Overall Statistics
Total Trades
Average Win
Average Loss
Compounding Annual Return
Net Profit
Sharpe Ratio
Probabilistic Sharpe Ratio
Loss Rate
Win Rate
Profit-Loss Ratio
Annual Standard Deviation
Annual Variance
Information Ratio
Tracking Error
Treynor Ratio
Total Fees
OrderTypeKeys = [
    'Market', 'Limit', 'StopMarket', 'StopLimit', 'MarketOnOpen',
    'MarketOnClose', 'OptionExercise',

OrderTypeCodes = dict(zip(range(len(OrderTypeKeys)), OrderTypeKeys))
from orderTypes import OrderTypeCodes
from System.Drawing import Color

class BollingerBand(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2019, 6, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetCash(10000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        # self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute)

        self.ticker = 'MSFT'
        self.symbol = self.AddEquity(self.ticker, Resolution.Daily)
        self.tradeBarWindow = RollingWindow[TradeBar](2)
        # Initialize the Bollinger Band Indicator with 20 periods and 2 standard deviation parameters
        self.bollingerBand = self.BB(self.ticker,20,2)
        # Define flags variables to manage trades and control orders
        self.buyOrder = None
        self.profitOrderLong = None
        self.lossOrderLong = None
        self.sellOrder = None
        self.profitOrderShort = None
        self.lossOrderShort = None
        self.orderTicketLong = None
        self.orderTicketShort = None
        self.profitTicketLong = None
        self.profitTicketShort = None
        self.lossTicketLong = None
        self.lossTicketShort = None

        # Buy and sells order filled are marked with black diamond(buys) and green light square(sells)
        stockPlot = Chart('Stock Plot')
        #stockPlot.AddSeries(Series("Price", SeriesType.Line,0))
        #stockPlot.AddSeries(Series("Buy", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        #stockPlot.AddSeries(Series("Sell", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        stockPlot.AddSeries(Series('Price', SeriesType.Line, '$', Color.Green))
        stockPlot.AddSeries(Series('Buy', SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Red, ScatterMarkerSymbol.Triangle))
        stockPlot.AddSeries(Series('Sell', SeriesType.Scatter, '$', Color.Blue, ScatterMarkerSymbol.TriangleDown))
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(10, 0), self.trackOrder) 

    def OnData(self, data):
        '''OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped here.
                data: Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data
        if not self.bollingerBand.IsReady:
        lowerBB = round(self.bollingerBand.LowerBand.Current.Value,2)
        upperBB = round(self.bollingerBand.UpperBand.Current.Value,2)
        price = self.Securities[self.ticker].Price
        if data.ContainsKey(self.ticker):
            self.Plot('Stock Plot', 'Price', self.Securities[self.ticker].Price)
        if self.tradeBarWindow.IsReady and data.ContainsKey(self.ticker):
            todayBar = self.tradeBarWindow[0]
            yesterdayBar = self.tradeBarWindow[1]
            if todayBar and yesterdayBar:
                todayclose = round(todayBar.Close,2)
                todayhigh = round(todayBar.High,2)
                todayopen_ = round(todayBar.Open,2)
                todaylow = round(todayBar.Low,2)
                todayVolume = todayBar.Volume
                yesterdayclose = round(yesterdayBar.Close,2)
                yesterdayhigh = round(yesterdayBar.High,2)
                yesterdayopen_ = round(yesterdayBar.Open,2)
                yesterdaylow = round(yesterdayBar.Low,2)
                yesterdayVolume = yesterdayBar.Volume
                todayDate = todayBar.Time.date()
                yesterdayDate = yesterdayBar.Time.date()
                # Condition to buy: yesterday low should be above bolling band low, and today low should be below
                # bollinger band low. This means that the low price cross over the lower band of the bollinger band
                if (yesterdaylow < lowerBB) and (todaylow > lowerBB) and not self.Portfolio.Invested:
                    price = round(self.Securities[self.ticker].Price,2)
                    self.Debug('At {} send Market Order to buy {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.ticker))
                    # self.Debug('Date {} TodayOpen:  {} TodayHigh:  {} TodayLow:  {} TodayClose:  {} Volume:  {}'.format(todayDate,todayopen_,todayhigh,todaylow,todayclose,todayVolume))
                    #    self.Debug('Yesterday {}  YesterdayOpen:  {} YesterdayHigh:  {} YesterdayLow:  {} YesterdayClose:  {} Volume:  {}'.format(yesterdayDate,yesterdayopen_,yesterdayhigh,yesterdaylow,yesterdayclose,yesterdayVolume))
                    #   self.Debug('Low BB:  {} High BB:  {}'.format(lowerBB,upperBB))

