Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
Basic Liquidation System Strategy
@version: 0.5
@creation date: 10/06/2022
- At Open, do 15min VWAP/TWAP entry for a total position of $15,000.
- At 9:45 set stop at HOD
- At 10:05 if P/L > 0, exit 50%. If P/L < 0, exit 100% (Adjust stop size accordingly)
- At 10:30 exit all.

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from AlgorithmImports import *

from ast import literal_eval

TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1did0Sk3F9Sn5Il_nUX252jOB_n0UFqat"

AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last",
           "high": "max", "low": "min",
           "volume": "sum"}

class LiquidationBasic(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.entry_size = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("entry_size"))  # Negative value for shorts
        self.wap_type = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("wap_type"))  # VWAP or TWAP
        self.wap_res = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("wap_resolution"))  # Resolution, in seconds, for WAP calculation
        self.wap_fract = self.wap_res/(15*60)

        self.SetCash(self.capital)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.SetStartDate(2019, 5, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 6, 1)

        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        self.overhang = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Agreement Start Date"],
        self.overhang["Date"] = self.overhang["Agreement Start Date"].dt.date
        self.resolution = Resolution.Second
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = self.resolution
        self.SetSecurityInitializer(lambda x: x.SetMarketPrice(self.GetLastKnownPrice(x)))

        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay()
        every_second = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(self.wap_res))
        at = self.TimeRules.At
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_second, self.open_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.set_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 5), self.adjust_position)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.close_trade)

    def open_trade(self):
        if time(9, 30) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 45):
            symbols = list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)
            history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
            if len(history) > 0:
                for symbol in symbols:
                    order_value = self.entry_size*self.wap_fract
                    price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                    quantity = int(order_value / price)
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, price)

    def set_stop(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop")
            today_bar = history.groupby("symbol").agg(AGG_OPS)
            limits = today_bar.eval("high + (high - low)*0.5")  # Intra range 1.05 as limit price
            for s in symbols:
                self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity,
                                    today_bar["high"][s], limits[s])

    def adjust_position(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position")
            today_bar = history.groupby("symbol").agg(AGG_OPS)
            limits = today_bar.eval("high + (high - low)*0.5")  # Intra range 1.05 as limit price
            for s in symbols:
                pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_Profit() \
                     + self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                price = self.Securities[s].Price
                qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                if pl > 0:
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/2), price)
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, int(qty/2)-qty,
                                        today_bar["high"][s], limits[s])
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty), price)

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def close_trade(self):
        if len(list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Close Trade")

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        tickers = self.overhang.query("Date == @self.Time.date()")
        universe = [] if len(tickers) == 0 else \
            [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
             (x.Symbol.Value == tickers["ticker"]).any()]
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Universe {len(tickers)} tickers")
        return universe
Basic Liquidation System Strategy
@version: 0.7
@creation date: 10/06/2022
- At Open, do 15min VWAP/TWAP entry for a total position of $15,000.
- At 9:45 set stop at HOD
- At 10:05 if P/L > 0, exit 50%. If P/L < 0, exit 100% (Adjust stop size accordingly)
- At 10:30 exit all.

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from AlgorithmImports import *

from ast import literal_eval

TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1did0Sk3F9Sn5Il_nUX252jOB_n0UFqat"

AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last",
           "high": "max", "low": "min",
           "volume": "sum"}

class LiquidationBasic(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.entry_size = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("entry_size"))  # Negative value for shorts
        self.wap_type = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("wap_type"))  # VWAP or TWAP
        self.wap_res = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("wap_resolution"))  # Resolution, in seconds, for WAP calculation
        self.wap_fract = self.wap_res/(15*60)

        self.SetCash(self.capital)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.SetStartDate(2019, 5, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 6, 1)

        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        self.overhang = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Agreement Start Date"],
        self.overhang["Date"] = self.overhang["Agreement Start Date"].dt.date
        self.resolution = Resolution.Second
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = self.resolution
        self.SetSecurityInitializer(lambda x: x.SetMarketPrice(self.GetLastKnownPrice(x)))

        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay()
        every_second = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(self.wap_res))
        at = self.TimeRules.At
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_second, self.open_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.set_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 5), self.adjust_position)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.close_trade)

    def open_trade(self):
        if time(9, 30) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 45):
            symbols = list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)
            history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
            if len(history) > 0:
                for symbol in symbols:
                    order_value = self.entry_size*self.wap_fract
                    price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                    quantity = int(order_value / price)
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, price)

    def set_stop(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop")
            today_bar = history.groupby("symbol").agg(AGG_OPS)
            limits = today_bar.eval("high + (high - low)*0.05")  # Intra range 1.05 as limit price
            for s in symbols:
                self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity,
                                    today_bar["high"][s], limits[s])

    def adjust_position(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position")
            today_bar = history.groupby("symbol").agg(AGG_OPS)
            limits = today_bar.eval("high + (high - low)*0.05")  # Intra range 1.05 as limit price
            for s in symbols:
                pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_Profit() \
                     + self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                price = self.Securities[s].Price
                qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                if pl > 0:
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/2), price)
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, int(qty/2)-qty,
                                        today_bar["high"][s], limits[s])
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty), price)

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def close_trade(self):
        if len(list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Close Trade")

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        tickers = self.overhang.query("Date == @self.Time.date()")
        universe = [] if len(tickers) == 0 else \
            [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
             (x.Symbol.Value == tickers["ticker"]).any()]
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Universe {len(tickers)} tickers")
        return universe
Basic ML Liquidation Strategy
@version: 0.4
@creation date: 16/07/2022
- At Open, predict the probability of success (triple labeling, up, stop loss or null)
- Enter with limit order at 9:45 price
- Exit with limit order at 10:30 price
- Liquidate at 15:55 if there are still positions open

