Hey Guys,
For a project i need to create my own rating.
Based on coarse and fine selection I want to create a rating (0-100) on which the trades are made.
I thought of creating an DataFrame with initializing and adding my weighted indicators.
For example:
def Initialize(self):
columns = ['SYMBOL', 'VOL', 'RATING']
self.data = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
def CoarseSelectionFunction(self, coarse):
selected = [x for x in coarse if (x.HasFundamentalData) and (float(x.Price) > 5)]
for x in selected:
v = lambda x: x.DollarVolume
z = lambda x: x.Symbol.Value
if v > 20000000:
self.data.append(pd.DataFrame({'VOL': [1], 'SYMBOL': z}, index=[z]))
self.data.append(pd.DataFrame({'VOL': [v/20000000], 'SYMBOL': z}, index=[z]))
self.data.append(pd.DataFrame({'VOL': [0], 'SYMBOL': v}, index=[z]))
return [x.Symbol for x in selected]
def FineSelectionFunction(self, fine):
for x in fine:
m = lambda x: x.MarketCap
z = lambda x: x.Symbol
if m >= 10000000000:
self.data.loc[z, "SIZE"] = 1
elif m <= 1000000000:
self.data.loc[z, "SIZE"] = 0
self.data.loc[z, "SIZE"] = ((m - 1000000000) / 9000000000)
self.data.loc[z, "SIZE"] = 0
Since I get an Attribute error when accessing Symbol in FineSelection, I'm wondering wether my approach with Lambda is even correct?
Rainer Gabel
forgot to add "SIZE" as a columm..
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Shile Wen
Hi Rainier,
We don't need a lambda function (which doesn't get us the desired result anyway), we can just get the value directly. Furthermore, we get the Attribute error because we are trying to access an index using a function. After that, we also need to add "SIZE" as a field initially when we add the rows to the DataFrame. Please see the attached backtest for the fixes, and I've also made a few stylistic changes and other bugfixes.
Shile Wen
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