Hey guys, I can't seem to figure this out, and maybe it's just not possible, but does anyone know how I'd update an order tag within the OnOrderEvent handler? I was hoping something like the below would work, but it seems to have no impact. Note that I'm using the Algorithm Framework, and am not creating my orders directly.
def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
""" Handles various order events. """
# Handle filled orders
if orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled:
order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId)
orderTicket = self.Transactions.GetOrderTicket(orderEvent.OrderId)
# Tag pnl of covered short position
if orderTicket is not None and orderEvent.Direction == OrderDirection.Buy:
orderPNL = self.Portfolio[orderEvent.Symbol].Profit
orderUpdate = UpdateOrderFields()
orderUpdate.Tag = f'PNL: ${orderPNL:,.2f}'
Shile Wen
Hi Charles,
By the time the OrderEvent is called, the order has already been filled so it is not possible to update its tag.
Shile Wen
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Charles Naccio
Hey Shile Wen that makes sense, but I'd expect still being able to update the order when catching the new order event, which occurs before the filled event?
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Shile Wen
Hi Charles,
We can update the tag if the order in the OrderEvent is not filled, but if the order is already filled, then it's not possible to update the tag. However, I've submitted a feature request to allow retroactive updates of tags on Github here, and I suggest subscribing to the thread to be notified when the solution is merged.
An alternative way to track order profits can be found in this thread.
Shile Wen
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