import pandas as pd

qb = QuantBook()
symbol = qb.AddEquity("gsus",fillDataForward = False).Symbol

# Fetch history
history = qb.History([symbol], 75, Resolution.Daily)

# Fetch price
total_price = history.loc[symbol].low

pd.set_option('display.max_rows', total_price.shape[0]+1)
print (total_price.shape[0])
print (total_price)


No data is available on 5-6 Aug but fillDataForward = False returns the same results as fillDataForward = True, any reason for that?

Noticed that for both fillDataForward = True/False, OHLC of NaN data will return the following:

Close = Previous Close

Open = Previous Open

High = Max (Open, Close)

Low = Min (Open, Close)


I wish to get the fillforward below instead, can advise? Thanks.

Close = Previous Close

Open = Previous Close

High = Max (Open, Close)

Low = Min (Open, Close)


Zc Yong

November 2020