premiums the default fee comes out to .25...don't understand that yet since commission alone looks to be 0.65
        # - Custom Constant Fee: Provide a dollar amount to apply to each order quantity ($ per share for stock and $ per contract for options)
        self.constantFeeEquities = None
        self.constantFeeOptions = None
        # overwrite the default model for slippage
        # - Default: Set to None to use the default slippage model which uses 0% slippage
        # - Custom Constant Slippage: Provide a % (in the form of a decimal ranged 0 to 1) to apply to each order value
        self.constantSlippagePercentEquities = None
        self.constantSlippagePercentOptions = None
        # data checks and logs:
        # variable to turn on/off trading logs
        self.tradingLogs = False
        # variable to avoid specific option contracts whose price is above a certain level
        self.avoidContractsWithPrice = {# SPY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        'SPY081219C00180000': 10, 'SPY081219C00195000': 10, 'SPY081219C00170000': 10,
                                        'SPY090320C00170000': 10, 'SPY081219C00175000': 10, 'SPY081219C00160000': 10,
                                        'SPY081219C00190000': 5, 'SPY080919C00190000': 5,
                                        'SPY101218C00135000': 50, 'SPY100619C00135000': 50, 'SPY150918C00240000': 50,
                                        'SPY160115C00245000': 50, 'SPY170317C00300000': 50, 'SPY160916C00275000': 50, 
                                        'SPY151219C00245000': 50, 'SPY160916C00290000': 50, 'SPY160115C00255000': 50,
                                        'SPY160617C00265000': 50, 'SPY170120C00290000': 50, 'SPY151219C00265000': 50,
                                        'SPY160617C00275000': 50, 'SPY151219C00255000': 50, 'SPY101218C00130000': 50,
                                        'SPY151219P00105000': 50, 'SPY150918P00110000': 50, 'SPY160916P00105000': 50,
                                        'SPY150918P00110000': 50, 'SPY150918P00120000': 50,
                                        'SPY100619P00055000': 50, 'SPY100619P00050000': 50,
                                        # QQQ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                        'QQQ150918P00060000': 50, 'QQQ160115P00054630': 50, 'QQQ150918P00070000': 50,
                                        'QQQ151016P00070000': 50, 'QQQ151218P00059630': 50, 'QQQ160115P00049630': 50,
                                        'QQQ150918P00055000': 50, 'QQQ160115P00044630': 50}
        self.avoidContracts = [] # ['SPY1508', 'SPY1509', 'SPY101218C', 'SPY100918C','SPY110319C'] # formats: 'SPY150918C00240000', 'SPY1012', 'SPY100918', 'SPY100918C'
        # check for extreme changes in minute price to report
        self.extremePriceChangeCheck = 50000 # percentage (e.g. 10 for 10%)
        # check for large deviations between our target strike price and final strike price selected
        self.strikePriceTargetDeviationCheck = 10 # percentage (e.g. 10 for 10%)
        # check for large deviations between our target expiry days and final expiry days selected
        self.expiryDaysTargetDeviationCheck = 10 # difference in number of days between expiry days target and selected
        # variable to enable/disable assignments before expiration
        # when set to True, the order from assignments will be cancelled until intended liquidation date
        # when set to False, the assignment is avoided and then all option contracts are immediately liquidated
        self.avoidAssignment = True
        # set leverage
        self.leverage = 1000000
        ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # apply CustomSecurityInitializer
        self.SetSecurityInitializer(lambda x: helpers.CustomSecurityInitializer(self, x))
        # add cash asset
        equity = self.AddEquity(cashTicker, Resolution.Minute)
        equity.VolatilityModel = StandardDeviationOfReturnsVolatilityModel(30)
        self.cashSymbol = equity.Symbol
        # add other underlying assets if needed
        self.expiryGroupSymbols = {}
        self.optionsValueWinDict = {}
        self.initialOptionsValueDict = {}
        self.cumSumOptionsAttrDict = {}
        self.emailDict = {}
        for expiryGroup, parameters in self.strategyParametersDict.items():
            if parameters['activate']:
                ticker = parameters['ticker']
                if ticker != cashTicker:
                    self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup] = self.AddEquity(ticker, Resolution.Minute).Symbol
                    self.expiryGroupSymbols[expiryGroup] = self.cashSymbol
