During Live trading, this is what I want to accomplish..
Periodically retrieve all new transactions from trading account at broker since the previous run of the same. Meaning say for every hour, I want to get list of all transactions from my live trading account from OandA broker for the last hour. That list must include new orders placed, orders filled, orders changed, and even those transactions which were executed out side of QC through other interfaces lke (MT4 or web or desktop client). Similar to its activity tab in desktop client or Full Transaction History.
Is this even possible? If yes, how shoud I go for that? I think brokerage model might be able to help me out but not sure how..
Thank you for your help and guidance.
Rahul Chowdhury
Hi Shailesh,
For all transactions made to brokers through QC, self.Transactions.GetOrders(filter) will return a list of all orders that pass a certain filter. If we pass None in for our filter, we get all orders in the transaction history. Once we have our orders, we can filter them by Order.Time, which returns the utc time the order was created, and Order.LastUpdateTime, which returns the utc time the order was last updated or None if it hasn't been updated. To retrieve all orders that have been created or updated within the last hour, we can do something like this:
recentTransactions = [order for order in self.Transactions.GetOrders(None) if (self.UtcTime - order.Time) <= timedelta(hours = 1) or (order.LastUpdateTime != None and (self.UtcTime - order.LastUpdateTime) <= timedelta(hours = 1))]
Shailesh Raval
Hi Rahul,
Thank you.
I understand this. Is there a way to get ALL transactions occured in my live trading account with oanda broker including transactions not executed through QC?
Another query:
Does self.Transactions.GetOrders(filter) return those orders/transactions which were rejected due to OandA's FIFO order execution policy? FIFO policy dictates that any open trades with TP or SL set should have unique order size. Meaning no two orders with TP/SL can have same unit size. Say you have a pverall long position with few open long trades and if you place any short/sell limit order which (potentially) may make two trades with same units/size, that new order will be rejected irrespective of order type (market or limit). For example, if you have two trades with units 2000 and 1000 with respective TPs, any new sell order (market or limit) with TP/SL with unit size 1000 will be rejected at the time of execution as that new order will make two open trades with TP/SL of same size i.e. 1000 .
I hope I explain my query accurately. Please let me know if otherwise.
Jared Broad
the closed ones. Then GetOrders or GetOpenOrders should return the list of
the orders.
This is available after initialize()
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Shailesh Raval
Is this one-time thing? does GetOrders() return orders directly from broker or from QC copy of orders list? Meaning if some orders are placed outside of QC and in parallal to QC Algo run,, are they reported by GetOrders()?
Say Time T1 QC Algo started/initiated
Time T2 QC populates current open orders from broker
Time T3 some orders are placed directly to broker outside of QC
Time T4 some direct orders get filled
Time T5 GetOrders() is called within algo
What all orders do I get when GetOrders() is called?
-- All orders which were open at Time T2 with the broker
-- All orders placed by QC between Time T2 and Time T5
?? Orders placed outside of QC at time T3 but not the filled ones at time T4
?? All Orders placed outside of QC at time T3 including the filled ones at time T4.
There may be further complexity like some (QC and/or direct) orders are changed/modified/cancelled/rejected outside of QC algo run.
How are they handled within QC?
How is FIFO related rejection handled in QC live algo run?
Jared Broad
orders kill the algorithm immediately
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Shailesh Raval
Interesting.. How does QC detect external orders? Does it poll periodically? if yes, what frequency? Is it interupt driven? How has it been implemented?
May be personal thinking, but killing algo immediately is not optimal policy decision,,
Jared Broad
Imagine you have algorithms that ensure a 20% allocation to AAPL, and manual orders keep trying to sell the position. The algorithm would "go crazy" immediately rebuying the stocks, or imagine you have pending orders which are externally canceled, and internal state dependant on that order filling.. etc, There are sadly no good options to allow manual interactions other than via the algo-lab where the order is filled by the algorithm itself and state is maintained.
LEAN detects the externally filled orders as all order fills (streamed from brokerage API to LEAN).
The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation or endorsement for any security or strategy, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services by QuantConnect. In addition, the material offers no opinion with respect to the suitability of any security or specific investment. QuantConnect makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the views expressed in the website. The views are subject to change, and may have become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. You should consult with an investment professional before making any investment decisions.
Shailesh Raval
There is no disagreement over complexity due to allowing external interections. Still Killing algo is harse.
Shailesh Raval
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