CFD Support and Data Connector Expansion

We also added Forex CFD support for the IB brokerage model, thereby increasing the types of securities supported by Interactive Brokers. Another significant update was a code cleanup that addressed unnecessary files and issues with dependencies. The remaining updates involved various code refactorings and bug fixes.

Thank you to our contributors, particularly Romazes and ashutoshrana171. Your diligent pull requests have resulted in bug fixes, code cleanness, removals, refactoring, and the addition of Forex CFD for Interactive Brokers, enhancing our platform and serving our trading community. Your contributions to the LEAN Open Source project are much appreciated and invaluable for its progress.


  • Shipped (#7890): Add labels to Docker foundation files: The LEAN CLI has been updated to not hard code the python version supported. This allows the the CLI to be built and run on different python versions. 
  • Shipped (#7878, #7861): Add CFD Support for IB: We've added support for Interactive Brokers CFDs in live trading. This allows European clients to trade ETF products by switching to CFD symbols in live trading.  

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue (#7874): Fixes issue with Tensorflow CUDA support in Lean by implementing solution from open issue on Tensorflow repository.


  • Fixed issue (#7885): Fixed issue in data destination directory in LEAN CLI.
  • Fixed issue (#7873): Upgraded to Python 3.11. Fixes for minor Python updates and related CI tests. 
  • Fixed issue (#7867): Removed legacy data downloader CryptoIQ. No longer operational.
  • Fixed issue (#7866): Removed legacy IVolatility Equity data downloader. Requires converting to data plugin. 
  • Fixed issue (#7863): Removed legacy NSE data downloader. Requires converting to data plugin.


Mia Alissi

April 2024