Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
Estimated Strategy Capacity
Lowest Capacity Asset
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy  as np
import math
import datetime

class JumpingBlueSalamander(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # Set Start Date
        self.SetStartDate(2022, 1, 15)
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 20)
        # Set Strategy Cash
        # Set brokerage model
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Bitfinex, AccountType.Margin)
        # Add Crypto
        btc = self.AddCrypto("BTCUSD", Resolution.Hour)
        # Set margin
        btc.BuyingPowerModel = SecurityMarginModel(3.3)
        # Symbol
        self.BTC_symbol = btc.Symbol
        # Create 4-hour consolidator
        four_hour = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(hours=4))
        # Register "FourHourHandler" to receive 4-hour consolidated bars
        four_hour.DataConsolidated += self.FourHourHandler
        # Subscribe our 4-hour consolidator object to be automatically updated with 4-hour bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, four_hour)
        # RSI
        self.relative_strength = RelativeStrengthIndex(14)
        # Simple moving average
        self.simple_moving_average = SimpleMovingAverage(9)
        # 2-period EMA
        self.ema_two = ExponentialMovingAverage(2)
        # 5-period EMA
        self.ema_five = ExponentialMovingAverage(5)
        # 8-period EMA
        self.ema_eight = ExponentialMovingAverage(8)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.relative_strength, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.simple_moving_average, four_hour)
        # History
        history = self.History([self.BTC_symbol], 1000, Resolution.Hour)
        # Loc history
        history = history.loc[self.BTC_symbol]
        # Four-hour bar storage
        self.storage = {"open":[],"high":[],"low":[],"close":[],"volume":[]}
        # Check
        self.check = False
        # Loop through history
        for time, row in history.iterrows():
            # Create tradebar with history data
            bar = TradeBar(time, self.BTC_symbol, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, row.volume)
            # Update 4-hour consolidator
        # Check false
        self.check = True
        # Difference EMA
        self.EMA_difference = 0

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):
    def FourHourHandler(self, sender, bar):
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # If more than 100 data points stored
        if len(self.storage["close"]) > 100:
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["open"] = self.storage["open"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["high"] = self.storage["high"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["low"] = self.storage["low"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["close"] = self.storage["close"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["volume"] = self.storage["volume"][-100:]
            # Count
            count = 0
            # Convert storage into dataframe
            dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.storage)
            # Fisher transform
            fish_value = self.Fisher_Transform_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Current fish value
            current_fish = fish_value[-1]
            # If current fish greater than SMA
            if current_fish > self.simple_moving_average.Current.Value:
                # Count +1
                count += 1
            # If current fish greater than previous fish
            if current_fish > fish_value[-2]:
                # Count +1
                count += 1
            # Squeeze momentum
            count += self.Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Update EMAs
            self.ema_two.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_five.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_eight.Update(self.Time, count)
        # If check is True
        if self.check == True:

            # If EMA difference is 0
            if self.EMA_difference == 0:
                # Get ema difference
                self.EMA_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
            # Else
                # Get previous ema difference
                previous_ema_difference = self.EMA_difference
                # Get current ema difference
                current_ema_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
                # Update
                self.EMA_difference = current_ema_difference
                # If current ema difference is positive and previous is negative
                if current_ema_difference > 0 and previous_ema_difference < 0:
                    # If long
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].IsShort:
                        # Liquidate
                    # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    if bar.Close > self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                        # If RSI greater than 50
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:

                            # Value of order
                            value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                            # Long
                            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, value)
                # If current ema difference is negative and previous is positive
                if current_ema_difference < 0 and previous_ema_difference > 0:
                    # If long
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].IsLong:
                        # Liquidate
                    # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    if bar.Close < self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                        # If RSI greater than 50
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:
                            # Value of order
                            value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                            # Short
                            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -value)
    def Fisher_Transform_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        window = 10

        df["minLowPrice"] = df['low'].rolling(window = window).min()
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df['high'].rolling(window = window).max()
        df["mid_price"] = (df["low"] + df["high"])/2
        df["minLowPrice"] = df["minLowPrice"].fillna(0)
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df["maxHighPrice"].fillna(0)
        diffRatio = 0.33
        # diff calculation
        x = []
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if row.mid_price == 0 or row.minLowPrice == 0 or row.maxHighPrice == 0:
                diff = (row.mid_price - row.minLowPrice)/(row.maxHighPrice - row.minLowPrice) - 0.5
                diff = 2 * diff
                diff = diffRatio * diff + (1 - diffRatio) * x[-1]
        y = []
        for i in x:
            if i > 0.99:
            elif i < -0.99:
        # Fish calculation
        z = []
        for i in y:
            fish = np.log((1.0 + i)/(1.0 - i))
            fish = 0.5 * fish + 0.5 * fish
        df["fish"] = z
        j = z[-2:]