                # add rolling windows to track contracts value
                self.optionsValueWinDict[expiryGroup] = RollingWindow[float](1)
                self.initialOptionsValueDict[expiryGroup] = RollingWindow[float](1)
                self.cumSumOptionsAttrDict[expiryGroup] = 0
                # add email dictionary
                self.emailDict[expiryGroup] = {'enterContracts': '', 'liquidateContracts': '', 'rollingContracts': '', 'monetizingContracts': ['', 0.25]}
        # get numner of active expiry groups
        self.numberOfActiveExpiryGroups = sum(parameters['activate'] for expiryGroup, parameters in self.strategyParametersDict.items())
        # create dictionary with expiry groups belonging to the same rollMaxExpiryDays
        rollMaxExpiryDays = [parameters['rollMaxExpiryDays'] for expiryGroup, parameters in self.strategyParametersDict.items() if parameters['activate']]
        self.sameRollMaxExpiryDaysExpiryGroups = {str(elem): [] for elem in rollMaxExpiryDays}
        for expiryGroup, parameters in self.strategyParametersDict.items():
            if parameters['activate']:
                rollMaxExpiryDays = parameters['rollMaxExpiryDays']
        # add benchmark
        # plot the Portfolio Greeks
        portfolioGreeksPlot = Chart('Chart Portfolio Greeks')
        portfolioGreeksPlot.AddSeries(Series('Daily Portfolio Delta', SeriesType.Line, ''))
        portfolioGreeksPlot.AddSeries(Series('Daily Portfolio Gamma', SeriesType.Line, ''))
        portfolioGreeksPlot.AddSeries(Series('Daily Portfolio Vega', SeriesType.Line, ''))
        portfolioGreeksPlot.AddSeries(Series('Daily Portfolio Rho', SeriesType.Line, ''))
        portfolioGreeksPlot.AddSeries(Series('Daily Portfolio Theta', SeriesType.Line, ''))
        # plot data checks
        #dataChecksPlot = Chart('Chart Data Checks')
        #dataChecksPlot.AddSeries(Series('extremePriceChange (%)', SeriesType.Line, '%'))
        #dataChecksPlot.AddSeries(Series('contractPriceZero', SeriesType.Scatter))
        #dataChecksPlot.AddSeries(Series('emptyOptionContracts', SeriesType.Scatter))
        # plot budget
        budgetPlot = Chart('Chart Budget')
        # plot notional
        notionalPlot = Chart('Chart Notional')
        # plot options cumulative return
        optionsCumRetPlot = Chart('Chart Options Cumulative Attribution')
        # plot options expiry days left
        expiryDaysPlot = Chart('Chart Expiry Days')
        self.SetWarmup(30, Resolution.Daily)
        self.portValueWin = RollingWindow[float](1)
        self.allContractsByExpiryGroup = {}
        self.dailyPortfolioGreeksDict = {}
        self.lastMinutePricesDict = {}
        self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict = {} # empty dict to store expiry groups to restart due to underlying price move
        self.dataChecksDict = {'extremePriceChange': {}, 'strikePriceTargetDeviation': {},
                                'expiryDaysTargetDeviation': {}, 'contractAboveLimitPrice': {},
                                'contractPriceZero': {}, 'emptyOptionContracts': {}}
        self.dataCheckPrinted = False
        self.assignedOption = False
        self.initBenchmarkPrice = 0
        self.specialTag = ''
        self.day = 0
        self.minute = 0
        # schedule functions
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.cashSymbol), self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.cashSymbol, 0), self.ReadInfoFromObjectStore)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.cashSymbol), self.TimeRules.At(10, 0), self.SaveInfoToObjectStore)
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.cashSymbol), self.TimeRules.At(10, 0), self.SendEmailNotification)
        # dictionary manually inputted here containing a replica of the information contained in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup
        # we use this in LiveMode when the algo fails to save the object so we force it to save this instead
        self.manualAllContractsByExpiryGroup = {}
    def OnWarmupFinished(self):
        ''' Code to run after initialization '''
        if self.LiveMode:
            if not self.Portfolio.Invested:
                jsonFile = json.dumps(self.allContractsByExpiryGroup)
                self.ObjectStore.Save('allContractsByExpiryGroup', jsonFile)
            if self.manualAllContractsByExpiryGroup:
                jsonFile = json.dumps(self.manualAllContractsByExpiryGroup)
                self.ObjectStore.Save('allContractsByExpiryGroup', jsonFile)
        for email in self.emails:
           self.Notify.Email(email, self.strategyName + ' is Live!', self.strategyName + ' is Live!')