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from ast import literal_eval
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

import indicators as idx

pd.set_option('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1bzOypNRbhLMRsQzS5DJUxG0OaIRi7hI8"
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last",
           "high": "max", "low": "min", "volume": "sum"}

class LiquidationBasicML(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 10, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 6, 1)
        self.model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_iter_no_change=1)
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")
        self.entry_size = -abs(literal_eval(self.GetParameter("entry_size")))
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))

        self.atms = self.get_atms()
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark, Resolution.Daily)
        self.test_score = 0

                   self.TimeRules.At(0, 0),
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        at = self.TimeRules.At
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.enter_trades)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.exit_trades)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(11, 30), self.liquidate)

    def train_model(self):
        train_start = self.atms.index.get_level_values("time").min()
        x, y = self.get_data(train_start, self.Time)
        fit_params = dict(sample_weight=abs(y))
        cv_scores = cross_val_score(self.model, X=x, y=(y>0).astype(float),
                                    scoring="precision", fit_params=fit_params)
        self.test_score = np.mean(cv_scores)
        self.model.fit(x, (y > 0).astype(float), **fit_params)
        self.Debug(f"Training Points: {len(x)} Test Score: {self.test_score:.1%}")
        self.Plot("ML", "Test Score", self.test_score)

    def enter_trades(self):
        start, end = self.Time-timedelta(1), self.Time
        today_atms = self.atms.query("(time >= @start) and (time <= @end)")
        if (len(today_atms) > 0) and (self.test_score > 0.5):
            x_pred = self.get_data(start, end, with_target=False)
            if len(x_pred) > 0:
                y_proba = pd.Series(self.model.predict_proba(x_pred)[:, 1],
                positions = y_proba[y_proba > 0.5]
                for symbol, position in positions.items():
                    order_value = self.entry_size * position
                    self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Trading {symbol} Value: {order_value}")
                    self.MarketOrder(symbol, order_value)
                self.Debug("No data available!")

    def exit_trades(self):
        for s in self.get_owned_stocks():
            self.LimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, self.Portfolio[s].Price)

    def liquidate(self):
        #for s in self.get_owned_stocks():
        #    self.LimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, 2*self.Portfolio[s].Price)

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def get_data(self, start, end, with_target=True):
        datapoints = self.atms.query("(time >= @start) and (time <= @end)")
        minute_bars = [self.History([s], t, min(t + timedelta(1), self.Time),
                       for s, t in datapoints.index]
        minute_bars = pd.concat(minute_bars)
        opening_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, "09:30", "09:45")
        day_grouper = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"),
                       pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]
        opening_bar = opening_bars.groupby(day_grouper).agg(AGG_OPS)
        features = pd.DataFrame()
        #atm_capacity = self.atms.loc[opening_bar.index, "Total ATM Capacity"]
        #features["opening_volume_atm"] = opening_bar.eval("volume*close") / atm_capacity
        features["opening_range"] = opening_bar.eval("(close-low)/(high-low)")

        if len(features.dropna()) == 0:
            self.Debug("No data available!")

        if with_target:
            target_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, "09:45", "10:30")
            target_bar = target_bars.groupby(day_grouper).agg(AGG_OPS)
            returns = target_bar.eval("1-close/open").apply(np.log1p).dropna()
            index = returns.index.intersection(features.index)
            return features.loc[index], returns.loc[index]
            return features

    def get_atms(self):
        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        atms = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Date"], dayfirst=False)
        atms["Date"] = atms["Date"].dt.date
        atms.rename(columns={"Date": "time", "Symbol": "symbol"}, inplace=True)
        [self.AddEquity(s, Resolution.Minute) for s in atms["symbol"].unique()]
        atms["symbol"] = atms["symbol"].apply(lambda x: str(self.Symbol(x).ID))
        atms.set_index(["symbol", "time"], inplace=True)
        return atms[~atms.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
Big Bertha Strategy with Machine Learning
- New Features (bb volume and open)
- Offline data storage to avoid symbols limitation
- Trade execution on high probability trades

- Risk management with stop loss
@version: 0.12
@creation date: 05/07/2022

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

import indicators as idx

pd.set_option('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
GROUPER = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"), pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last", "high": "max", 
           "low": "min", "volume": "sum"}

class BigBerthaML(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.min_usd_volume = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("min_usd_volume"))
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")

        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 1)
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark, Resolution.Minute)

        self.accuracy = 0
        self.features, self.targets = None, None
        self.model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_iter_no_change=3)

        at = self.TimeRules.At
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        self.Train(self.DateRules.MonthStart(), at(0, 0), self.train_model)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.update_data)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 55), self.stop_trading)

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        return [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
                x.HasFundamentalData and
                x.DollarVolume > self.min_usd_volume]

    def train_model(self):
        if self.features is None or self.targets is None: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Training")
        x, y = self.get_train_data()
        fit_params = dict(sample_weight=abs(y))
        cv_scores = cross_val_score(self.model, X=x, y=(y > 0).astype(float),
                                    fit_params=fit_params, cv=10)
        self.accuracy = np.mean(cv_scores)
        self.model.fit(x, (y > 0).astype(float), **fit_params)
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Points:{len(x)} Accuracy:{self.accuracy:.1%}")
        self.Plot("ML", "Confidence", self.accuracy)

    def trade(self):
        if self.accuracy <= 0.5: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Trading")
        x_pred = self.get_pred_data()
        y_proba = pd.Series(self.model.predict_proba(x_pred)[:, 1],
        self.Debug(f"Predictions: {len(y_proba)} - Proba {min(y_proba):.0%}-{max(y_proba):.0%}")
        trades = y_proba[(y_proba < 0.3) | (y_proba > 0.7)]
        for symbol in trades.index:
            qty = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(symbol, 0.01)
            last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
            self.LimitOrder(symbol, qty, last_price)

    def stop_trading(self):

    def update_data(self):
        trade_days = self.TradingCalendar.GetTradingDays(self.Time - timedelta(7),
                                                         self.Time - timedelta(1))
        last_day = list(filter(lambda p: p.BusinessDay and not p.PublicHoliday,
        start = last_day.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0)
        end = self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=35, second=0)
        tickers = [ticker for ticker in list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)
                   if str(ticker) not in self.benchmark]
        minute_bars = self.History(tickers, start, end, Resolution.Minute)

        day_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "16:00")
        pm_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "00:01", "09:30").add_prefix("pm_")
        min5_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "09:35").add_prefix("bb_")

        new_features = min5_bar
        new_features.eval("bb_size = (bb_high-bb_low)/bb_open",
        new_features.eval("bb_close_range = (bb_close-bb_low)/(bb_high-bb_low)",
        new_features.eval("bb_open_range = (bb_open-bb_low)/(bb_high-bb_low)",
        new_features["pm_volume_usd"] = pm_bar.eval("pm_close*pm_volume")
        yesterday_close = day_bar["close"].groupby("symbol").shift(1)
        new_features["gap"] = day_bar["open"] / yesterday_close
        self.features = pd.concat([self.features, new_features.dropna()]).drop_duplicates()

        trade_day_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:36", "15:55")
        new_targets = trade_day_bar.eval("close/open").apply(np.log).dropna()
        self.targets = pd.concat([self.targets, new_targets]).drop_duplicates()
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Data updated: {len(self.features)} datapoints")

    def get_train_data(self):
        common_index = self.targets.index.intersection(self.features.index)
        return self.features.loc[common_index], self.targets.loc[common_index]

    def get_pred_data(self):
        return self.features.query("time == @self.Time.date()")

    def agg_bars(self, minute_bars, start_time, end_time):
        filtered_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, start_time, end_time)
        return filtered_bars.groupby(GROUPER).agg(AGG_OPS)

    def get_dataset_days(self):
        return len(self.features.index.get_level_values("time").unique()) \
            if self.features is not None else 0
Big Bertha Strategy with Machine Learning
- New Features (bb volume and open)
- Offline data storage to avoid symbols limitation
- Trade execution on high probability trades

