I am trying to get some crypto history into my algorithm but it is not working.
class MyAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.cryptos = ["BTCEUR", "ETHEUR", "LTCEUR"]
def OnData(self, data):
hist = self.History(self.cryptos, 3, Resolution.Daily)
When I watch hist with the debug tool it is returning "Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []".
Any ideas where I'm going wrong please?
Arthur Asenheimer
Hi Graeme,
data must be added with the AddCrypto() method.
class MyAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2020,1,1) self.SetCash(100000) self.cryptos = ["BTCEUR", "ETHEUR", "LTCEUR"] self.symbols = [self.AddCrypto(crypto).Symbol for crypto in self.cryptos] def OnData(self, data): hist = self.History(self.cryptos, 3, Resolution.Daily) self.Debug(hist.close.head())
By the way, it's not good style to create a history dataframe on every OnData() invoke. Too many unnecessary calculations. I recommend to use Rolling Windows instead.
Graeme Allen
Thank you Arthur.
I have the following:
class MyAlorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2012, 2, 1) self.SetEndDate(2019, 6, 1) self.Portfolio.SetCash(0) # Set USD to 0 since we only have EUR in our account self.Portfolio.SetCash("EUR", 1000, 1.23) # Set EUR strategy cash with current EURUSD conversion rate self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.GDAX, AccountType.Cash) self.cryptos = ["BTCEUR", "ETHEUR", "LTCEUR"] for i in self.cryptos: self.symbols.append(self.AddCrypto(i, Resolution.Minute, Market.GDAX).Symbol) def OnData(self, data): hist = self.History(self.symbols, 3, Resolution.Daily)
I revised the code to:
class MyAlorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2012, 2, 1) self.SetEndDate(2019, 6, 1) self.Portfolio.SetCash(0) # Set USD to 0 since we only have EUR in our account self.Portfolio.SetCash("EUR", 1000, 1.23) # Set EUR strategy cash with current EURUSD conversion rate self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.GDAX, AccountType.Cash) self.cryptos = ["BTCEUR", "ETHEUR", "LTCEUR"] self.symbols = [self.AddCrypto(crypto).Symbol for crypto in self.cryptos] def OnData(self, data): hist = self.History(self.symbols, 3, Resolution.Daily)
Unfortunately, I am still having the same problem - hist with the debug tool is returning "Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: []
I will look into using a rolling window - but one step at a time! :)
Adam W
Possibly data issues? Crypto data is a bit spotty before 2015 anyways
Graeme Allen
Adam - Thank you!!
I changed the start date to 2019 and that solved it. Great!
Graeme Allen
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