I trade with minute resolution data but need to execute paricular code at the end of the day. My intention is to execute this code on the last slice of the day.
After trying OnEndOfDay I shifted to a scheduled event with the following code. This code should work with regular market days and shortened days. The problem is that scheduled events don't fire during warm-up. Does anyone know of a way to detect the last bar of the day even during warm-up? Thanks for any help.
def Initialize(self):
self.EODevent = False
# Schedule EOD events
self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay('SPY'), \
self.TimeRules.BeforeMarketClose('SPY', 0), \
def EODevents(self):
self.EODevent = True;
def OnData(self,slice):
if self.EODevent:
.. execute code here ...
self.EODevent = False
Rahul Chowdhury
Hi Hugh,
Since consolidators along with their event handlers still fire during warm up, we can use them to "schedule an event". Let's create a custom consolidator which consolidates data from 9 AM to 4 PM and creates 1 bar. We can then use that custom consolidator's event handler, which fires at the end of consolidation at 4 PM, to fire a block of code.
We cannot use a daily consolidator in this instance because daily consolidators end consolidation at midnight and not at market close.
# In Initialize customConsolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(self.Custom) customConsolidator.DataConsolidated += self.OnDataConsolidated ... def Custom(self, dt): period = timedelta(hours=7) start = dt.replace(minute=0) return CalendarInfo(start, period)
This creates a consolidator of period 7 hours which starts at 9 AM everyday.Inside the OnDataConsolidated event handler, we can access the latest minute bar data using self.CurrentSlice.
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Hugh Todd
@Rahul Chowdhury, Thanks for that potential workaround. I don't see how to adapt it to work with shortened maket days, but otherwise it's good.
Thanks, Hugh
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Rahul Chowdhury
Hi Hugh,
Generally warmup is used to prep indicators for use. What are you trying to specifically accomplish with warmup? There may be an easier way to do the same thing.
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