Hi, I am trying to port this quantopian algo to quantconnect but not sure where to start. Quantopian does not do live trading for futures currently so I can only backtest this in quantopian
# Futures momentum reversion trade algorithm
# By Naoki Nagai, May 2017
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
from quantopian.algorithm import order_optimal_portfolio
import quantopian.experimental.optimize as opt
def initialize(context):
# Futures to be traded by the algorithm, by asset class
context.futures_by_assetclass = {
'equities' : [
'SP', # S&P 500 Futures (US large cap)
'NK', # Nikkei 225 Futures (Japan)
'fixedincome': [
'TU', # 2yr Tbill
'TY', # TNote 10 yr
'US', # TBond 30 yr
'ED', # Eurodollar
'currencies' : [
'EC', # Euro
'JE', # Japanese YEN
'commodities' :[
'CL', # Light Sweet Crude Oil
'GC', # Gold
'NG', # Natural gas
'CN', # Corn
# This holds all continuous future objects as an array
context.futures = []
for assetclass in context.futures_by_assetclass:
for future in context.futures_by_assetclass[assetclass]:
# Window length for the trend. The algo checks the trend in this interval
context.window = 63 # 63 days = one quarter
# This arbitrary value determines the weight of futurues long and short
context.multiplier = 2250.
# Max leverage the algo can take
context.maxleverage = 2.0
# How certain you want to be the trend is there. Null hypothesis probability
context.pvalue = 0.15
# Rebalance every day, 30 minutes after market open
# Record exposure by asset class everyday
def rebalance(context, data):
# Calculate slopes for each futures
prediction = calc_slopes(context, data)
# Get target weights to futures contracts based on slopes
target_weights = get_target_weights(context, data, prediction)
# Exposure is noted for logging and record() plotting
context.exposure = {}
text = ''
for contract in target_weights:
context.exposure[contract.root_symbol] = target_weights[contract]
if target_weights[contract] != 0:
text += "\n%+3.1f%% \t%s \t(%s)" % (target_weights[contract]*100, contract.symbol, contract.asset_name)
if text == '':
text = '\nNo positions to take'
log.info('Target position of today:' + text)
# Rebalance portfolio using optimaize API
def calc_slopes(context, data):
# Initialize output
prediction = {}
# Get pricing data of continuous futures
all_prices = data.history(context.futures, 'price', context.window + 1, '1d')
# Calculate daily returns for each continuous futures
all_returns = all_prices.pct_change()[1:]
# for each future, run regression to underestand the trend of price movement
for future in context.futures:
# Y-axis is the daily return
Y = np.array(all_returns[future])
# X-axis is -3, -2, -1, 0...
X = np.array(range(-len(Y)+1,1))
# Then, we get a and b where Y = a X + b
coef = sp.stats.linregress(X, Y)
# Initialize
prediction[future] = 0
# Return trend exists i.e. price momentum is accelerating with high probability
if (coef.pvalue < context.pvalue):
# Price momentumm is clear. Speed and acceleration is in same direction
if (coef.slope * coef.intercept > 0.):
# Then, predict the price trend should reverse
prediction[future] = -coef.slope * context.multiplier
return prediction
def get_target_weights(context, data, prediction):
# Target weights per contract
target_weights = {}
total = 0.
for future in context.futures:
total += prediction[future]
# Target weight for the most traded actual futures contract
for future in context.futures:
# Get the contract from the continuous futures object
contract = data.current(future, 'contract')
# If contract is tradable, assign weight
if contract and data.can_trade(contract):
target_weights[contract] = prediction[future] / max(total,1.0)
return target_weights
def record_exposure(context, data):
# Record net exposure to different asset classes for tracking
for assetclass in context.futures_by_assetclass:
# We add weights by asset class
asset_weight = 0.
for future in context.exposure:
if future in context.futures_by_assetclass[assetclass]:
asset_weight += context.exposure[future]
# Plot exposure in asset class
record(assetclass, asset_weight)
# Record gross leverage
record(leverage = context.account.leverage)
Alexandre Catarino
Hi ak129301
Please start with this thread:
Migrating from Quantopian to QuantConnect
It doesn't cover all the features in the current algorithm and you will need to learn Lean/QuantConnect API to complete the porting.
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