        return j
    def Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        count = 0
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        # parameter setup
        length = 20
        mult = 2
        length_KC = 20
        mult_KC = 1.5
        # calculate BB
        m_avg = df['close'].rolling(window=length).mean()
        m_std = df['close'].rolling(window=length).std(ddof=0)
        df['upper_BB'] = m_avg + mult * m_std
        df['lower_BB'] = m_avg - mult * m_std
        # calculate true range
        df['tr0'] = abs(df["high"] - df["low"])
        df['tr1'] = abs(df["high"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr2'] = abs(df["low"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr'] = df[['tr0', 'tr1', 'tr2']].max(axis=1)
        # calculate KC
        range_ma = df['tr'].rolling(window=length_KC).mean()
        df['upper_KC'] = m_avg + range_ma * mult_KC
        df['lower_KC'] = m_avg - range_ma * mult_KC
        # calculate bar value
        highest = df['high'].rolling(window = length_KC).max()
        lowest = df['low'].rolling(window = length_KC).min()
        m1 = (highest + lowest)/2
        df['value'] = (df['close'] - (m1 + m_avg)/2)
        fit_y = np.array(range(0,length_KC))
        df['value'] = df['value'].rolling(window = length_KC).apply(lambda x: 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[0] * (length_KC-1) + 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[1], raw=True)
        # check for 'squeeze'
        df['squeeze_on'] = (df['lower_BB'] > df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] < df['upper_KC'])
        df['squeeze_off'] = (df['lower_BB'] < df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] > df['upper_KC'])
        # lists
        value_list = df["value"].to_list()
        squeeze_list = df["squeeze_on"].to_list()
        # Count
        if value_list[-1] > value_list[-2]:
            count += 1
            if value_list[-2] > value_list[-3]:
                count += 1
                if value_list[-3] > value_list[-4]:
                    count += 1
        if value_list[-1] > 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count += 0.5
        elif value_list[-1] < 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count -= 0.5
        return count

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy  as np
import math
import datetime

class JumpingBlueSalamander(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # User input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # # # General backtest settings
        # Set Start Date
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 5, 10)
        # Set End Date
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 20)
        # Set Strategy Cash
        # # # Indicator periods
        # RSI period
        self.RSI_period = 14
        # Simple moving average period
        self.SMA_period = 9
        # Average true range period
        self.ATR_period = 9
        # Fastest EMA period
        self.fastest_ema_period = 2
        # Medium EMA period
        self.mid_ema_period = 5
        # Slowest EMA period
        self.slow_ema_period = 8
        # # # Fisher count parameters # # #
        # Current fish greater than SMA count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count = 1
        # Current fish greater than previous fish value count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count = 1
        # # # Squeeze momentum count parameters # # #
        # If current value greater than previous count +=
        self.current_greater_than_previous_value = 1
        # If previous value greater than one before count +=
        self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value = 1
        # If value -2 greater than value -3 count +=
        self.value_two_greater_than_value_three = 1
        # If value greater than 0 and squeeze on count +=
        self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = 0.5
        # If value less than 0 and squeeze on count -=
        self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = 0.5
        # # # Liquidation percentages
        # Trailing stop loss %
        self.trailing_stop_loss_percent = 0.1
        # Hard stop loss %
        self.hard_stop_loss_percent = 5
        # # # SMS phone number (Needs to include country code)
        self.SMS_phone_number = "+1"
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # End user input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # Set brokerage model
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Bitfinex, AccountType.Margin)
        # Add Crypto
        btc = self.AddCrypto("BTCUSD", Resolution.Hour)
        # Set margin
        btc.BuyingPowerModel = SecurityMarginModel(3.3)
        # Symbol
        self.BTC_symbol = btc.Symbol
        # Create 4-hour consolidator
        four_hour = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(hours=4))
        # Register "FourHourHandler" to receive 4-hour consolidated bars
        four_hour.DataConsolidated += self.FourHourHandler
        # Subscribe our 4-hour consolidator object to be automatically updated with 4-hour bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, four_hour)
        # RSI
        self.relative_strength = RelativeStrengthIndex(self.RSI_period)
        # Simple moving average
        self.simple_moving_average = SimpleMovingAverage(self.SMA_period)
        # ATR
        self.average_true_range = AverageTrueRange(self.ATR_period)
        # 2-period EMA
        self.ema_two = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.fastest_ema_period)
        # 5-period EMA
        self.ema_five = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.mid_ema_period)
        # 8-period EMA
        self.ema_eight = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.slow_ema_period)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.relative_strength, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.simple_moving_average, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.average_true_range, four_hour)
        # History
        history = self.History([self.BTC_symbol], 1000, Resolution.Hour)
        # Loc history
        history = history.loc[self.BTC_symbol]
        # Four-hour bar storage
        self.storage = {"open":[],"high":[],"low":[],"close":[],"volume":[]}
        # Check
        self.check = False
        # Loop through history
        for time, row in history.iterrows():
            # Create tradebar with history data
            bar = TradeBar(time, self.BTC_symbol, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, row.volume)
            # Update 4-hour consolidator
        # Check false
        self.check = True
        # Difference EMA
        self.EMA_difference = 0
        # ATR at time order submitted
        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
        # Trailing stop loss tracker
        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
        # Trailing ATR tracker
        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
        # Just submitted order tracker
        self.just_submitted_order = False

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):
    def FourHourHandler(self, sender, bar):
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # If more than 100 data points stored
        if len(self.storage["close"]) > 100:
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["open"] = self.storage["open"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["high"] = self.storage["high"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["low"] = self.storage["low"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["close"] = self.storage["close"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["volume"] = self.storage["volume"][-100:]
            # Count
            count = 0
            # Convert storage into dataframe
            dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.storage)
            # Fisher transform
            fish_value = self.Fisher_Transform_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Current fish value
            current_fish = fish_value[-1]
            # If current fish greater than SMA
            if current_fish > self.simple_moving_average.Current.Value:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count
            # If current fish greater than previous fish
            if current_fish > fish_value[-2]:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count
            # Squeeze momentum
            count += self.Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Update EMAs
            self.ema_two.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_five.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_eight.Update(self.Time, count)
        # If check is True
        if self.check == True:
            # Just submitted order
            self.just_submitted_order = False

