I want to use HMA indicator on, say 30, mins bars. I have copied the HMA class from Opening Breakout Algo and the consolidator from the Indicator Examples (BB, MACD, SMA, EMA, RSI, ATR) example. I thought the attached code would work but the trades are not evaluated on the consolidated bar I specified. I have verified the HMA logic using purely Hourly resolution and it worked.
//Add as many securities as you like. All the data will be passed into the event handler:
AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, Symbol, Resolution.Hour);
HMA = new HullMovingAverage(Symbol+"_HMA_",40);
but I do not know what went wrong with this consolidator codes. Actually I was trying to use
AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, Symbol, Resolution.Minute);
HMA = new HullMovingAverage(Symbol+"_HMA_",40);
which I thought would be a system based on Hourly price but placing trade on the next minute as I have used on built-in indicators before. And that is why I switched to consolidator to see if could solve the problem
If I use the same consolidator with built-in indicator like SMA in the following style I can see all the trades evaluated every 30 mins and executed at every 31 and 01 minute as I wanted. I do not know what went wrong with my use of consolidators in the HMA case. Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.
private SimpleMovingAverage fast;
private SimpleMovingAverage slow;
TradeBar _spyMinutes;
public override void Initialize()
SetStartDate(2015, 01, 01);
SetEndDate(2015, 12, 31);
AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, Symbol, Resolution.Minute);
// define our daily trade bar consolidator. we can access the daily bar
// from the DataConsolidated events, this consolidator can only be used
// for a single symbol!
var minConsolidator = new TradeBarConsolidator(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
// attach our event handler. the event handler is a function that will be called each time we produce
// a new consolidated piece of data.
minConsolidator.DataConsolidated += OnFiveMinutes;
// this call adds our daily consolidator to the manager to receive updates from the engine
SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(Symbol, minConsolidator);
int fastPeriod = 2;
int slowPeriod = 16;
fast = new SimpleMovingAverage(Symbol + "_SMA_" + fastPeriod, fastPeriod);
slow = new SimpleMovingAverage(Symbol + "_SMA_" + slowPeriod, slowPeriod);
// we need to manually register these indicators for automatic updates
RegisterIndicator(Symbol, fast, minConsolidator);
RegisterIndicator(Symbol, slow, minConsolidator);
private void OnFiveMinutes(object sender, TradeBar consolidated)
_spyMinutes = consolidated;
//Log(consolidated.Time.ToString("o") + " >> " + Symbol + ">> LONG >> 100 >> " + Portfolio[Symbol].Quantity);
// if you want code to run every five minutes then you can run it inside of here
Michael Handschuh
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Jiaqi chen
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Michael Handschuh
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Jiaqi chen
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Michael Handschuh
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