Hi all,
I've been trying to develop using skylight to sync my project. When I login via skylight in the system tray, it takes my to the login page. However, the skylight app doesn't seem to recognize that I've logged in, and the login option is still available. there's no option to sync.
Wondering if this is an issue, or if i need to do something differently
Jared Broad
Hi Dawood; can you leave the browser logged in and try again. Do you log out each time? Do you have a firewall or a strange internet connection? Once you click login a message is sent back to your computer to tell it you have logged in successfully. The only way it would not switch to logged-in mode is if you did not receive the message.
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I do leave my broser logging in, and try right-clicking on the system tray icon. Internet is standerd cable internet, but through a router and switch between the modem and my pc. firewall is windows firewall. I've tested it after turning windows firewall off as well. I still get the success page (www.quantconnect . com/skylightLogin/success) However, skylight still shows the same system tray menu.
Anything you suggest I should try?
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I do leave my broser logged* in
Please excuse the typo
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Jake Mitchell
Do you have an antivirus app that might be blocking it?
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Gerardo Salazar
Hello Dawood,
Please send your Skylight logs to support@quantconnect.com so that we can assess the root cause of the issue. You can find the log file at: C:\Users\{your_username}\AppData\Roaming\Skylight\logs\log.txt
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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I'll go ahead and send the log file to support
by the way, i'm guessing y'all don't have a bug report channel on slack (i prefer using slack over mail)
and secondly. I recently happened to change my profile name, i wonder if that might contribute to it. (skylight had logged in before)
I can't seem to find where to change it back to my old profile name. would you be able to help point me there, so i can test that out?
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Derek Melchin
Hi Dawood,
Users can join our public Slack channel here. To change your QC profile name, go to the Profile section on the Account page.
Derek Melchin
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