            # If EMA difference is 0
            if self.EMA_difference == 0:
                # Get ema difference
                self.EMA_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
            # Else
                # Get previous ema difference
                previous_ema_difference = self.EMA_difference
                # Get current ema difference
                current_ema_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
                # Update
                self.EMA_difference = current_ema_difference
                # If current ema difference is positive and previous is negative
                if current_ema_difference > 0 and previous_ema_difference < 0:
                    # If short
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1:
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because fast EMA crossed above slow EMA")
                    # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    if bar.Close > self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                        # If RSI greater than 50
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:

                            # Value of order
                            value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                            # Long
                            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, value)
                            # Update ATR
                            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                            # Just submitted order
                            self.just_submitted_order = True
                            # Send SMS
                            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position opened because fast EMA crossed above slow EMA and current price greater than 2-period EMA")
                # If current ema difference is negative and previous is positive
                if current_ema_difference < 0 and previous_ema_difference > 0:
                    # If long
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1:
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because fast EMA crossed below slow EMA")
                    # # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    # if bar.Close < self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                    # If RSI greater than 50
                    if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:
                        # Value of order
                        value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                        # Short
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -value)
                        # Update ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                        # Just submitted order
                        self.just_submitted_order = True
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position opened because fast EMA crossed below slow EMA and current price lower than 2-period EMA")
            # If long and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False:
                # If long hard stop not triggered
                if not self.long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If long ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss
            # If short and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False:
                # If short hard stop not triggered
                if not self.short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If short ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss
    def Fisher_Transform_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        window = 10

        df["minLowPrice"] = df['low'].rolling(window = window).min()
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df['high'].rolling(window = window).max()
        df["mid_price"] = (df["low"] + df["high"])/2
        df["minLowPrice"] = df["minLowPrice"].fillna(0)
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df["maxHighPrice"].fillna(0)
        diffRatio = 0.33
        # diff calculation
        x = []
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if row.mid_price == 0 or row.minLowPrice == 0 or row.maxHighPrice == 0:
                diff = (row.mid_price - row.minLowPrice)/(row.maxHighPrice - row.minLowPrice) - 0.5
                diff = 2 * diff
                diff = diffRatio * diff + (1 - diffRatio) * x[-1]
        y = []
        for i in x:
            if i > 0.99:
            elif i < -0.99:
        # Fish calculation
        z = []
        for i in y:
            fish = np.log((1.0 + i)/(1.0 - i))
            fish = 0.5 * fish + 0.5 * fish
        df["fish"] = z
        j = z[-2:]

        return j
    def Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        count = 0
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        # parameter setup
        length = 20
        mult = 2
        length_KC = 20
        mult_KC = 1.5
        # calculate BB
        m_avg = df['close'].rolling(window=length).mean()
        m_std = df['close'].rolling(window=length).std(ddof=0)
        df['upper_BB'] = m_avg + mult * m_std
        df['lower_BB'] = m_avg - mult * m_std
        # calculate true range
        df['tr0'] = abs(df["high"] - df["low"])
        df['tr1'] = abs(df["high"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr2'] = abs(df["low"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr'] = df[['tr0', 'tr1', 'tr2']].max(axis=1)
        # calculate KC
        range_ma = df['tr'].rolling(window=length_KC).mean()
        df['upper_KC'] = m_avg + range_ma * mult_KC
        df['lower_KC'] = m_avg - range_ma * mult_KC
        # calculate bar value
        highest = df['high'].rolling(window = length_KC).max()
        lowest = df['low'].rolling(window = length_KC).min()
        m1 = (highest + lowest)/2
        df['value'] = (df['close'] - (m1 + m_avg)/2)
        fit_y = np.array(range(0,length_KC))
        df['value'] = df['value'].rolling(window = length_KC).apply(lambda x: 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[0] * (length_KC-1) + 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[1], raw=True)
        # check for 'squeeze'
        df['squeeze_on'] = (df['lower_BB'] > df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] < df['upper_KC'])
        df['squeeze_off'] = (df['lower_BB'] < df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] > df['upper_KC'])
        # lists
        value_list = df["value"].to_list()
        squeeze_list = df["squeeze_on"].to_list()
        # Count
        if value_list[-1] > value_list[-2]:
            count += self.current_greater_than_previous_value
            if value_list[-2] > value_list[-3]:
                count += self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value
                if value_list[-3] > value_list[-4]:
                    count += self.value_two_greater_than_value_three
        if value_list[-1] > 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count += self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        elif value_list[-1] < 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count -= self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        return count
    def long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price less than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) < (1 - (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value greater than previous
            if (close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is lower than trailing ATR tracker
        if close < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price greater than 1.5 * ATR at order open + average price
            if close > ((1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted) + self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price greater than trailing stop loss
            if close > self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price lower than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) < (1 - (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")
    def short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price greater than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) > (1 + (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value less than previous
            if (close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is greater than trailing ATR tracker
        if close > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price less than average price - 1.5 * ATR at order open 
            if close < (self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice - (1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted)):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price less than trailing stop loss
            if close < self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price greater than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) > (1 + (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity)
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")

