Hello, I'm asking this question again now that I've joined as a member.
I am coding an options-collarared dividend-capture strategy. I must be able to assess whether a timeslice is within 5 days of the ex-dividend date.
I have found this property, which seems to apply to the timeSlice data class.
public IEnumerable<Symbol> EquityDividends {get;}s there a way to look 5 days into the future from a time slice?
Dave Mueller
I have the same question. Longer than 5 days is preferable if possible; I know this information is typically released by companies well advance of the payment date. I also believe Morningstar provides this data.
I suspect that we cannot forward look into slice objects as in live trading this would be impossible. However, It seems like there should/could be a way to get this information in the fine fundamental universe selection once a month, and then store it in a symbol class or dictionary.
I hope this is something the QC team has available
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Craig McWilliams
Hi Dave,
Thank you for joining me on this. I think I found the answer, but have not yet figured how to implement. The data element is:
TradingDayType.EquityDividends, which is (allegedly) the Ex-Dividend Date.
https://www.quantconnect.com/lean/docs#topic100.htmlPlease let me know if you derive an implementation as I will post what I learn here too.
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Matthew Martin
In the documentation, it says that EquityDividends is not yet used. I checked this with code, and it does not appear to work yet. I get a Null argument exception when checking the list for a symbol.
From the docs:
Not used yet. For future use.
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