                    tradeSize = 1000
                    quantity = int(round(tradeSize / self.Securities[self.ticker].Price,0))
                    tradePrice = round(self.Securities[self.ticker].Price * 0.99,2)
                    self.orderTicketLong = self.MarketOrder(self.ticker,quantity) #,tradePrice)
                    self.buyOrder = True
                if (yesterdayhigh < upperBB) and (todayhigh > upperBB) and not self.Portfolio.Invested:
                    price = round(self.Securities[self.ticker].Price,2)
                    self.Debug('At {} send Market Order to sell {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.ticker))
                    # self.Debug('Date {} TodayOpen:  {} TodayHigh:  {} TodayLow:  {} TodayClose:  {} Volume:  {}'.format(todayDate,todayopen_,todayhigh,todaylow,todayclose,todayVolume))
                    #    self.Debug('Yesterday {}  YesterdayOpen:  {} YesterdayHigh:  {} YesterdayLow:  {} YesterdayClose:  {} Volume:  {}'.format(yesterdayDate,yesterdayopen_,yesterdayhigh,yesterdaylow,yesterdayclose,yesterdayVolume))
                    #   self.Debug('Low BB:  {} High BB:  {}'.format(lowerBB,upperBB))

                    tradeSize = 1000
                    quantity = int(tradeSize / self.Portfolio[self.ticker].Price)
                    tradePrice = round(self.Securities[self.ticker].Price * 0.99,2)
                    self.orderTicketShort = self.MarketOrder(self.ticker,-quantity) #,tradePrice)
                    self.sellOrder = True
                if self.orderTicketLong and self.Portfolio[self.ticker].IsLong and self.Portfolio[self.ticker].Invested:
                    if self.orderTicketLong.Status == 3:
                        #if self.OrderTicket.QuantityFilled > 0:
                        self.Debug('At {} Long order for {} filled at price {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.ticker,round(self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice,2)))

                        # Send limit order for profit and stop loss for long position
                        quantity = self.orderTicketLong.QuantityFilled
                        profitPrice = round(self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice * 1.1,2)
                        stopPrice = round(self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice * 0.90,2)

                        if todayhigh > upperBB and not self.profitOrderLong:
                            self.Debug('At {} Today High {} is higher than upper Bollinger Band {}'.format(self.Time.date(),todayhigh,upperBB))
                            self.profitTicketLong = self.MarketOrder(self.ticker,-quantity,self.Time,'ProfitExitLong')
                            self.profitOrderLong = True
                            self.Debug('At {} Cancel stopOrder because exit profit is reached. Order price was {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice))

                            #self.lossOrder = None
                            #self.BuyOrder = None
                        if not self.lossOrderLong:
                            self.lossTicketLong = self.LimitOrder(self.ticker,-quantity,stopPrice,'StopLossLong')
                            self.lossOrderLong = True
                if self.orderTicketShort and self.Portfolio[self.ticker].IsShort and self.Portfolio[self.ticker].Invested:
                    if self.orderTicketShort.Status == 3:
                        self.Debug('At {} Short order for {} filled at price {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.ticker,round(self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice,2)))
                        # Send limit order for profit and stop loss for short position
                        quantity = self.orderTicketShort.QuantityFilled
                        profitPrice = round(self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice * 0.9,2)
                        stopPrice = round(self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice * 1.1,2)
                        if todaylow < lowerBB and not self.profitOrderShort:
                            self.Debug('At {} Today Low {} is lower than lower Bollinger Band {}'.format(self.Time.date(),todaylow,lowerBB))
                            self.profitTicketShort = self.MarketOrder(self.ticker,-quantity,self.Time,'ProfitExitShort')
                            self.profitOrderShort = True
                            self.Debug('At {} Cancel stopOrder because exit profit is reached. Order price was {}'.format(self.Time.date(),self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice))