#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy  as np
import math
import datetime

class JumpingBlueSalamander(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # User input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # # # General backtest settings
        # Set Start Date
        self.SetStartDate(2021, 5, 10)
        # Set End Date
        # self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 20)
        # Set Strategy Cash
        # # # Indicator periods
        # RSI period
        self.RSI_period = int(self.GetParameter("RSI-period"))
        # Simple moving average period
        self.SMA_period = int(self.GetParameter("SMA-period"))
        # Average true range period
        self.ATR_period = int(self.GetParameter("ATR-period"))
        # Fastest EMA period
        self.fastest_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("fastest-ema"))
        # Medium EMA period
        self.mid_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("mid-ema"))
        # Slowest EMA period
        self.slow_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("slow-ema"))
        # # # Fisher count parameters # # #
        # Current fish greater than SMA count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count = float(self.GetParameter("fisher-one"))
        # Current fish greater than previous fish value count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count = float(self.GetParameter("fisher-two"))
        # # # Squeeze momentum count parameters # # #
        # If current value greater than previous count +=
        self.current_greater_than_previous_value = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-one"))
        # If previous value greater than one before count +=
        self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-two"))
        # If value -2 greater than value -3 count +=
        self.value_two_greater_than_value_three = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-three"))
        # If value greater than 0 and squeeze on count +=
        self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-four"))
        # If value less than 0 and squeeze on count -=
        self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-five"))
        # # # Liquidation percentages
        # Trailing stop loss %
        self.trailing_stop_loss_percent = float(self.GetParameter("trailing-stop-loss-percent"))
        # Hard stop loss %
        self.hard_stop_loss_percent = float(self.GetParameter("hard-stop-percent"))
        # # # SMS phone number (Needs to include country code)
        self.SMS_phone_number = "+1"
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # End user input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # Set brokerage model
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Bitfinex, AccountType.Margin)
        # Add Crypto
        btc = self.AddCrypto("BTCUSD", Resolution.Hour)
        # Set margin
        btc.BuyingPowerModel = SecurityMarginModel(3.3)
        # Symbol
        self.BTC_symbol = btc.Symbol
        # Create 4-hour consolidator
        four_hour = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(hours=4))
        # Register "FourHourHandler" to receive 4-hour consolidated bars
        four_hour.DataConsolidated += self.FourHourHandler
        # Subscribe our 4-hour consolidator object to be automatically updated with 4-hour bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, four_hour)
        # RSI
        self.relative_strength = RelativeStrengthIndex(self.RSI_period)
        # Simple moving average
        self.simple_moving_average = SimpleMovingAverage(self.SMA_period)
        # ATR
        self.average_true_range = AverageTrueRange(self.ATR_period)
        # 2-period EMA
        self.ema_two = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.fastest_ema_period)
        # 5-period EMA
        self.ema_five = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.mid_ema_period)
        # 8-period EMA
        self.ema_eight = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.slow_ema_period)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.relative_strength, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.simple_moving_average, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.average_true_range, four_hour)
        # History
        history = self.History([self.BTC_symbol], 1000, Resolution.Hour)
        # Loc history
        history = history.loc[self.BTC_symbol]
        # Four-hour bar storage
        self.storage = {"open":[],"high":[],"low":[],"close":[],"volume":[]}
        # Check
        self.check = False
        # Loop through history
        for time, row in history.iterrows():
            # Create tradebar with history data
            bar = TradeBar(time, self.BTC_symbol, row.open, row.high, row.low, row.close, row.volume)
            # Update 4-hour consolidator
        # Check false
        self.check = True
        # Difference EMA
        self.EMA_difference = 0
        # ATR at time order submitted
        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
        # Trailing stop loss tracker
        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
        # Trailing ATR tracker
        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
        # Just submitted order tracker
        self.just_submitted_order = False

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):
    def FourHourHandler(self, sender, bar):
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # If more than 100 data points stored
        if len(self.storage["close"]) > 100:
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["open"] = self.storage["open"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["high"] = self.storage["high"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["low"] = self.storage["low"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["close"] = self.storage["close"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["volume"] = self.storage["volume"][-100:]
            # Count
            count = 0
            # Convert storage into dataframe
            dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.storage)
            # Fisher transform
            fish_value = self.Fisher_Transform_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Current fish value
            current_fish = fish_value[-1]
            # If current fish greater than SMA
            if current_fish > self.simple_moving_average.Current.Value:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count
            # If current fish greater than previous fish
            if current_fish > fish_value[-2]:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count
            # Squeeze momentum
            count += self.Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Update EMAs
            self.ema_two.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_five.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_eight.Update(self.Time, count)
        # If check is True
        if self.check == True:
            # Just submitted order
            self.just_submitted_order = False

            # If EMA difference is 0
            if self.EMA_difference == 0:
                # Get ema difference
                self.EMA_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
            # Else
                # Get previous ema difference
                previous_ema_difference = self.EMA_difference
                # Get current ema difference
                current_ema_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
                # Update
                self.EMA_difference = current_ema_difference
                # If current ema difference is positive and previous is negative
                if current_ema_difference > 0 and previous_ema_difference < 0:
                    # If short
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1:
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short position EMA liquidated")
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because fast EMA crossed above slow EMA")
                    # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    if bar.Close > self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                        # If RSI greater than 50
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:

                            # Value of order
                            value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                            # Long
                            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, value, tag = "Long position EMA opened")
                            # Update ATR
                            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                            # Just submitted order
                            self.just_submitted_order = True
                            # Send SMS
                            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position opened because fast EMA crossed above slow EMA and current price greater than 2-period EMA")
                # If current ema difference is negative and previous is positive
                if current_ema_difference < 0 and previous_ema_difference > 0:
                    # If long
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1:
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long position EMA liquidated")
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because fast EMA crossed below slow EMA")
                    # # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    # if bar.Close < self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                    # If RSI greater than 50
                    if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:
                        # Value of order
                        value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                        # Short
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -value, tag = "Short position EMA opened")
                        # Update ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                        # Just submitted order
                        self.just_submitted_order = True
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position opened because fast EMA crossed below slow EMA and current price lower than 2-period EMA")
            # If long and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False:
                # If long hard stop not triggered
                if not self.long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If long ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss
            # If short and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False:
                # If short hard stop not triggered
                if not self.short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If short ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss
    def Fisher_Transform_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        window = 10

