Hello all, hope I'm OK to ask a newbie question here. I have an IKBR account that I use for discrectionary trading, and I would like to backtest a strategy on QuantConnect.
But once backtesting is finally concluded how do I go about using the algo on my IBKR account?
1) does QuantConnect have a way for us to connect our IKBR account to it?
2) or can we import the algo into IKBR trader workstation
Being in Canada IKBR is our only choice for algo trading but they don't allow robust backtesting from what I've read. I have some experience a few different programming languages and I've been doing discrentionary trading for 3 years, so it should be a worth experiment.
Thanks for any help you can provide in regards to these questions.
Jared Broad
Hey there, we have live trading as shown in this video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf-uKzHRA2s&ab_channel=QuantConnectWe don't support backtesting on Canadian stocks, but some users have had success live trading with Canadian accounts on US stocks.
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Conor Flynn
Hi Brent,
If you are looking to backtest a strategy I would still recommend using QuantConnect rather than looking for an alternative. Your backtesting should still be a good indication of how well your strategy would work on the Canadian stock market and would also help you avoid selection bias when backtesting.
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