I've noticed discrepencies with my consolidators such that for markets which open @ 9:30am and close @ 4pm; FWIW my resolution is minute, but I don't think this issue stems from that. This issue is messing up the timing of my trades in a significant way:
- 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m: no issues as they always run when needed
- 1hr: updates @ 10am, 11am instead of 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, etc.
- 4hr: updates @ 12pm, 4pm instead of @ 9:30am, 1:30pm
- 1D: not an issue
- 1W: updates mid-week and may even change due to holidays instead of encompassing Mon - Fri
- 1M: does not encompass entire month (months don't all have same # of days)
I had the thought of rolling my own custom consolidators, but I came across this issue. Am I stuck waiting for a solution on this? I'm coding in Python.
I thought that setting a WarmUp period in the algorithm would update my indicators automatically. It turns out this is not the case; I've managed to find a solution on this forum and elsewhere for that but I think this is an unnecessary setup and clutters up my algo. Does this pull request seek to solve that issue?
Douglas Stridsberg
I believe your issue is similar to one I've faced and raised a GH issue for. I don't think the PR you've linked would solve that but I'm happy to be corrected.
Feel free to take a look at my custom consolidator. It tries to solve the specific issue where a 1-day bar will be built and consolidated at inconsistent times based on the timezone of the exchange of the security. It's built in C# though, I'm not sure if you can mix Python and C# in the web terminal. On a local Lean installation it's fine of course.
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Michael Manus
QC did some changes on weekly and monthly ive seen on github:
https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/issues/3007maybe needs to get to production
the rest: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 hour candle would need to get implemented by yourself
taking data from the period and checked for closed high lows and open of the window
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Jake Mitchell
After doing some more digging in the pull requests, it seems that they've been added to master (without public documentation, likely coming soon...). I was able to set the weekly and monthly timeframes accurately by using CalendarType.Weekly and CalendarType.Monthly respectively instead of using timedelta when creating my consolidators. I haven't yet looked into timeframes < 1 day to fix the 9:30am start time issue but I wanted to let everyone know there was a working solution to the higher timeframe issues.
Regarding the warmup issue, there was an accepted pull request that implements WarmUpIndicator, however I have yet to get it to work ("...ensure each parameter type matches those required by the WarmUpIndicator method"). Without public documentation I may not be able to get this to work.
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Jared Broad
docs for brand new unreleased tech :)
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Douglas Stridsberg is it possible to use your custom consolidator from Python ?
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