        df["minLowPrice"] = df['low'].rolling(window = window).min()
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df['high'].rolling(window = window).max()
        df["mid_price"] = (df["low"] + df["high"])/2
        df["minLowPrice"] = df["minLowPrice"].fillna(0)
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df["maxHighPrice"].fillna(0)
        diffRatio = 0.33
        # diff calculation
        x = []
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if row.mid_price == 0 or row.minLowPrice == 0 or row.maxHighPrice == 0:
                diff = (row.mid_price - row.minLowPrice)/(row.maxHighPrice - row.minLowPrice) - 0.5
                diff = 2 * diff
                diff = diffRatio * diff + (1 - diffRatio) * x[-1]
        y = []
        for i in x:
            if i > 0.99:
            elif i < -0.99:
        # Fish calculation
        z = []
        for i in y:
            fish = np.log((1.0 + i)/(1.0 - i))
            fish = 0.5 * fish + 0.5 * fish
        df["fish"] = z
        j = z[-2:]

        return j
    def Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        count = 0
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        # parameter setup
        length = 20
        mult = 2
        length_KC = 20
        mult_KC = 1.5
        # calculate BB
        m_avg = df['close'].rolling(window=length).mean()
        m_std = df['close'].rolling(window=length).std(ddof=0)
        df['upper_BB'] = m_avg + mult * m_std
        df['lower_BB'] = m_avg - mult * m_std
        # calculate true range
        df['tr0'] = abs(df["high"] - df["low"])
        df['tr1'] = abs(df["high"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr2'] = abs(df["low"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr'] = df[['tr0', 'tr1', 'tr2']].max(axis=1)
        # calculate KC
        range_ma = df['tr'].rolling(window=length_KC).mean()
        df['upper_KC'] = m_avg + range_ma * mult_KC
        df['lower_KC'] = m_avg - range_ma * mult_KC
        # calculate bar value
        highest = df['high'].rolling(window = length_KC).max()
        lowest = df['low'].rolling(window = length_KC).min()
        m1 = (highest + lowest)/2
        df['value'] = (df['close'] - (m1 + m_avg)/2)
        fit_y = np.array(range(0,length_KC))
        df['value'] = df['value'].rolling(window = length_KC).apply(lambda x: 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[0] * (length_KC-1) + 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[1], raw=True)
        # check for 'squeeze'
        df['squeeze_on'] = (df['lower_BB'] > df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] < df['upper_KC'])
        df['squeeze_off'] = (df['lower_BB'] < df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] > df['upper_KC'])
        # lists
        value_list = df["value"].to_list()
        squeeze_list = df["squeeze_on"].to_list()
        # Count
        if value_list[-1] > value_list[-2]:
            count += self.current_greater_than_previous_value
            if value_list[-2] > value_list[-3]:
                count += self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value
                if value_list[-3] > value_list[-4]:
                    count += self.value_two_greater_than_value_three
        if value_list[-1] > 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count += self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        elif value_list[-1] < 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count -= self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        return count
    def long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price less than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) < (1 - (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long hard stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value greater than previous
            if (close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is lower than trailing ATR tracker
        if close < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long ATR trailing stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price greater than 1.5 * ATR at order open + average price
            if close > ((1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted) + self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price greater than trailing stop loss
            if close > self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price lower than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) < (1 - (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long trailing stop triggered")
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")
    def short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price greater than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) > (1 + (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short hard stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value less than previous
            if (close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is greater than trailing ATR tracker
        if close > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short ATR trailing stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price less than average price - 1.5 * ATR at order open 
            if close < (self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice - (1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted)):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price less than trailing stop loss
            if close < self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price greater than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) > (1 + (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short trailing stop triggered")
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")
#region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
import pandas as pd
import numpy  as np
import math
import datetime

class JumpingBlueSalamander(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # User input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # # # General backtest settings
        # Set Start Date
        self.SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1)
        # Set End Date
        self.SetEndDate(2020, 5, 1)
        # Set Strategy Cash
        # # # Indicator periods
        # RSI period
        self.RSI_period = int(self.GetParameter("RSI-period"))
        # Simple moving average period
        self.SMA_period = int(self.GetParameter("SMA-period"))
        # Average true range period
        self.ATR_period = int(self.GetParameter("ATR-period"))
        # Fastest EMA period
        self.fastest_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("fastest-ema"))
        # Medium EMA period
        self.mid_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("mid-ema"))
        # Slowest EMA period
        self.slow_ema_period = int(self.GetParameter("slow-ema"))
        # # # Fisher count parameters # # #
        # Current fish greater than SMA count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count = float(self.GetParameter("fisher-one"))
        # Current fish greater than previous fish value count +=
        self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count = float(self.GetParameter("fisher-two"))
        # # # Squeeze momentum count parameters # # #
        # If current value greater than previous count +=
        self.current_greater_than_previous_value = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-one"))
        # If previous value greater than one before count +=
        self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-two"))
        # If value -2 greater than value -3 count +=
        self.value_two_greater_than_value_three = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-three"))
        # If value greater than 0 and squeeze on count +=
        self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-four"))
        # If value less than 0 and squeeze on count -=
        self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count = float(self.GetParameter("squeeze-five"))
        # # # Liquidation percentages
        # Trailing stop loss %
        self.trailing_stop_loss_percent = float(self.GetParameter("trailing-stop-loss-percent"))
        # Hard stop loss %
        self.hard_stop_loss_percent = float(self.GetParameter("hard-stop-percent"))
        # # # SMS phone number (Needs to include country code)
        self.SMS_phone_number = "+1"
        # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # End user input section # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
        # Set brokerage model
        self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.Bitfinex, AccountType.Margin)
        # Add Crypto
        btc = self.AddCrypto("ETHUSD", Resolution.Minute)
        # Set margin
        btc.BuyingPowerModel = SecurityMarginModel(3.3)
        # Symbol
        self.BTC_symbol = btc.Symbol
        # Create 4-hour consolidator
        four_hour = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(hours=4))
        # Register "FourHourHandler" to receive 4-hour consolidated bars
        four_hour.DataConsolidated += self.FourHourHandler
        # Subscribe our 4-hour consolidator object to be automatically updated with 4-hour bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, four_hour)
        # RSI
        self.relative_strength = RelativeStrengthIndex(self.RSI_period)
        # Simple moving average
        self.simple_moving_average = SimpleMovingAverage(self.SMA_period)
        # ATR
        self.average_true_range = AverageTrueRange(self.ATR_period)
        # 2-period EMA
        self.ema_two = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.fastest_ema_period)
        # 5-period EMA
        self.ema_five = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.mid_ema_period)
        # 8-period EMA
        self.ema_eight = ExponentialMovingAverage(self.slow_ema_period)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.relative_strength, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.simple_moving_average, four_hour)
        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.average_true_range, four_hour)
        # Four-hour bar storage
        self.storage = {"open":[],"high":[],"low":[],"close":[],"volume":[]}