- Risk management with stop loss
@version: 0.12
@creation date: 05/07/2022

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

import indicators as idx

pd.set_option('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
GROUPER = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"), pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last", "high": "max",
           "low": "min", "volume": "sum"}
RETR_PCT = 0.7

class BigBerthaML(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.min_usd_volume = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("min_usd_volume"))
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")

        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 1)
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark, Resolution.Minute)

        self.accuracy = 0
        self.features, self.targets = None, None
        self.model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_iter_no_change=3)

        at = self.TimeRules.At
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        self.Train(self.DateRules.WeekStart(), at(0, 0), self.train_model)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.store_data)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 55), self.stop_trading)

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        return [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
                x.HasFundamentalData and
                x.DollarVolume > self.min_usd_volume]

    def train_model(self):
        if self.features is None or self.targets is None: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Training")
        x, y = self.get_train_data()
        cv_scores = cross_val_score(self.model, X=x, y=y, cv=10)
        self.accuracy = np.mean(cv_scores)
        self.model.fit(x, y)
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Points:{len(x)} Accuracy:{self.accuracy:.1%}")
        self.Plot("ML", "Accuracy", self.accuracy)

    def trade(self):
        if self.accuracy <= 0.5: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Trading")
        x_pred = self.get_pred_data()
        y_proba = pd.DataFrame(self.model.predict_proba(x_pred),
        actions = y_proba.idxmax(axis=1)
        positions = actions.apply(lambda x: 0.01 if x=="long" else -0.01 if x=="short" else 0)
        self.Debug(f"Predictions: {len(y_proba)} - Proba {y_proba}")
        for symbol, pos in positions.items():
            qty = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(symbol, pos)
            self.MarketOrder(symbol, qty)
            feats = x_pred.loc[symbol].iloc[0]  # TODO: Refactor
            window = (feats.bb_high - feats.bb_low) * RETR_PCT
            stop_loss = feats.bb_high - window if pos > 0 \
                else feats.bb_low + window    # TODO: Refactor
            self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, -qty, stop_loss)

    def stop_trading(self):

    def store_data(self):
        trade_days = self.TradingCalendar.GetTradingDays(self.Time - timedelta(7),
                                                         self.Time - timedelta(1))
        last_day = list(filter(lambda p: p.BusinessDay and not p.PublicHoliday,
        start = last_day.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0)
        end = self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=35, second=0)
        tickers = list(filter(lambda x: str(x) not in self.benchmark,
        minute_bars = self.History(tickers, start, end, Resolution.Minute)

        new_features = self.calc_features(minute_bars).dropna()
        if self.features is not None:
            new_idx = new_features.index.difference(self.features.index)  # Removing potential duplicates
            self.features = pd.concat([self.features, new_features.loc[new_idx]])
            self.features = new_features

        new_targets = self.calc_targets(minute_bars).dropna()
        if self.targets is not None:
            new_idx = new_targets.index.difference(self.targets.index)    # Removing potential duplicates
            self.targets = pd.concat([self.targets, new_targets.loc[new_idx]])
            self.targets = new_targets
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Data updated: {len(self.features)} datapoints")

    def calc_features(self, minute_bars):
        day_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "16:00")
        pm_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "00:01", "09:30")
        min5_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "09:35")
        features = min5_bar.add_prefix("bb_")
        features["bb_size"] = min5_bar.eval("(high-low)/open")
        features["bb_close_range"] = min5_bar.eval("(close-low)/(high-low)")
        features["bb_open_range"] = min5_bar.eval("(open-low)/(high-low)")
        features["pm_volume_usd"] = pm_bar.eval("close * volume")
        yesterday_close = day_bar["close"].groupby("symbol").shift(1)
        features["gap"] = day_bar["open"] / yesterday_close-1
        return features

    def calc_targets(self, minute_bars):
        trading_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:36", "15:55")
        min5_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "09:35")
        trading_bar = trading_bar.join(min5_bar.add_prefix("bb_"))
        return trading_bar.apply(calc_exit_price, axis=1)

    def get_train_data(self):
        train_idx = self.targets.index.intersection(self.features.index)
        return self.features.loc[train_idx], self.targets.loc[train_idx]

    def get_pred_data(self):
        return self.features.query("time == @self.Time.date()")

    def agg_bars(self, minute_bars, start_time, end_time):
        filtered_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, start_time, end_time)
        return filtered_bars.groupby(GROUPER).agg(AGG_OPS)

    def get_dataset_days(self):
        return len(self.features.index.get_level_values("time").unique()) \
            if self.features is not None else 0

def calc_exit_price(row, retr_pct=RETR_PCT):
    window = (row.bb_high-row.bb_low)*retr_pct
    if row.close > row.open:  # long trade
        stop_loss = row.bb_high - window
        target = "long" if row.low > stop_loss else "pass" # 1 if profitable long and not touching the SL
    else:  # short trade
        stop_loss = row.bb_low + window
        target = "short" if row.high < stop_loss else "pass" # -1 if profitable short and not touching the SL
    return target
Full Liquidation System Strategy
@version: 0.1
@creation date: 13/7/2022


import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from AlgorithmImports import *

from ast import literal_eval
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "high": "max", "low": "min",
           "close": "last", "volume": "sum"}
TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1bzOypNRbhLMRsQzS5DJUxG0OaIRi7hI8"

class LiquidationFulll(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.entry_size = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("entry_size"))  # Negative value for shorts

        self.SetCash(self.capital)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 10, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 7, 1)

        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        self.overhang = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Date"], dayfirst=False)
        self.overhang["Date"] = self.overhang["Date"].dt.date
        self.resolution = Resolution.Second
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = self.resolution

