When analyzing a backtest report/result, I'm constantly pulling up corresponding charts in TradingView for each traded asset in my backtest to understand where and how the trades were made. This is primarily helpful when troubleshooting a strategy and making sure it's behaving the way you expect.
Maybe if you click on one of the assets within the Alpha Assets window, it could pop up the chart so that you're not trying to load charts for all traded assets. Or maybe it's something that could be configured within the strategy code. i.e. Specify which symbols to load trade candlestick charts for.
P.S. If this is somehow already possible, any insight is much appreciated.
Charles Naccio
Actually, just realized this could partially be accomplished via the Charting API documented here: Charting Docs
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Shile Wen
Hi Charles,
Adding on to this, a nice way to see where the trades occurred can be through charting scattered triangles, which I demonstrate in this algorithm.
Shile Wen
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