Hi ! The code builds, but I'm getting a Runtime error during the backtest, it says :
Runtime Error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key (Open Stacktrace)
namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp
public class MultipleCrypto : QCAlgorithm
// Define variable
private int startingCash = 2000;
private int maxPosition = 1000;
private int minPosition = 500;
Resolution res = Resolution.Hour;
int fastPeriod = 12;
int slowPeriod =26;
int sigPeriod = 9;
public decimal usd;
Dictionary <string,SymbolData> Data = new Dictionary <string,SymbolData>();
List <string> CryptoSymbols = new List<string>
int numberOfSymbols => CryptoSymbols.Count;
public override void Initialize()
SetStartDate(2017, 1, 1);
SetEndDate(2018, 1, 1);
foreach (var symbol in CryptoSymbols) // adds each crypto to the Dictionary Data
var crypto = AddCrypto(symbol, res);
Data.Add(symbol, new SymbolData(crypto.Symbol, crypto.BaseCurrencySymbol));
foreach (var key in Data) // assign the Macd to the symbol
var symbolData = key.Value;
symbolData.Macd = MACD(symbolData.Symbol, fastPeriod, slowPeriod, sigPeriod, MovingAverageType.Exponential, res);
SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.GDAX, AccountType.Cash);
public override void OnData(Slice data)
foreach(var symbolData in Data.Values)
if(!symbolData.Macd.IsReady) {return;}
if (symbolData.Macd.IsReady)
usd = Portfolio.CashBook["USD"].Amount;
if(!Portfolio[symbolData.Symbol].Invested && usd > minPosition)
if (symbolData.Macd.Fast > symbolData.Macd.Slow)
decimal quantity = Math.Round(Math.Min( usd/numberOfSymbols, maxPosition) / data[symbolData.Symbol].Price, 2);
MarketOrder(symbolData.Symbol, quantity);
var holding = Portfolio.CashBook[symbolData.BaseSymbol].Amount;
if (symbolData.Macd.Fast < symbolData.Macd.Slow)
MarketOrder(symbolData.Symbol, -holding);
public class SymbolData
public Symbol Symbol;
public string BaseSymbol;
public MovingAverageConvergenceDivergence Macd;
public SymbolData(Symbol symbol, string BaseSymbol)
Symbol = symbol;
BaseSymbol = BaseSymbol;
Az Hub
up any fix ?
Az Hub
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