        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay()
        every_second = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))
        every_minute = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15))
        at = self.TimeRules.At
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_second, self.open_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_second, self.adding_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(7, 5), self.PM_entry)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(7, 15), self.PM_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(8, 10), self.PM_second_entry)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(8, 15), self.PM_second_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.set_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 5), self.adjust_position)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.adjust_second_position)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_minute, self.set_second_stop)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 55), self.close_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 58), self.liquidate_trade)
        self.SetSecurityInitializer(lambda x: x.SetMarketPrice(self.GetLastKnownPrice(x)))

    def PM_entry(self):
        symbols = list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.date(), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM entry1")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
            vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
            total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
            vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
            limit_price = vwap - intra_range1

            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                order_val = self.entry_size
                quantity = int(order_val/vwap[s]/8)
                self.LimitOrder(s, quantity, lasts)
    def PM_stop(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=7,minute=00,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM stop1")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
            vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
            total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
            vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
            limit_price = hod + intra_range1

            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                order_val = self.entry_size
                qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                self.StopLimitOrder(s, -qty, hod[s],limit_price[s])    
    def PM_second_entry(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=7,minute=00,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM entry2")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
            vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
            total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
            vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
            limit_price = hod + intra_range1

            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                order_val = self.entry_size
                holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                pos_avg = holding.Price
                stop_limit = pos_avg + intra_range1[s]
                #_current = data.Bars[self.symbol.Symbol]
                pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                if pl >= 0:
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    #self.MarketOrder(s, -int(qty/2))
                    #self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/2),target_price[s])
                    self.LimitOrder(s, qty,lasts)
                    #self.StopLimitOrder(s, int(qty/2)-qty, hod[s],limit_price[s])
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, -qty, hod[s],limit_price[s])
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty),lasts)
    def PM_second_stop(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=7,minute=00,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM stop2")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
            vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
            total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
            vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
            limit_price = hod + intra_range1

            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                order_val = self.entry_size
                qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, hod[s],limit_price[s])

    def open_trade(self):
        if time(9, 30) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 35):
            symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
            history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,

            if len(history) > 0:
                hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
                lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
                intra_range = hod - lod
                intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
                vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
                total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
                vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
                limit_price = vwap - intra_range1
                for s in symbols:
                    lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                    holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                    order_val = self.entry_size
                    pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                    if pl >= 0:
                        quantity = int(order_val/vwap[s]/20)
                        #limit_price = vwap[symbol] - intra_range1[symbol]
                        self.LimitOrder(s, quantity, lasts)
                        qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                        self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty), lasts)

    def adding_trade(self):
        if time(9, 35) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 45):
            symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
            history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
            if len(history) > 0:
                hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
                lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
                intra_range = hod - lod
                intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .1
                vwap_bars = history.eval("volume*(high+low+close)/3")
                total_vwap = vwap_bars.groupby("symbol").sum()
                vwap = total_vwap/history["volume"].groupby("symbol").sum()
                limit_price = vwap - intra_range1
                for s in symbols:
                    lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                    holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                    order_val = self.entry_size
                    pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                    quantity = int(order_val/vwap[s]/80)
                    #limit_price = vwap[symbol] - intra_range1[symbol]
                    self.LimitOrder(s, quantity, lasts)

    def set_stop(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) *.05
            intra_range2 = (hod - lod) *.15
            stop_price = hod + intra_range1
            limit_price = hod + intra_range2
            target_price = lod + intra_range1
            for s in symbols:
                    holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                    pos_avg = holding.Price
                    lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    #self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, self.Portfolio[s].Price, hod[s])
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, stop_price[s],limit_price[s])
                    #self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/4),target_price[s])
    def adjust_position(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .05
            limit_price = hod + intra_range1
            target_price = lod + intra_range1
            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                pos_avg = holding.Price
                stop_limit = pos_avg + intra_range1[s]
                pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
               # pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_Profit() \
                #     + self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                if pl > 0:
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    #self.MarketOrder(s, -int(qty/2))
                    #self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/2),target_price[s])
                    #self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/4),lasts)
                    #self.StopLimitOrder(s, int(qty/2)-qty, hod[s],limit_price[s])
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, -int(qty), pos_avg, stop_limit)
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty),lasts)
    def adjust_second_position(self):
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position_2")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .05
            intra_range2 = (hod - lod) * .15
            limit_price = hod + intra_range1
            target_price = lod + intra_range1
            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                pos_avg = holding.Price
                stop_limit = pos_avg + intra_range2[s]
                pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                if pl > 0:
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    #self.MarketOrder(s, -int(qty/2))
                    self.LimitOrder(s, int(qty/2),target_price[s])
                    #self.StopLimitOrder(s, int(qty/2)-qty, hod[s],limit_price[s])
                    self.StopLimitOrder(s, -int(qty), pos_avg, stop_limit)
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty),lasts)

    def set_second_stop(self):
        if time(10, 35) < self.Time.time() < time(15, 45):
            symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
            history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
            if len(history) > 0:
                self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop2")
                hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
                lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
                intra_range = hod - lod
                intra_range1 = (hod - lod) *.05
                intra_range2 = (hod - lod) *.15
                stop_price = hod + intra_range1
                limit_price = hod + intra_range2
                target_price = lod + intra_range1
                for s in symbols:
                    holding = self.Portfolio[s]
                    pos_avg = holding.Price
                    lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                    qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                    r_pl = self.Portfolio[s].get_Profit() 
                    stop_limit = pos_avg + intra_range2[s]
                    #self.StopLimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, self.Portfolio[s].Price, hod[s])
                    if r_pl > 0:
                        self.StopLimitOrder(s, -int(qty), pos_avg, stop_limit[s])
                    #self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty/4),target_price[s])

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def close_trade(self):
        #if len(list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)) > 0:
        symbols = self.get_owned_stocks()
        history = self.History(symbols, self.Time.replace(hour=9,minute=30,second=00), self.Time,
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Close Trade")
            hod = history["high"].groupby("symbol").max()
            lod = history["low"].groupby("symbol").min()
            intra_range = hod - lod
            intra_range1 = (hod - lod) * .05
            for s in symbols:
                lasts = self.Securities[s].Price
                qty = self.Portfolio[s].Quantity
                limit_price = lasts + intra_range1[s]
                self.LimitOrder(s, -int(qty), limit_price)

    def liquidate_trade(self):
        if len(list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys)) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Liquidate Trade")

