from datetime import datetime, timedelta
Code such as the above works for external libraries. But doesn't seem to allow me to pull additional files I've defined in the web editor, such as, into
Previous discussion question suggests an answer, but unsure how to "add to root level" as he discusses here. Assuming he is running the desktop implementation:
How does one go about doing this, or is it even possible? Previously the capability has been shut down:
Ian Larson
Thanks a lot Douglas!!
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Ian Larson
By playing with the Algorithm Wizard 2.0 I've discovered that this is quite straightforward, modules added are listed as additional tabs and imported in the standard way:
Keep code modular and import into (if using Python) with: "from module import class/function as class/function" Omit the .py on the end of the module. I didn't do this the first time and thus couldn't successfully import. Noob mistake
Bonus, the documentation mentions creating virtual folders to organize code first paragraph here: looks like:
Create a folder for projects by adding "Title/" in front of the file name in the IDE. Don't include the quotes. All projects with the same title will end up in a virtual folder by that title, allowing for better organization.
Both of the above are going to go a long way for me, personally, in keeping the code readible and maintainable
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