                        if not self.lossOrderShort:
                            quantity = self.orderTicketShort.QuantityFilled
                            profitPrice = round(self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice * 0.9,2)
                            stopPrice = round((self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice * 1.1),2)
                            self.lossTicketShort = self.LimitOrder(self.ticker,-quantity,stopPrice,'StopLossShort')
                            self.Debug('entra aca. Stop Price is {}'.format(stopPrice))
                            self.lossOrderShort = True
    def trackOrder(self):
        This function track the order that was submitted(one order at a time) and cancel it if the order
        has more than 4 days in the market without being filled. This can take place when the asset starts
        trending and for long time or never, return to the limit order price that the buy order initially has
        if self.buyOrder :
            if OrderTypeCodes[self.orderTicketLong.OrderType] == 'Limit' and (self.orderTicketLong.Time.date() + timedelta(days=4)) < self.Time.date():
                self.Debug('Cancel Order because has more than 4 days in the market')
                self.buyOrder = None
        if self.sellOrder :
            if OrderTypeCodes[self.orderTicketShort.OrderType] == 'Limit' and (self.orderTicketShort.Time.date() + timedelta(days=4)) < self.Time.date():
                self.Debug('Cancel Order because has more than 4 days in the market')
                self.sellOrder = None
    def OnEndOfDay(self):
        #self.Plot("Stock Plot", "MiddleBand", self.bollingerBand.MiddleBand.Current.Value)
        self.Plot("Stock Plot", "UpperBand", self.bollingerBand.UpperBand.Current.Value)
        self.Plot("Stock Plot", "LowerBand", self.bollingerBand.LowerBand.Current.Value)
        #overlayPlot = Chart("OverlayPlot")
    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
        Each time an order is submitted or filled, this function is triggered.
        order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId)
       # self.Debug("{0}: {1}: {2}: {3}: {4}".format(self.Time, OrderTypeCodes[order.Type], order.Quantity,order.Price,orderEvent))
            #OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'Limit'
        if self.orderTicketLong:
            if order.Status == 3 and order.Id == self.orderTicketLong.OrderId and (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen'): #  and order.Quantity > 0:
            #   self.BuyOrder = None
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Buy", order.Price)
        if self.orderTicketShort:
            if order.Status == 3 and order.Id == self.orderTicketShort.OrderId and (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen'): #  and order.Quantity < 0:
            #   self.BuyOrder = None
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Sell", order.Price)
        if self.profitOrderLong:
            if order.Status == 3 and order.Id == self.profitTicketLong.OrderId: # and order.Quantity < 0: #and ((OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'Market') or (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen')) and self.Securities[self.ticker].Price > self.OrderTicket.AverageFillPrice :
                # Cancel stoploss order because profit order is filled
                self.Debug('At {} Cancel long stopOrder because profit is filled at Price {} greater than buy Price of {}'.format(self.Time.date(),order.Price,self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice))
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Sell", order.Price)
                self.profitOrderLong = None
                self.lossOrderLong = None
                self.buyOrder = None
        if self.profitOrderShort:
            if order.Status == 3 and order.Id == self.profitTicketShort.OrderId: # and order.Quantity > 0: #and ((OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'Market') or (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen')) and self.Securities[self.ticker].Price > self.OrderTicket.AverageFillPrice :
                # Cancel stoploss order because profit order is filled
                self.Debug('At {} Cancel short stopOrder because profit is filled at Price {} greater than buy Price of {}'.format(self.Time.date(),order.Price,self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice))
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Sell", order.Price)
                self.lossOrderShort = None
                self.profitOrderShort = None
                self.sellOrder = None
        if self.lossOrderLong:
            if order.Status == 3  and order.Id == self.lossTicketLong.OrderId and (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'Limit') and order.Quantity < 0:# and ((OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'StopMarket') or (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen')) and self.Securities[self.ticker].Price < self.OrderTicket.AverageFillPrice:
                self.Debug('At {} Cancel long profit Order because loss Order is filled at Price {} lower than buy Price of {}'.format(self.Time.date(),order.Price,self.orderTicketLong.AverageFillPrice))
                self.lossOrderLong = None
                self.profitOrderLong = None
                self.buyOrder = None
                if self.profitTicketLong:
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Sell", order.Price)
        if self.lossOrderShort:
            if order.Status == 3  and order.Id == self.lossTicketShort.OrderId and (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'Limit') and order.Quantity > 0 : # and ((OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'StopMarket') or (OrderTypeCodes[order.Type] == 'MarketOnOpen')) and self.Securities[self.ticker].Price < self.OrderTicket.AverageFillPrice:
                self.Debug('At {} Cancel short profit Order because loss Order is filled at Price {} lower than buy Price of {}'.format(self.Time.date(),order.Price,self.orderTicketShort.AverageFillPrice))
                self.Debug('Tag is {}'.format(self.lossTicketShort.Tag))
                self.Debug("{}: {}: {}: {}: {}".format(self.Time, OrderTypeCodes[order.Type], order.Quantity,order.Price,orderEvent))

                self.Debug('Fill Price  {}'.format(self.lossTicketShort.AverageFillPrice))
                self.lossOrderShort = None
                self.profitOrderShort = None
                self.sellOrder = None
                if self.profitTicketShort:
                self.Plot("Stock Plot", "Buy", order.Price)
                #if self.profitOrder:
                #    self.profitTicket.Cancel()
                #    self.profitOrder = None