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        tickers = self.overhang.query("Date == @self.Time.date()")
        universe = [] if len(tickers) == 0 else \
            [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
             (x.Symbol.Value == tickers["Symbol"]).any()]
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Universe {len(tickers)} tickers")
        return universe
    #def OnData(self, data: Slice):
    #    if self.aapl_symbol in data.Bars:
    #        aapl_current_trade = data.Bars[self.aapl_symbol]
Basic ML Liquidation Strategy
@version: 0.5
@creation date: 16/07/2022
- At Open, predict the probability of success (triple labeling, up, stop loss or null)
- Enter with limit order at 9:45 price
- Exit with limit order at 10:30 price
- Liquidate at 15:55 if there are still positions open

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from ast import literal_eval
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

import indicators as idx

pd.set_option('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1bzOypNRbhLMRsQzS5DJUxG0OaIRi7hI8"
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last",
           "high": "max", "low": "min", "volume": "sum"}

class LiquidationBasicML(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 10, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 6, 1)
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")
        self.entry_size = -abs(literal_eval(self.GetParameter("entry_size")))
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_iter_no_change=1)

        self.atms = self.get_atms()
        self.test_score = 0

                   self.TimeRules.At(0, 0),
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        at = self.TimeRules.At
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.enter_trades)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.exit_trades)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(11, 30), self.liquidate)

    def train_model(self):
        train_start = self.atms.index.get_level_values("time").min()
        x, y = self.get_data(train_start, self.Time)
        fit_params = dict(sample_weight=abs(y))
        cv_scores = cross_val_score(self.model, X=x, y=(y>0).astype(float),
                                    scoring="precision", fit_params=fit_params)
        self.test_score = np.mean(cv_scores)
        self.model.fit(x, (y > 0).astype(float), **fit_params)
        self.Debug(f"Training Points: {len(x)} Test Score: {self.test_score:.1%}")
        self.Plot("ML", "Test Score", self.test_score)

    def enter_trades(self):
        start, end = self.Time-timedelta(1), self.Time
        today_atms = self.atms.query("(time >= @start) and (time <= @end)")
        if (len(today_atms) > 0) and (self.test_score > 0.5):
            x_pred = self.get_data(start, end, with_target=False)
            if len(x_pred) > 0:
                y_proba = pd.Series(self.model.predict_proba(x_pred)[:, 1],
                positions = y_proba[y_proba > 0.5]
                for symbol, position in positions.items():
                    order_value = self.entry_size * position
                    self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Trading {symbol} Value: {order_value}")
                    self.MarketOrder(symbol, order_value)
                self.Debug("No data available!")

    def exit_trades(self):
        for s in self.get_owned_stocks():
            self.LimitOrder(s, -self.Portfolio[s].Quantity, self.Portfolio[s].Price)

    def liquidate(self):

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def get_data(self, start, end, with_target=True):
        datapoints = self.atms.query("(time >= @start) and (time <= @end)")
        minute_bars = [self.History([s], t, min(t + timedelta(1), self.Time),
                       for s, t in datapoints.index]
        minute_bars = pd.concat(minute_bars)
        day_grouper = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"),
                       pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]
        opening_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "09:45")
        opening_bar = opening_bars.groupby(day_grouper).agg(AGG_OPS)
        pm_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, "07:01", "09:30")
        pm_bar = pm_bars.groupby(day_grouper).agg(AGG_OPS)

        features = pd.DataFrame()
        features["opening_range"] = opening_bar.eval("(close-low)/(high-low)")
        features["pm_volume_usd"] = pm_bar.eval("close*volume")

        if len(features.dropna()) == 0:
            self.Debug("No data available!")

        if with_target:
            target_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, "09:45", "10:30")
            target_bar = target_bars.groupby(day_grouper).agg(AGG_OPS)
            returns = target_bar.eval("1-close/open").apply(np.log1p).dropna()
            index = returns.index.intersection(features.index)
            return features.loc[index], returns.loc[index]
            return features

    def get_atms(self):
        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        atms = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Date"], dayfirst=False)
        atms["Date"] = atms["Date"].dt.date
        atms.rename(columns={"Date": "time", "Symbol": "symbol"}, inplace=True)
        [self.AddEquity(s, Resolution.Minute) for s in atms["symbol"].unique()]
        atms["symbol"] = atms["symbol"].apply(lambda x: str(self.Symbol(x).ID))
        atms.set_index(["symbol", "time"], inplace=True)
        return atms[~atms.index.duplicated(keep='first')]
Full Liquidation System Strategy
- Added pm volume filtering
@version: 0.6
@creation date: 13/7/2022

import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
from ast import literal_eval
from AlgorithmImports import *

import indicators as idx

TICKERS_CSV = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1bzOypNRbhLMRsQzS5DJUxG0OaIRi7hI8"
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "high": "max", "low": "min",
           "close": "last", "volume": "sum"}

class LiquidationFull(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")
        self.entry_size = -abs(literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital")))

        self.SetCash(self.capital)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 10, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 7, 1)

        csv = StringIO(self.Download(TICKERS_CSV))
        self.atms = pd.read_csv(csv, parse_dates=["Date"], dayfirst=False)
        self.atms["Date"] = self.atms["Date"].dt.date
        self.resolution = Resolution.Second
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = self.resolution
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark, Resolution.Minute)

        at = self.TimeRules.At
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        every_30sec = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))
        every_15min = self.TimeRules.Every(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15))
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_30sec, self.open_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_30sec, self.adding_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(7, 5), self.PM_entry1)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(7, 15), self.PM_stop1)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(8, 10), self.PM_entry2)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(8, 15), self.PM_stop2)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 45), self.set_stop1)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 5), self.adjust_position1)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, every_15min, self.set_stop2)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(10, 30), self.adjust_position2)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 55), self.close_trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 58), self.liquidate_trade)

    def PM_entry1(self):
        history = self.History(self.get_universe_stocks(),
                               self.Time.replace(hour=7, minute=0, second=0),  # TODO: Start at midnight or 7am?
        if len(history) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM entry1")
            vwaps = idx.intra_vwap(history).groupby("symbol").last().dropna()
            for symbol, vwap in vwaps.items():
                last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                quantity = int(self.entry_size/vwap/8)  # TODO: What is this 8? Should we make it parametric?
                self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, last_price)

    def PM_stop1(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=7, minute=0, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM stop1")
            limit_prices = today["high"] + (today["high"] - today["low"]) * .1  # TODO: Should we make this .1 parametric?

            for symbol, limit_price in limit_prices.items():
                qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -qty, today.loc[symbol, "high"],

    def PM_entry2(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=7, minute=0, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM entry2")
            limit_prices = today["high"] + (today["high"] - today["low"]) * .1  # TODO: Should we make this .1 parametric?