    def OnData(self, data):
        ''' Event triggering every time there is new data '''
        if self.Time.minute == self.minute:
            self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict = {}
        self.minute = self.Time.minute
        if self.Time.day != self.day:
            # simulate buy and hold the benchmark and plot its daily value --------------------------------------
            self.Plot('Strategy Equity', self.benchmarkTicker, self.benchmarkValue)
            # update the Portfolio Greeks dictionary ------------------------------------------------------------
            #todayPortfolioGreeks = helpers.UpdatePortfolioGreeks(self, data)
            #if todayPortfolioGreeks:
            #    for greek, value in todayPortfolioGreeks.items():
            #        self.Plot('Chart Portfolio Greeks', 'Daily Portfolio ' + greek, value)
            # save today starting portfolio value
            self.todayStartingPortfolioValue = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue
            # plotting ---------------------------------------------------------
            for expiryGroup, infoDict in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.items():
                helpers.UpdateOptionsCumulativeAttribution(self, expiryGroup, infoDict)
                # get days left to expiration
                daysToExpiration = helpers.CalculateDaysToExpiration(self, infoDict)
                legLabel = infoDict['legLabel']
                self.Plot('Chart Expiry Days', legLabel + ' Expiry', daysToExpiration)

            self.day = self.Time.day

        if not self.LiveMode:
            # print data checks at the end of the backtest
            if self.Time.date() >= (self.EndDate.date() - timedelta(2)) and not self.dataCheckPrinted:
                self.dataCheckPrinted = True
            # get a list with open option contracts ----------------------------
            openOptionContracts = helpers.GetOpenOptionContracts(self)
            # check if we got assigned and liquidate all remaining legs --------
            if self.assignedOption:
                # close all option contracts at once
                for contract in openOptionContracts:
                    self.Liquidate(contract, 'Liquidated - option assignment')
                self.assignedOption = False
            # check on strange data --------------------------------------------
                helpers.CheckData(self, openOptionContracts)
            except BaseException as e:
                if self.tradingLogs:
                    self.Log('CheckData function failed due to: ' + str(e))
        # run below code only during this hour (halved bt time from 16 mins to 8 mins) ---------------------------
        if not self.Time.hour == 9:

        # enter first contracts -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for expiryGroup, parameters in self.strategyParametersDict.items():
            if expiryGroup not in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.keys() and parameters['activate']:
                enterContractsWorked = helpers.EnterOptionContracts(self, expiryGroup,
                                                                    parameters['calendarType'], parameters['positionSizing'],
                                                                    parameters['maxExpiryDays'], parameters['daysToRollBeforeExpiration'],
                                                                    parameters['calls'], parameters['puts'], parameters['legLabel'])
        # roll contracts due to static or dynamic rebalancing rules ----------------------------------------------
        for expiryGroup, infoDict in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.items():

            # get days left to roll
            daysToRoll = helpers.CalculateDaysToRoll(self, expiryGroup, infoDict)
            infoDict['daysToRoll'] = daysToRoll
            # skip expiryGroup that is already in expiryGroupsToRestartDict
            # unless it is time to roll due to static rule
            if expiryGroup in self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict:
                if daysToRoll <= 0:
            # calculate change in contracts value since purchase
            remainingContractsValue = helpers.CalculateRemainingContractsValue(self, infoDict)
            infoDict['remainingContractsValue'] = remainingContractsValue

            # calculate monetizingValue as the change in options value since purchase divided by the portfolio value at purchase
            monetizingValue = helpers.CalculateMonetizingValue(self, infoDict, remainingContractsValue)
            infoDict['monetizingValue'] = monetizingValue

            # check dynamic rebalancing -------------------------------------------------------------
            dynamicRebalancing, dynamicRule = helpers.CheckDynamicRebalancing(self, expiryGroup, infoDict, monetizingValue)
            if dynamicRebalancing:
                helpers.UpdateExpiryGroupsToRestart(self, expiryGroup, dynamicRule)