        # Difference EMA
        self.EMA_difference = 0
        # ATR at time order submitted
        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
        # Trailing stop loss tracker
        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
        # Trailing ATR tracker
        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
        # Just submitted order tracker
        self.just_submitted_order = False

        # # # # # Additions 8/21/2022 # # # # #

        # Moving average
        self.moving_average_rsi = SimpleMovingAverage(10)

        # Create 2-day consolidator
        two_day = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(days=2))
        # Register "TwoDayHandler" to receive 2-day consolidated bars
        two_day.DataConsolidated += self.TwoDayHandler
        # Subscribe our 2-day consolidator object to be automatically updated with 2-day bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, two_day)

        # ADX
        self.ADX_indicator_daily = AverageDirectionalIndex(14)

        # RSI
        self.RSI_indicator_daily = RelativeStrengthIndex(14)

        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.ADX_indicator_daily, two_day)

        # Register indicator
        self.RegisterIndicator(self.BTC_symbol, self.RSI_indicator_daily, two_day)

        # RSI daily storage
        self.RSI_daily_storage = []

        # Market judgement
        self.market_judgement = "None"

        # Create 10-minute consolidator
        ten_minute = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=10))
        # Register "TenMinuteHandler" to receive 10-minute consolidated bars
        ten_minute.DataConsolidated += self.TenMinuteHandler
        # Subscribe our 10-minute consolidator object to be automatically updated with 10-minute bars
        self.SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(self.BTC_symbol, ten_minute)

        # Warmup
        self.SetWarmUp(timedelta(days = 150))

    def OnData(self, data: Slice):

    def TenMinuteHandler(self, sender, bar):

        # If not warming up
        if not self.IsWarmingUp:

            # If long and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False and self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted is not None:
                # If long hard stop not triggered
                if not self.long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If long ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss
            # If short and not just submitted order
            if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1 and self.just_submitted_order == False and self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted is not None:
                # If short hard stop not triggered
                if not self.short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                    # If short ATR trailing stop not triggered
                    if not self.short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(bar.Close):
                        # Run trailing stop loss

    def TwoDayHandler(self, sender, bar):

        # If RSI daily is ready
        if self.RSI_indicator_daily.IsReady:
            # Update RSI daily storage

            # If stored more than 14
            if len(self.RSI_daily_storage) > 14:

                # Cut
                self.RSI_daily_storage = self.RSI_daily_storage[-14:]

                # If ADX is ready
                if self.ADX_indicator_daily.IsReady:

                    # Get minimum of RSI daliy storage
                    minimum_RSI = min(self.RSI_daily_storage)

                    # Get maximum of RSI daily storage
                    maximum_RSI = max(self.RSI_daily_storage)

                    # Bull
                    if (
                        # If ADX above 30
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.Current.Value > 30 and 

                        # If DI+ greater than DI-
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Current.Value > self.ADX_indicator_daily.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Current.Value and

                        # If minimum RSI below 40
                        minimum_RSI < 40 and

                        # If Current RSI above 40
                        self.RSI_indicator_daily.Current.Value > 40

                        # Judgement
                        self.market_judgement = "bull"

                    # Bear
                    elif (
                        # If ADX above 30
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.Current.Value > 30 and

                        # If DI+ less than DI-
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Current.Value < self.ADX_indicator_daily.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Current.Value and

                        # If maximum RSI above 60
                        maximum_RSI > 60 and

                        # If Current RSI below 60
                        self.RSI_indicator_daily.Current.Value < 60


                        # Judgement
                        self.market_judgement = "bear"

                    # Neutral bull
                    elif (
                        # If ADX below 30
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.Current.Value < 30 and 

                        # If DI+ greater than DI-
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Current.Value > self.ADX_indicator_daily.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Current.Value and

                        # If minimum RSI below 30
                        minimum_RSI < 30 and

                        # If Current RSI above 30
                        self.RSI_indicator_daily.Current.Value > 30


                        # Judgement
                        self.market_judgement = "neutral bull"

                    # Neutral bear
                    elif (
                        # If ADX below 30
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.Current.Value < 30 and 

                        # If DI+ less than DI-
                        self.ADX_indicator_daily.PositiveDirectionalIndex.Current.Value < self.ADX_indicator_daily.NegativeDirectionalIndex.Current.Value and