            for symbol, limit_price in limit_prices.items():
                last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                pl = self.Portfolio[symbol].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                if pl >= 0:
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, qty, last_price)
                    self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -qty,
                                        today.loc[symbol, "high"],
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, -qty, last_price)

    def PM_stop2(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=7, minute=0, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - PM stop2")
            limit_prices = today["high"] + (today["high"] - today["low"]) * .1  # TODO: Should we make this .1 parametric?

            for symbol, limit_price in limit_prices.items():
                self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity,
                                    today.loc[symbol, "high"], limit_price)

    def open_trade(self):
        if time(9, 30) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 35):
            history = self.History(self.get_owned_stocks(),
                                   self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
            if len(history) > 0:
                vwaps = idx.intra_vwap(history).groupby("symbol").last().dropna()

                for symbol, vwap in vwaps.items():
                    last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                    pl = self.Portfolio[symbol].get_UnrealizedProfit()

                    if pl >= 0:
                        quantity = int(self.entry_size/vwap/20)  # TODO: What is this 20? Should we make it parametric?
                        self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, last_price)
                        qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                        self.LimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), last_price)

    def adding_trade(self):
        if time(9, 35) < self.Time.time() < time(9, 45):
            history = self.History(self.get_owned_stocks(),
                                   self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
            if len(history) > 0:
                vwaps = idx.intra_vwap(history).groupby("symbol").last().dropna()

                for symbol, vwap in vwaps.items():
                    last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                    quantity = int(self.entry_size/vwap/80)  # TODO: What is this 80? Should we make it parametric?
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, last_price)

    def set_stop1(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop")
            intra_ranges = today["high"] - today["low"]
            stop_price = today["high"] + intra_ranges * 0.5  # TODO: Should we make this parametric?
            limit_prices = today["high"] + intra_ranges * 0.15

            for symbol, limit_price in limit_prices.items():
                    self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity,
                                        stop_price[symbol], limit_price)

    def adjust_position1(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position")

            intra_ranges = today["high"] - today["low"]

            for symbol, intra_range in intra_ranges.items():
                last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                stop_limit = last_price + intra_range * .05  # TODO: Should we make this parametric
                pl = self.Portfolio[symbol].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                if pl > 0:
                    qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                    self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), last_price, stop_limit)
                    qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), last_price)

    def adjust_position2(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Adjust Position_2")

            intra_ranges = today["high"] - today["low"]
            target_prices = today["low"] + intra_ranges * .05  # TODO: Should we make this .05 parametric?

            for symbol, target_price in target_prices.items():
                last_price = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                stop_limit = last_price + intra_ranges[symbol] * .15
                pl = self.Portfolio[symbol].get_UnrealizedProfit()
                qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                if pl > 0:
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, int(qty/2), target_price)
                    self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), last_price, stop_limit)
                    self.LimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), last_price)

    def set_stop2(self):
        if time(10, 35) < self.Time.time() < time(15, 45):
            today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
            if today is not None:
                self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Set Stop2")
                intra_ranges = today["high"] - today["low"]

                for symbol, intra_range in intra_ranges.items():
                    last_price = self.Portfolio[symbol].Price
                    qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                    r_pl = self.Portfolio[symbol].get_Profit()
                    stop_limit = last_price + intra_range * .15  # TODO: Should we make this parametric?
                    if r_pl > 0:
                        self.StopLimitOrder(symbol, -qty, last_price, stop_limit)

    def get_owned_stocks(self):
        return [s for s in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys
                if self.Portfolio[s].Quantity != 0]

    def get_universe_stocks(self):
        history = self.History(list(self.ActiveSecurities.Keys), 
                               self.Time.replace(hour=7, minute=0, second=0), 
        if len(history) > 0:
            median_volume = history["volume"].groupby("symbol").median()
            universe = median_volume[median_volume>2500].index.to_list()
            universe = []
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Universe {len(universe)} tickers")
        return universe

    def close_trade(self):
        today = self.get_today_bar(self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0),
        if today is not None:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Close Trade")
            intra_range = today["high"] - today["low"]

            for symbol in intra_range.index:
                lasts = self.Securities[symbol].Price
                qty = self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity
                limit_prices = lasts + intra_range[symbol] * .05  # TODO: Should we make this parametric?
                self.LimitOrder(symbol, -int(qty), limit_prices)

    def liquidate_trade(self):
        if len(self.get_owned_stocks()) > 0:
            self.Debug(f"{self.Time} - Liquidate Trade")

    def get_today_bar(self, start, end):
        history = self.History(self.get_owned_stocks(), start, end,
        return history.groupby("symbol").agg(AGG_OPS) if len(history) > 0 \
            else None
    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        trade_days = self.TradingCalendar.GetTradingDays(self.Time,
        next_day = list(filter(lambda p: p.BusinessDay and not p.PublicHoliday,
        tickers = self.atms.query("Date == @next_day")
        universe = [] if len(tickers) == 0 else \
            [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
             (x.Symbol.Value == tickers["Symbol"]).any()]
        return universe
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
Library of indicators
@version: 0.10

import pandas as pd

Library of indicators
@version: 0.10

import pandas as pd

def filter_bars(bars, start, end):
    time_idx = bars.index.get_level_values("time")
    return bars.iloc[time_idx.indexer_between_time(start, end)]

def rename(bars, name):
    return bars.rename(name) if isinstance(bars, pd.Series) \
        else bars.add_prefix(f"{name}_")