            # run static rebalancing (expiration) ------------------------------------------------
            if daysToRoll <= 0:
                # liquidate and roll
                liquidationWorked, enterOptionContractsWorked = helpers.RollExpiryGroup(self, infoDict, expiryGroup, 'static', 'static rebalancing')
        # restart the entire expiry group due to dynamic rebalancing ---------------------------------------------------
        if self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict:
            for expiryGroup, infoDict in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.items():
                if (expiryGroup in self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict and
                (self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict[expiryGroup][0] is None or self.Time > self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict[expiryGroup][0])):
                    # liquidate and roll
                    message = self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict[expiryGroup][1]
                    liquidationWorked, enterOptionContractsWorked = helpers.RollExpiryGroup(self, infoDict, expiryGroup, 'dynamic', message)
                    if not liquidationWorked:
                    if not enterOptionContractsWorked:
                        self.expiryGroupsToRestartDict[expiryGroup][0] = self.Time + timedelta(days = 21)
    def ReadInfoFromObjectStore(self):
        ''' Retrieve allContractsByExpiryGroup at the market open '''
        if self.LiveMode:
                # read dictionary
                jsonObj = self.ObjectStore.Read('allContractsByExpiryGroup')
                allContractsByExpiryGroupJson = json.loads(jsonObj)
                self.allContractsByExpiryGroup = copy.deepcopy(allContractsByExpiryGroupJson)
                self.Log('allContractsByExpiryGroup (before casting Symbols): ' + str(self.allContractsByExpiryGroup))
                for expiryGroup, infoDict in allContractsByExpiryGroupJson.items():
                    # convert entryDate and nextExpiryDate back to datetime objects
                    self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup]['entryDate'] = pd.to_datetime(infoDict['entryDate']).to_pydatetime()
                    self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup]['nextExpiryDate'] = pd.to_datetime(infoDict['nextExpiryDate']).to_pydatetime()
                    # convert listContracts back to QuantConnect Symbol objects
                    listContracts = infoDict['listContracts']

                    listContractSymbols = []
                    for contract in listContracts:
                        except BaseException as e:
                            self.Log('self.Symbol() failed due to ' + str(e))
                    if len(listContractSymbols) == 0:
                        self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.pop(expiryGroup, None)
                    self.allContractsByExpiryGroup[expiryGroup]['listContracts'] = listContractSymbols
                    # remove expiry groups with contracts that are no longer invested
                    for contractSymbol in listContractSymbols:
                        if not self.Securities[contractSymbol].Invested:
                            self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.pop(expiryGroup, None)
                self.Log('allContractsByExpiryGroup (after casting Symbols): ' + str(self.allContractsByExpiryGroup))  
            except BaseException as e:
                self.Log('ReadInfoFromObjectStore failed due to ' + str(e))