                        # If maximum RSI above 70
                        maximum_RSI > 70 and

                        # If Current RSI below 70
                        self.RSI_indicator_daily.Current.Value < 70


                        # Judgement
                        self.market_judgement = "neutral bear"

                    # Else

                        # Judgement is None
                        self.market_judgement = "None"
    def FourHourHandler(self, sender, bar):
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # Four-hour bar storage
        # If more than 100 data points stored
        if len(self.storage["close"]) > 100:
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["open"] = self.storage["open"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["high"] = self.storage["high"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["low"] = self.storage["low"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["close"] = self.storage["close"][-100:]
            # Four-hour bar storage
            self.storage["volume"] = self.storage["volume"][-100:]
            # Count
            count = 0
            # Convert storage into dataframe
            dataframe = pd.DataFrame(self.storage)
            # Fisher transform
            fish_value = self.Fisher_Transform_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Current fish value
            current_fish = fish_value[-1]
            # If current fish greater than SMA
            if current_fish > self.simple_moving_average.Current.Value:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_SMA_add_count
            # If current fish greater than previous fish
            if current_fish > fish_value[-2]:
                # Count
                count += self.current_fish_greater_than_previous_fish_add_count
            # Squeeze momentum
            count += self.Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(dataframe)
            # Update EMAs
            self.ema_two.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_five.Update(self.Time, count)
            self.ema_eight.Update(self.Time, count)
        # If RSI is ready
        if self.relative_strength.IsReady:

            # Update moving average
            self.moving_average_rsi.Update(self.Time, self.relative_strength.Current.Value)
        # If not warming up
        if not self.IsWarmingUp:
            # Just submitted order
            self.just_submitted_order = False

            # If EMA difference is 0
            if self.EMA_difference == 0:
                # Get ema difference
                self.EMA_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
            # Else
                # Get previous ema difference
                previous_ema_difference = self.EMA_difference
                # Get current ema difference
                current_ema_difference = self.ema_five.Current.Value - self.ema_eight.Current.Value
                # Update
                self.EMA_difference = current_ema_difference
                # If current ema difference is positive and previous is negative
                if current_ema_difference > 0 and previous_ema_difference < 0:
                    # If short
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity < -0.1:

                        # Insight
                        insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

                        # Emit insight
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short position EMA liquidated")
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because fast EMA crossed above slow EMA")
                    # If current close greater than 2-period ema
                    if bar.Close > self.ema_two.Current.Value:
                        # If RSI greater than 50
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > 50:

                            # If RSI greater than 10-period MA of RSI
                            if self.relative_strength.Current.Value > self.moving_average_rsi.Current.Value:
                                # If market judgement is bull
                                if self.market_judgement == "bull":
                                    # Insight
                                    insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Up, weight = 1)

                                    # Emit insight

                                    # Value of order
                                    value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                                    # Long
                                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, value, tag = "Bull position opened")
                                    # Update ATR
                                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                                    # Just submitted order
                                    self.just_submitted_order = True
                                    # Send SMS
                                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Bull position opened")
                                # If market judgement is neutral bull
                                elif self.market_judgement == "neutral bull":

                                    # Insight
                                    insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Up, weight =  0.5)

                                    # Emit insight

                                    # Value of order
                                    value = (self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * 0.5) / bar.Close
                                    # Long
                                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, value, tag = "Neutral bull position opened")
                                    # Update ATR
                                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                                    # Just submitted order
                                    self.just_submitted_order = True
                                    # Send SMS
                                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Neutral bull position opened")
                # If current ema difference is negative and previous is positive
                elif current_ema_difference < 0 and previous_ema_difference > 0:
                    # If long
                    if self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity > 0.1:

                        # Insight
                        insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

                        # Emit insight
                        # Liquidate
                        self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long position EMA liquidated")
                        # Reset ATR
                        self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                        # Reset trailing stop loss
                        self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                        # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                        self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                        # Send SMS
                        self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because fast EMA crossed below slow EMA")
                    # If RSI below than 50
                    if self.relative_strength.Current.Value < 50:

                        # If RSI below 10-period MA of RSI
                        if self.relative_strength.Current.Value < self.moving_average_rsi.Current.Value:

                            # If market judgement is bear
                            if self.market_judgement == "bear":

                                # Insight
                                insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Down, weight = -1)

                                # Emit insight
                                # Value of order
                                value = self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue / bar.Close
                                # Short
                                self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -value, tag = "Bear position opened")
                                # Update ATR
                                self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                                # Just submitted order
                                self.just_submitted_order = True
                                # Send SMS
                                self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Bear position opened")
                            # If market judgement is neutral bear
                            elif self.market_judgement == "neutral bear":

                                # Insight
                                insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Down, weight = -0.5)

                                # Emit insight

                                # Value of order
                                value = (self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * 0.5) / bar.Close
                                # Short
                                self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -value, tag = "Neutral bear position opened")
                                # Update ATR
                                self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = self.average_true_range.Current.Value
                                # Just submitted order
                                self.just_submitted_order = True
                                # Send SMS
                                self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Neutral bear position opened")
    def Fisher_Transform_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        window = 10

        df["minLowPrice"] = df['low'].rolling(window = window).min()
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df['high'].rolling(window = window).max()
        df["mid_price"] = (df["low"] + df["high"])/2
        df["minLowPrice"] = df["minLowPrice"].fillna(0)
        df["maxHighPrice"] = df["maxHighPrice"].fillna(0)
        diffRatio = 0.33
        # diff calculation
        x = []
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            if row.mid_price == 0 or row.minLowPrice == 0 or row.maxHighPrice == 0:
                diff = (row.mid_price - row.minLowPrice)/(row.maxHighPrice - row.minLowPrice) - 0.5
                diff = 2 * diff
                diff = diffRatio * diff + (1 - diffRatio) * x[-1]
        y = []
        for i in x:
            if i > 0.99:
            elif i < -0.99:
        # Fish calculation
        z = []
        for i in y:
            fish = np.log((1.0 + i)/(1.0 - i))
            fish = 0.5 * fish + 0.5 * fish
        df["fish"] = z
        j = z[-2:]

