Hi, I struggled with options in research environment for a somewhile. I see some other guys stumble a bit as me .. Here is a template of how I managed to use it:
# Say, today is 20th of Apr 2020 and time is 10:30
# I want prices of 'SPY' at-the-money (ATM) options with expiry on 24th of April 2020
stock = "SPY"
today = "2020-04-20"
exp = "2020-04-24"
### Initialization
from clr import AddReference
from System import *
from QuantConnect import *
from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar, QuoteBar
from QuantConnect.Jupyter import *
from QuantConnect.Indicators import *
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
qb = QuantBook()
security = qb.AddEquity(stock)
security_opt = qb.AddOption(stock, Resolution.Minute)
### Logic
# I need to change that into datetime format and add time of the day
time = datetime.strptime(today, '%Y-%m-%d') + timedelta(hours=10, minutes=30)
expiry = datetime.strptime(exp, '%Y-%m-%d').replace(hour=0, minute=0)
# Now I need to get current SPY price and round it to ATM strike.
# To do that, we pull SPY price history for the last 1 min:
startOpt = time
endOpt = startOpt + timedelta(minutes=1)
secPrice = float(qb.History(security.Symbol, startOpt, endOpt, Resolution.Minute).close)
strike = round(secPrice)
print(f"Current SPY price is: {secPrice}, our ATM strike will be: {strike}")
# ---- Get options history --------
# First set your options filter. Here I chose 2 strikes into both sides from ATM
# and expiration from today to 7 days ahead (so our expiration date surely gets there)
security_opt.SetFilter(lambda universe: universe.IncludeWeeklys().Strikes(-2, 2).Expiration(timedelta(0), timedelta(4)) )
startOpt = time
endOpt = startOpt + timedelta(minutes=1)
security_option_history = qb.GetOptionHistory(security_opt.Symbol, startOpt, endOpt)
data = security_option_history.GetAllData()
# To visualize the data, you may print it.
# print(data)
## Once updated data is available, you could use a boolean accessor to find
## the options with expiry and assign them to a new DataFrame 'df'
boolean = data.index.get_level_values('expiry') == expiry
dfInit = data.loc[boolean].sort_index()
boolean_close = dfInit.index.get_level_values('strike') == strike
df = dfInit.loc[boolean_close]
# Here, depending on what you want, you choose which particular item needed.
# Say if you plan to simulate market BUY of options, you want to choose
# average of 'askclose' and 'askopen' fields
call_price = (df.iloc[idx,0] + df.iloc[idx,3]) / 2
put_price = (df.iloc[idx+1,0] + df.iloc[idx+1,3]) / 2
print(f"CALL price: {call_price}, PUT price: {put_price}")
I'm not the programmer, so it could probably been done better. But it worked for me :))
Kashi Raman
Hi, where did you learn to do this? I am not able to find what methods to use exactly. Thank you
Louis Szeto
Hi All
To get price and Greeks values in research environment, you may refer to this section of the docs.
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Iouri Verchok
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