    def SaveInfoToObjectStore(self):  
        ''' Save information to the object store at 10am '''
        if self.LiveMode:
            jsonFile = json.dumps(self.allContractsByExpiryGroup, default = FormatHandler)
            self.ObjectStore.Save('allContractsByExpiryGroup', jsonFile)
            self.Log('saving allContractsByExpiryGroup: ' + str(self.allContractsByExpiryGroup))
    def SendEmailNotification(self):
        ''' Send email notifications '''
        if self.LiveMode:
            for expiryGroup, infoDict in self.allContractsByExpiryGroup.items():
                helpers.UpdateEmailDictionary(self, expiryGroup, infoDict)
            emailBodyAll = ''
            for expiryGroup, subjectsDict in self.emailDict.items():
                for subject in subjectsDict:
                    if subject == 'monetizingContracts':
                        emailBody = subjectsDict[subject][0]
                        subjectsDict[subject][0] = ''
                        emailBody = subjectsDict[subject]
                        subjectsDict[subject] = ''
                    emailBodyAll += emailBody
            if emailBodyAll:
                portfolioValueInfo = '* Today starting Portfolio Value: ' + '${:,.4f}'.format(self.todayStartingPortfolioValue) + '.\n'
                currentCashAssetHoldings = self.Portfolio[self.cashSymbol].Quantity
                cashAssetHoldingsInfo = '* Holding ' + str(currentCashAssetHoldings) + ' shares of ' + str(self.cashSymbol.Value)
                emailBodyAll = portfolioValueInfo + emailBodyAll + cashAssetHoldingsInfo
                for email in self.emails:
                    self.Notify.Email(email, self.strategyName + ' - Actions', emailBodyAll, emailBodyAll)
    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
        ''' Check if the order is a Simulated Option Assignment Before Expiration and act accordingly '''
        ticket = self.Transactions.GetOrderTicket(orderEvent.OrderId)
        if ticket.OrderType == OrderType.OptionExercise:
            if ticket.Tag == 'Simulated option assignment before expiration':
                if self.avoidAssignment:
                    # set assignedOption to True in order to trigger the OnData event to LiquidateOptionContracts
                    self.assignedOption = True
            if ticket.Tag ==  'Automatic option exercise on expiration - Adjusting(or removing) the exercised/assigned option':
                self.assignedOption = True
def GetStrategyParametersDict(strategyTicker):
    ''' Return a dictionary containing the strategy parameters given a strategy ticker '''
    strategyParametersDict = {}    
    ### SPY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if strategyTicker == 'SPD':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'ST Put',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.15, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.3], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.075, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.35], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupC': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.075, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.35], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    elif strategyTicker == 'SPUC':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.15, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.25, 0.5], 'strikePercentB': [-0.1, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.2, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 580,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.15, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.25, 0.5], 'strikePercentB': [-0.05, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.3, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    elif strategyTicker == 'SPYC':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'ST Put',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.075, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.15], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0375, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupC': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0375, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupD': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.075, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.25, 0.25], 'strikePercentB': [-0.1, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.2, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupE': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 580,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.075, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.25, 0.25], 'strikePercentB': [-0.05, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.3, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    ### QQQ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    elif strategyTicker == 'QQD':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'ST Put',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.175, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.6, 0.3], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401, # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.1, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.35], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupC': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401, # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.1, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.35], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    elif strategyTicker == 'QQU':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.175, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.35, 0.5], 'strikePercentB': [-0.1, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.2, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 580,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.175, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.35, 0.5], 'strikePercentB': [-0.05, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.3, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    elif strategyTicker == 'QQC':
        strategyParametersDict = {'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'ST Put',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0875, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.6, 0.15], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.05, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupC': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Put 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401,    # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.05, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupD': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0875, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.35, 0.25], 'strikePercentB': [-0.1, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.2, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupE': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'MT Call 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 580,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0875, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.35, 0.25], 'strikePercentB': [-0.05, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.3, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    ### testing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    elif strategyTicker == 'testing':
        strategyParametersDict = {'UnderlyingSynthetic': {'activate': False,
                                                'ticker': 'SPY',
                                                'legLabel': 'UnderlyingSynthetic',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'multiplier', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 10,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 10,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 1,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.3, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': -0.9, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': 0.9, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': -0.01, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': 0.01, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': 5, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.01, -1], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.01, 1]},
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},

                                'ExpiryGroupA': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'TSLA',
                                                'legLabel': 'TSLA Call 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': None, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.6, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupB': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'TSLA',
                                                'legLabel': 'TSLA Call 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': None, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.6, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupC': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'TSLA',
                                                'legLabel': 'TSLA Call 3',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 760,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': None, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.6, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.5, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                               'ExpiryGroupD': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'TSLA',
                                                'legLabel': 'TSLA Call 4',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 760,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 760,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': None, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts (0.075)
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.6, 0.175], 'strikePercentB': [-0.1, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.3, None], 'strikePercentB': [-0.2, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupE': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'QQQ Put 1',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 130,
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.0525, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.6, 0.09], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupF': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'QQQ Put 2',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 220,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401, # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.03, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.105], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}},
                                'ExpiryGroupG': {'activate': True,
                                                'ticker': 'QQQ',
                                                'legLabel': 'QQQ Put 3',
                                                'calendarType': 'monthlies', # options are 'monthlies' (only), 'weeklies' (only) and 'any'
                                                'positionSizing': 'dollar', # options are 'multiplier' and 'dollar'
                                                'maxExpiryDays': 400,
                                                'rollMaxExpiryDays': 401, # at 401 because we don't want our rebal rules re: calls at 400 to effect our puts
                                                'daysToRollBeforeExpiration': 30,
                                                'monetizingLiquidate': 0.03, # contracts value change vs initial portfolio value
                                                'underlyingPriceDownMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to calls
                                                'underlyingPriceUpMoveLiquidate': None, # applied to puts
                                                'underlyingPriceLowerBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceUpperBoundSidewaysLiquidate': None, # applied to calls/puts
                                                'underlyingPriceDaysSidewaysLiquidate': None, # number of days underlying price within lower/upper bound
                                                'calls': {'strikePercentA': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentB': [0.15, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [0.05, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]},
                                                'puts': {'strikePercentA': [-0.7, 0.105], 'strikePercentB': [-0.45, None],
                                                        'strikePercentC': [-0.225, None], 'strikePercentD': [0.15, None], 'strikePercentE': [0.15, None]}}}
    return strategyParametersDict