Hey Quants,I'm relatively new to Quantconnect and come as you might have guessed from the Quantopian community :). When trying out a backtest, every now and then a RuntimeError occurs at special times.
The attached backtest from 2010-today works without problems. If you start the same algorithm for the period 2005-today it aborts July 2006 with this error message:
Runtime Error: In Scheduled Event 'SPY: MonthStart: SPY: 15 min before MarketClose', AttributeError : 'Index' object has no attribute 'levels' AttributeError : 'Index' object has no attribute 'levels'
QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduledEventException: In Scheduled Event 'SPY: MonthStart: SPY: 15 min before MarketClose', ---> System.Exception: AttributeError : 'Index' object has no attribute 'levels' ---> Python.Runtime.PythonException: AttributeError : 'Index' object has no attribute 'levels'
at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke (Python.Runtime.PyObject[] args) [0x00035] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduleManager+<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<On>b__0 (System.String name, System.DateTime time) [0x00011] in <76bf9fe7f75d4895a52327a40a07b107>:0
at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduledEvent.OnEventFired (System.DateTime triggerTime) [0x00027] in <76bf9fe7f75d4895a52327a40a07b107>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Do you know any fix to this issue?Or maybe a workaround, to except that particular RuntimeError?
Thank you for your help.
Rainer Gabel
Hey Derek,
thanks for your fast support. Your code upgrade fixed this issue. However running in Jul 2008 there is another error generating endless canceled orders leading to a Backtest Handled Error: You have exceeded maximum number of orders (10000), for unlimited orders upgrade your account.
Would you mind checking this issue too?
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