Hello Everyone! 

We're happy to share we've completed an integration with Tiingo to add their historical news data to QuantConnect's platform! This will enable a new suite of news events and sentiment style strategies able to quickly apply the news to trading!

The engineering behind our new custom data source integrations was pretty epic. We've worked behind the scenes to make it smooth for months - ensuring tickers were properly mapped, dealing with collisions of symbol objects and finally getting new data production ready!

This is an [Alpha Streams Approved] data source. For any alpha streams or competition use, the data is free to consume! For individual live trading, you will need to register for a paid account and get an API token on Tiingo.

With Tiingo you can pull in the news titles, descriptions, tags about the article and other companies mentioned in the news. We're excited to see the awesome new applications possible with the new data!

Check out the example below doing some basic NLP to assign sentiment to words of the news! See more information in the new Alternative Data / Tiingo News Documentation! 

Happy Coding,
