Hello every body,
What is the solution for : "Kernel Restarting The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically" Error ?
its definitely not a problem of loaded data ! I use barely two months of daily resolution data !
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Question about fixing "Kernel Restarting" error in QuantConnect platform.
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Kernel Restarting The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically
Hicham OURIAGHLI | May 2019
Hello every body,
What is the solution for : "Kernel Restarting The kernel appears to have died. It will restart automatically" Error ?
its definitely not a problem of loaded data ! I use barely two months of daily resolution data !
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Link Liang
Hi Hicham,
We cannot reproduce the error mentioned. The error message does not narrow down the potential causes, as there could be many things that went wrong and lead to it. Would you mind to share your notebook or code so that we could address your problem in details?
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Hi sir,
I found the problem, it's basically the calculation unit which is not sufficient, wasn't enough to run the algorithm, finally I reduced the number of iterations and it works.
By the way I have a quick question. In real backtest of this algorithm, I will need a larger calculation unit, I'm wondering if the GPU's for backtesting are larger ?
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Link Liang
Hi Hicham,
Our backtesting environment has less limitations compared to research environment. When we make a big history request, it takes some time to fetch the data and create pandas data frames and the kernel may timeout for inactivity during the process. because of that, we need to make smaller requests.
Another option is to download Lean and run the algorithm on your local environment. Hope it helps!
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Thanks Sir, I'll try it
Thank you soo much
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