Hello, I have coded the attached algo that use multiple symbols to go long and short based on fundamental and technical conditions. On the current state, the algo doesn't trade any stock because the TradeBar consolidator with the rolling window is not working. I mean the rolling window self.Bars which is defined for each symbol in the SymbolData class, has the same values for today and yesterday.
On the OnSecurityChange, there is the logic to use the SymbolData class to add indicators as well as rolling window for each symbol.
The problem is that when I create the variables to test for the technical conditions for entries, the variables
yesterdayBar = symbolData.Bars[1]
todayBar = symbolData.Bars[0]
on line 262-263, has the same values(yesterday close is equal to today close and so on). So any trade could be triggered because this dont allow signals, as one of the signals are based in the comparisson between yesterday and today bars.
I think that Im missing something regards the update of this bars, but couldn't found a solution yet. I really appreciate any help in this issue.
Rahul Chowdhury
Hey Nicolas,
I reorganized your algorithm slightly by moving the data consolidation into the SymbolData class. This way each symbol has its own consolidator and its own OnConsolidated event handler. This fixed the issue with the duplicate bar values and there is also trades occurring now. In general, it is good practice to move datasets/dictionaries keyed by symbol to SymbolData.
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Nicolas Ferrari
Hello Rahul, thanks for helping me in this. Your solution seems to work. Also, I would want to ask you if you can point me with some document about the algorithm class. I see that in the symbolData class, you initiliaze the BB indicator using algorithm.BB(), which is really helpful.
algorithm is the root class? can you provide me with some links about the elements that can be accessed with the algorithm class?
Thanks again,
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