I'm working on building a python class structure that makes it easier to swap out strategies and risk models while using multi-timeFrames techniques. I've been off in my own code world for a few months, and I came back and went to run it and hit an Attribute error I'm unfamiliar with.
During the algorithm initialization, the following exception has occurred: AttributeError : 'ForexHolding' object has no attribute 'TotalMargin' at Initialize in main.py:line 39 at __init__ in SymbolBox.py:line 37 at __init__ in TradeManagment.py:line 13 :: self.TotalMargin = self.symbol.TotalMargin /5 AttributeError : 'ForexHolding' object has no attribute 'TotalMargin'
I found these two links, but I'm still having a hard time seeing which classes I should be indexing through/ what part of the API I'm incorrectly calling.
It centers around the QC portfolio. The code below is going to be slightly broken up, I'm including the code in each class that produces the error. It's during __init__ so the rest of the code seems unecessary.
class Main
self.symbols = ['EURUSD','NZDUSD']
for i in self.symbols:
sym = self.AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, i, Resolution.Hour,leverage= 100).Symbol
self.allTicks[sym] = SymbolBox(i, sym, self.timeFrames, self)
class SymbolBox
def __init__(self, symbol,sym, timeFrames, QCAlgorithm):
inits all variables and classes needed by each symbol to trade.
Handles all day for each Symbol inside its' respecive class.
self.tick = symbol
self.s = sym
self.algo = QCAlgorithm
self.symbol = QCAlgorithm.Portfolio[sym]
self.TM = TradeManagment(QCAlgorithm,sym)
class TradeManagment
def __init__(self,QcAlgo,symbol):
self.algo = QcAlgo
self.symbol = QcAlgo.Portfolio[symbol]
#symbol is pulling only the string, not the class. Need to decide how to place
self.TotalMargin = self.symbol.TotalMargin /5
My leading theory so far is that when I call self.AddSecurity().Symbol in main I'm pulling out and storing one call too deep into the class and getting the wrong variable?
Alethea Lin
Hi Brent,
TotalMargin is not an API, you should use TotalMarginUsed. For detailed API information, please read this documentation page.
Hope this helps!
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Brent Lewis
That would be perfect, but I'm trying to get all the Margin available regardless of holding.
leverage = 10
distribution = 5
(self.Portfolio.TotalPortfolioValue * leverage) / distribution
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Yiyun Wu
Hi Brent,
I think you want to get the remaining margin. If so, you can use self.Portfolio.MarginRemaining API. If you want to get the required margin, you can use self.Portfolio.TotalMaginUsed. And if you would like to get the total margin (remaining margin+margin used), self.Porfolio.TotalPortfolioValue should be fine. For detailed API information, please read the page here.
Hope this helps!
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