# Daily indicators
# define daily indicators
def roll_max(bars, window, groupby="symbol"):
    groups = bars.groupby(groupby)
    output = groups.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).max())
    return output

def roll_min(bars, window, groupby="symbol"):
    groups = bars.groupby(groupby)
    return groups.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window).min())

def roll_average(bars, window, groupby="symbol", mean_type="arit"):
    mean_func = (lambda x: x.ewm(span=window).mean()) if mean_type=="exp" \
        else (lambda x: x.rolling(window).mean())
    return bars.groupby(groupby).apply(mean_func)

def roll_range(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_min(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    avg_close = roll_average(bars["close"], window).squeeze()
    return (avg_close-min_low)/(max_high-min_low)

def roll_change(bars, window):
    return bars.groupby("symbol").pct_change(window)

def position_range(bars, window):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    max_high = roll_max(yesterday_bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_min(yesterday_bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (bars["open"]-min_low)/(max_high-min_low)

def gap(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return bars["open"]/yesterday_bars["close"]-1

def extension(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_max(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (bars["high"]-max_high)/(max_high-min_low)

def retracement(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_max(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (max_high-bars["low"])/(max_high-min_low)

def gap_extension(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return (yesterday_bars["high"]-bars["open"])/(bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["close"])

def day_range(bars):
    return bars.eval("(open-low)/(high-low)")

def gap_retracement(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return (bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["low"])/(bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["close"])

def roll_vwap(bars, window):
    price_volume = bars[["high","low","close"]].mean(axis=1)*bars["volume"]
    avg_price_volume = price_volume.groupby("symbol").apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).sum())
    avg_volume = bars["volume"].groupby("symbol").apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).sum())
    return avg_price_volume/avg_volume

def shift(bars, shift):
    return bars.groupby("symbol").shift(shift)

def divergence(num_bars, den_bars):
    return num_bars/den_bars-1

# Intra day indicators
day_grouper = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"), pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]

def intra_change(bars):
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    return grouper.last()/grouper.first()-1

def intra_vwap(bars):
    price_volume = bars.eval("(high + low + close)/3 * volume")
    price_volume = price_volume.groupby("symbol").cumsum()
    volume = bars["volume"].groupby("symbol").cumsum()
    return price_volume/volume

def intra_average(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).average()

def intra_max(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).max()

def intra_min(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).min()

def intra_gapext(daily_bars, intra_bars):  # Gap Extension
    numerator = intra_max(intra_bars["high"])-daily_bars["open"]
    denominator = daily_bars["open"] - daily_bars["close"].groupby("symbol").shift(1)
    return numerator.divide(denominator, axis="index")

def intra_highext(daily_bars, intra_bars):  # Total High Extension
    intra_high = intra_max(intra_bars["high"])
    intra_low = intra_min(intra_bars["low"])
    return (daily_bars["high"]-intra_high).divide(intra_high-intra_low,

def intra_retrace(bars):  # Retrace
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    start_bars = grouper.first()
    end_bars = grouper.last()
    return (end_bars["high"]-start_bars["high"])/(start_bars["high"]-start_bars["low"])

def intra_divup(bars):  # Divergence Up
    vwap = intra_vwap(bars)
    return (bars["high"] - vwap) / vwap

def intra_divdown(bars):  # Divergence Down
    vwap = intra_vwap(bars)
    return (vwap - bars["low"]) / vwap

def intra_position_range(bars):  # Posin Range
    #grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)  TODO : Reuse when new version of Pandas is available in QC
    grouper = bars.groupby([pd.Grouper(level="symbol"),
                            pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")])
    return (grouper["close"].last()-grouper["low"].min())/(grouper["high"].max()-grouper["low"].min())

def intra_relvolume(daily_bars, intra_bars, avg_days=10):
    grouper = intra_bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    intra_volume = grouper["volume"].sum()
    avg_volume = shift(roll_average(daily_bars["volume"], avg_days), 1)  # Shift 1 day later to match with intra-day data
    return intra_volume/avg_volume.squeeze()

def intra_volume_hod(bars):
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    index = grouper.apply(lambda x: x.idxmax()[1])
    return grouper["volume"].cumsum()[index].groupby(day_grouper).last()

def rename(bars, name):
    return bars.rename(name) if isinstance(bars, pd.Series) \
        else bars.add_prefix(f"{name}_")

# Daily indicators
# define daily indicators
def roll_max(bars, window, groupby="symbol"):
    groups = bars.groupby(groupby)
    output = groups.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).max())
    return output

def roll_min(bars, window, groupby="symbol"):
    groups = bars.groupby(groupby)
    return groups.apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window).min())

def roll_average(bars, window, groupby="symbol", mean_type="arit"):
    mean_func = (lambda x: x.ewm(span=window).mean()) if mean_type=="exp" \
        else (lambda x: x.rolling(window).mean())
    return bars.groupby(groupby).apply(mean_func)

def roll_range(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_min(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    avg_close = roll_average(bars["close"], window).squeeze()
    return (avg_close-min_low)/(max_high-min_low)

def roll_change(bars, window):
    return bars.groupby("symbol").pct_change(window)

def position_range(bars, window):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    max_high = roll_max(yesterday_bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_min(yesterday_bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (bars["open"]-min_low)/(max_high-min_low)

def gap(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return bars["open"]/yesterday_bars["close"]-1

def extension(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_max(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (bars["high"]-max_high)/(max_high-min_low)

def retracement(bars, window):
    max_high = roll_max(bars["high"], window).squeeze()
    min_low = roll_max(bars["low"], window).squeeze()
    return (max_high-bars["low"])/(max_high-min_low)

def gap_extension(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return (yesterday_bars["high"]-bars["open"])/(bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["close"])

def day_range(bars):
    return bars.eval("(open-low)/(high-low)")

def gap_retracement(bars):
    yesterday_bars = bars.groupby("symbol").shift(1)  # Not including trading date
    return (bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["low"])/(bars["open"]-yesterday_bars["close"])

def roll_vwap(bars, window):
    price_volume = bars[["high","low","close"]].mean(axis=1)*bars["volume"]
    avg_price_volume = price_volume.groupby("symbol").apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).sum())
    avg_volume = bars["volume"].groupby("symbol").apply(lambda x: x.rolling(window, min_periods=1).sum())
    return avg_price_volume/avg_volume

def shift(bars, shift):
    return bars.groupby("symbol").shift(shift)

def divergence(num_bars, den_bars):
    return num_bars/den_bars-1

# Intra day indicators
day_grouper = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"), pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]

def intra_change(bars):
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    return grouper.last()/grouper.first()-1

def intra_vwap(bars):
    price_volume = bars.eval("(high + low + close)/3 * volume")
    price_volume = price_volume.groupby("symbol").cumsum()
    volume = bars["volume"].groupby("symbol").cumsum()
    return price_volume/volume

def intra_average(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).average()

def intra_max(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).max()

def intra_min(bars):
    return bars.groupby(day_grouper).min()

def intra_gapext(daily_bars, intra_bars):  # Gap Extension
    numerator = intra_max(intra_bars["high"])-daily_bars["open"]
    denominator = daily_bars["open"] - daily_bars["close"].groupby("symbol").shift(1)
    return numerator.divide(denominator, axis="index")

def intra_highext(daily_bars, intra_bars):  # Total High Extension
    intra_high = intra_max(intra_bars["high"])
    intra_low = intra_min(intra_bars["low"])
    return (daily_bars["high"]-intra_high).divide(intra_high-intra_low,

