Pre-holiday days on the market are often characterized with lower liquidity as a lot of market participants are not involved in the market or they lower their exposure. Historical research shows that stock prices often behave in a specific manner in each of the two trading days preceding these holidays. This anomaly in Equities is often called the pre-holiday effect. It is the market in-efficiency for short-term traders to gain on the final trading day before a holiday. In this algorithm, we'll construct a simple strategy to exploit this pre-holiday effect in the Equity market.
The TradingCalendar class can help us find all the available holidays during a period of time.
GetDaysByType returns trading days of the specified TradingDayType
that contains trading events associated with the range of dates.
Here we choose the type to be TradingDayType.PUBLIC_HOLIDAY
and list all holidays from today to the next two days. As PublicHoliday
includes weekends,
we use the type TradingDayType.WEEKEND
to subtract weekend holidays.
def on_data(self, data):
calendar1 = self.trading_calendar.get_days_by_type(TradingDayType.PUBLIC_HOLIDAY, self.time, self.time+timedelta(days=2))
calendar2 = self.trading_calendar.get_days_by_type(TradingDayType.WEEKEND, self.time, self.time+timedelta(days=2))
holidays = [ for i in calendar1]
weekends = [ for i in calendar2]
public_holidays = list(set(holidays) - set(weekends))
The investment vehicle is SPDR S&P500 ETF. The algorithm will trade the ETF if there are holidays within the next two days and stays in cash during other trading days.
if not self.portfolio.invested and len(holidays)>0:
self.set_holdings("SPY", 1)
elif self.portfolio.invested and len(holidays)==0:
Derek Melchin
See the attached backtest for an updated version of the algorithm in PEP8 style.
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