Sorry if this seems daft, but it's my first go at using QuantConnect.

When I run the attached strategy, the log looks like this:

2014-01-01 00:00:00 Launching analysis for 2ef32a341854ccc1f2531613eee2ab4c with LEAN Engine v2.1.4.3

2014-01-02 10:04:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:01:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.40, 177.40, 177.35, 177.35] - SMA - 177.46896231875996450295379663

2014-01-02 10:05:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:03:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.35, 177.35, 177.30, 177.30] - SMA - 177.44482484465139814538896854

2014-01-02 10:06:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:04:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.30, 177.30, 177.25, 177.25] - SMA - 177.41699272398691269604768732

2014-01-02 10:07:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:05:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.25, 177.25, 177.20, 177.20] - SMA - 177.38599376341735373946944627

2014-01-02 10:10:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:06:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.20, 177.25, 177.194293227, 177.25] - SMA - 177.36656608292916034811666823

2014-01-02 10:11:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:09:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.25, 177.30, 177.25, 177.30] - SMA - 177.35705664251070886981428706

2014-01-02 10:13:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:10:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.30, 177.35, 177.30, 177.35] - SMA - 177.35604855072346474555510319

2014-01-02 10:14:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:12:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.35, 177.40, 177.35, 177.40] - SMA - 177.36232732919154121047580273

2014-01-02 10:14:00 BUY >> 177.426260883

2014-01-02 10:22:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:13:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.40, 177.40, 177.35, 177.35] - SMA - 177.36056628216417818040783091

2014-01-02 10:22:00 SELL >> 177.339273012

2014-01-02 10:23:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:21:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.35, 177.35, 177.30, 177.30] - SMA - 177.35191395614072415463528364

2014-01-02 10:26:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:22:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.30, 177.30, 177.25, 177.25] - SMA - 177.33735481954919213254452884

2014-01-02 10:28:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:25:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.25, 177.30, 177.25, 177.30] - SMA - 177.33201841675645039932388187

2014-01-02 10:32:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:27:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.30, 177.310277055, 177.25, 177.25] - SMA - 177.32030150007695748513475589

2014-01-02 10:42:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:31:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.25, 177.30, 177.213623865, 177.30] - SMA - 177.31740128578024927297264791

2014-01-02 10:43:00 Renko 2014-01-02T10:41:00.0000000 - OHLC[177.30, 177.35, 177.30, 177.35] - SMA - 177.32205824495449937683369821

As you can see from the Buy, the buy price is 177.42, but the following Renko Bar has a high of 177.40, so I'm getting filled at what feels like an inconsistent price. But looking at the time of the log versus the time of the Renko bars, they look inconsistent too. I can't tell whether it's a problem with my code, the Renko consolidator, or the Purchasing logic.

Any help understanding this would be greatly appreciated.


Paul Saunders

November 2015