
My live trade algorithm crashed this afternoon. This is the log (the HTML stuff is exactly how it's displayed in the Algorithm lab):

2020-10-23 14:35:58 : Runtime Error: GDAXBrokerage.FillMonitorAction(): request failed: [502] Bad Gateway, Content: <html> <head><title>502 Bad: Gateway</title></head> <body> : <center><h1>502 Bad : Gateway</h1></center> <hr><center>cloudfla: re</center> </body> : </html> : , ErrorMessage: : St: ackTrace: System.Exception: GDAXBrokerage.FillMonitorAction(): request failed: [502] Bad Gateway, Content: <html> <head><title>502 Bad: Gateway</title></head> <body> : <center><h1>502 Bad : Gateway</h1></center> <hr><center>cloudfla: re</center> </body> : </html> : , ErrorMessage: :

There has been an issue with Market Orders on ETHEUR often not showing as filled in Quantconnect, despite being filled at Coinbase Pro (on Quantconnect, they show as 'Submitted') - maybe this could be related? I also trade with BTCEUR but the same problem doesn't happen.
