I was working on multiple charts, and attempted to create both a forex and equity chart with holdings in the same code. It doesn't seem to work. Very simple test.

public override void Initialize()


SetStartDate(2010, 05, 03);

SetEndDate(2015, 04, 30);

AddSecurity(SecurityType.Forex, "AUDUSD", Resolution.Minute);

AddSecurity(SecurityType.Equity, "MSFT", Resolution.Minute);


public void OnData(TradeBars data)


if (!Portfolio.Invested)


SetHoldings("AUDUSD", -0.75m);

SetHoldings("MSFT", 0.05m);



Seems to only contain Forex data. I've swapped the AddSecurity and SetHoldings in testing and it always seems to only come back with Forex data.


Peter Harley

July 2015