        return j
    def Squeeze_Momentum_Indicator(self, dataframe):
        count = 0
        # Dataframe
        df = dataframe
        # parameter setup
        length = 20
        mult = 2
        length_KC = 20
        mult_KC = 1.5
        # calculate BB
        m_avg = df['close'].rolling(window=length).mean()
        m_std = df['close'].rolling(window=length).std(ddof=0)
        df['upper_BB'] = m_avg + mult * m_std
        df['lower_BB'] = m_avg - mult * m_std
        # calculate true range
        df['tr0'] = abs(df["high"] - df["low"])
        df['tr1'] = abs(df["high"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr2'] = abs(df["low"] - df["close"].shift())
        df['tr'] = df[['tr0', 'tr1', 'tr2']].max(axis=1)
        # calculate KC
        range_ma = df['tr'].rolling(window=length_KC).mean()
        df['upper_KC'] = m_avg + range_ma * mult_KC
        df['lower_KC'] = m_avg - range_ma * mult_KC
        # calculate bar value
        highest = df['high'].rolling(window = length_KC).max()
        lowest = df['low'].rolling(window = length_KC).min()
        m1 = (highest + lowest)/2
        df['value'] = (df['close'] - (m1 + m_avg)/2)
        fit_y = np.array(range(0,length_KC))
        df['value'] = df['value'].rolling(window = length_KC).apply(lambda x: 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[0] * (length_KC-1) + 
                                  np.polyfit(fit_y, x, 1)[1], raw=True)
        # check for 'squeeze'
        df['squeeze_on'] = (df['lower_BB'] > df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] < df['upper_KC'])
        df['squeeze_off'] = (df['lower_BB'] < df['lower_KC']) & (df['upper_BB'] > df['upper_KC'])
        # lists
        value_list = df["value"].to_list()
        squeeze_list = df["squeeze_on"].to_list()
        # Count
        if value_list[-1] > value_list[-2]:
            count += self.current_greater_than_previous_value
            if value_list[-2] > value_list[-3]:
                count += self.previous_greater_than_one_before_value
                if value_list[-3] > value_list[-4]:
                    count += self.value_two_greater_than_value_three
        if value_list[-1] > 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count += self.value_greater_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        elif value_list[-1] < 0:
            if squeeze_list[-1] == True:
                count -= self.value_less_than_zero_squeeze_on_count
        return count
    def long_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price less than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) < (1 - (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):

            # Insight
            insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

            # Emit insight
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long hard stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value greater than previous
            if (close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close - (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is lower than trailing ATR tracker
        if close < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:

            # Insight
            insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

            # Emit insight
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long ATR trailing stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def long_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price greater than 1.5 * ATR at order open + average price
            if close > ((1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted) + self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price greater than trailing stop loss
            if close > self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price lower than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) < (1 - (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):

                    # Insight
                    insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

                    # Emit insight
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Long trailing stop triggered")
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Long position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")
    def short_liquidation_hard_stop_logic(self, close):
        # If current price greater than stop loss price
        if (close / self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice) > (1 + (self.hard_stop_loss_percent * 0.01)):

            # Insight
            insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

            # Emit insight
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short hard stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because hard stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_ATR_trailing_stop_logic(self, close):
        # Check if trailing ATR tracker is None
        if self.trailing_ATR_tracker is None:
            # Update
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # Else
            # Check if current value less than previous
            if (close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)) < self.trailing_ATR_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_ATR_tracker = close + (3.5 * self.average_true_range.Current.Value)
        # If close is greater than trailing ATR tracker
        if close > self.trailing_ATR_tracker:

            # Insight
            insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

            # Emit insight
            # Liquidate
            self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short ATR trailing stop triggered")
            # Reset ATR
            self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
            # Reset trailing stop loss
            self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
            # Reset trailng ATR tracker
            self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
            # Send SMS
            self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because ATR trailing stop loss triggered")
            # Return
            return True
        # Else
            # Return
            return False
    def short_liquidation_trailing_stop_loss(self, close):
        # If trailing stop loss not yet initiated
        if self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker is None:
            # If current price less than average price - 1.5 * ATR at order open 
            if close < (self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].AveragePrice - (1.5 * self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted)):
                # Initiate trailing stop loss
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
        # Else
            # If current price less than trailing stop loss
            if close < self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker:
                # Update
                self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = close
            # Else
                # If current price greater than trailing stop loss tracker by trailing stop loss percent
                if (close / self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker) > (1 + (0.01 * self.trailing_stop_loss_percent)):

                    # Insight
                    insight = Insight.Price(self.BTC_symbol, timedelta(days=1), InsightDirection.Flat, weight = 0)

                    # Emit insight
                    # Liquidate
                    self.MarketOrder(self.BTC_symbol, -self.Portfolio[self.BTC_symbol].Quantity, tag = "Short trailing stop triggered")
                    # Reset ATR
                    self.ATR_value_when_order_submitted = None
                    # Reset trailing stop loss
                    self.trailing_stop_loss_tracker = None
                    # Reset trailng ATR tracker
                    self.trailing_ATR_tracker = None
                    # Send SMS
                    self.Notify.Sms(self.SMS_phone_number, "Short position liquidated because % trailing stop loss triggered")