def intra_retrace(bars):  # Retrace
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    start_bars = grouper.first()
    end_bars = grouper.last()
    return (end_bars["high"]-start_bars["high"])/(start_bars["high"]-start_bars["low"])

def intra_divup(bars):  # Divergence Up
    vwap = intra_vwap(bars)
    return (bars["high"] - vwap) / vwap

def intra_divdown(bars):  # Divergence Down
    vwap = intra_vwap(bars)
    return (vwap - bars["low"]) / vwap

def intra_position_range(bars):  # Posin Range
    #grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)  TODO : Reuse when new version of Pandas is available in QC
    grouper = bars.groupby([pd.Grouper(level="symbol"),
                            pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")])
    return (grouper["close"].last()-grouper["low"].min())/(grouper["high"].max()-grouper["low"].min())

def intra_relvolume(daily_bars, intra_bars, avg_days=10):
    grouper = intra_bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    intra_volume = grouper["volume"].sum()
    avg_volume = shift(roll_average(daily_bars["volume"], avg_days), 1)  # Shift 1 day later to match with intra-day data
    return intra_volume/avg_volume.squeeze()

def intra_volume_hod(bars):
    grouper = bars.groupby(day_grouper)
    index = grouper.apply(lambda x: x.idxmax()[1])
    return grouper["volume"].cumsum()[index].groupby(day_grouper).last()
Big Bertha Strategy with Machine Learning
- New Features (bb volume and open)
- Offline data storage to avoid symbols limitation
- Trade execution on high probability trades

- Risk management with stop loss
@version: 0.11
@creation date: 05/07/2022

from AlgorithmImports import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ast import literal_eval
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingClassifier

import indicators as idx

pd.set_option('mode.use_inf_as_na', True)
GROUPER = [pd.Grouper(level="symbol"), pd.Grouper(level="time", freq="1D")]
AGG_OPS = {"open": "first", "close": "last", "high": "max",
           "low": "min", "volume": "sum"}

class BigBerthaML(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.min_usd_volume = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("min_usd_volume"))
        self.capital = literal_eval(self.GetParameter("capital"))
        self.benchmark = self.GetParameter("benchmark")

        self.SetStartDate(2021, 1, 1)
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 1)
        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute
        self.UniverseSettings.ExtendedMarketHours = True
        self.AddEquity(self.benchmark, Resolution.Minute)

        self.accuracy = None
        self.features, self.targets = None, None
        self.model = GradientBoostingClassifier(n_iter_no_change=3)

        at = self.TimeRules.At
        every_day = self.DateRules.EveryDay(self.benchmark)
        self.Train(self.DateRules.WeekStart(), at(0, 0), self.train_model)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.store_data)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(9, 35), self.trade)
        self.Schedule.On(every_day, at(15, 55), self.stop_trading)

    def coarse_filter(self, coarse):
        return [x.Symbol for x in coarse if
                x.HasFundamentalData and
                x.DollarVolume > self.min_usd_volume]

    def train_model(self):
        if self.features is None or self.targets is None: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Training")
        x, y = self.get_train_data()
        fit_params = dict(sample_weight=abs(y))
        cv_scores = cross_val_score(self.model, X=x, y=(y > 0).astype(float),
                                    cv=10, fit_params=fit_params)
        self.accuracy = np.mean(cv_scores)
        self.model.fit(x, (y > 0).astype(float))
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Points:{len(x)} Accuracy:{self.accuracy:.1%}")
        self.Plot("ML", "Accuracy", self.accuracy)

    def trade(self):
        if self.accuracy is None: return

        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Trading")
        x_pred = self.get_pred_data()
        y_proba = pd.Series(self.model.predict_proba(x_pred)[:, 1],
        self.Debug(f"Predictions: {len(y_proba)} - Proba {min(y_proba):.0%}-{max(y_proba):.0%}")
        positions = (y_proba[(y_proba <= 0.4)|(y_proba >= 0.6)] - 0.5) * self.accuracy  # Model and trade confidence
        if sum(abs(positions)) > 1: positions /= sum(abs(positions))  # Ensuring no leverage is used
        [self.SetHoldings(symbol, pos) for symbol, pos in positions.items()]

    def stop_trading(self):

    def store_data(self):
        trade_days = self.TradingCalendar.GetTradingDays(self.Time - timedelta(7),
                                                         self.Time - timedelta(1))
        last_day = list(filter(lambda p: p.BusinessDay and not p.PublicHoliday,
        start = last_day.replace(hour=9, minute=30, second=0)
        end = self.Time.replace(hour=9, minute=35, second=0)
        tickers = list(filter(lambda x: str(x) not in self.benchmark,
        minute_bars = self.History(tickers, start, end, Resolution.Minute)
        self.Debug(f"{self.Time} Data updated: {len(self.features)} datapoints")

    def add_features(self, minute_bars):
        day_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "16:00")
        pm_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "00:01", "09:30")
        min5_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:31", "09:35")
        features = min5_bar.add_prefix("bb_")
        features["bb_size"] = min5_bar.eval("(high-low)/open")
        features["bb_close_range"] = min5_bar.eval("(close-low)/(high-low)")
        features["bb_open_range"] = min5_bar.eval("(open-low)/(high-low)")
        features["pm_volume_usd"] = pm_bar.eval("close * volume")
        yesterday_close = day_bar["close"].groupby("symbol").shift(1)
        features["gap"] = day_bar["open"] / yesterday_close-1

        if self.features is not None:
            new_idx = features.index.difference(self.features.index)  # Removing potential duplicates
            self.features = pd.concat([self.features, features.loc[new_idx]])
            self.features = features

    def add_targets(self, minute_bars):
        trading_bar = self.agg_bars(minute_bars, "09:36", "15:55")
        targets = trading_bar.eval("close/open-1").dropna()
        if self.targets is not None:
            new_idx = targets.index.difference(self.targets.index)  # Removing potential duplicates
            self.targets = pd.concat([self.targets, targets.loc[new_idx]])
            self.targets = targets

    def get_train_data(self):
        train_idx = self.targets.index.intersection(self.features.index)
        return self.features.loc[train_idx], self.targets.loc[train_idx]

    def get_pred_data(self):
        return self.features.query("time == @self.Time.date()")

    def agg_bars(self, minute_bars, start_time, end_time):
        filtered_bars = idx.filter_bars(minute_bars, start_time, end_time)
        return filtered_bars.groupby(GROUPER).agg(AGG_OPS)