I'm having a couple of issues with RSI so plan to post two backtests.
This one is straightforward. It adds SPY as an equity and defines a 14 day RSI. On an EOD routine it logs the price and RSI value.
Note the negative RSI values around 12/24 and the value over 100 on 1/22. The range for RSI is 0-100 so how can this be? Is there something wrong with the way I am defining it?
Hugh Todd
This is my follow up from the above.
In this backtest I am defining a daily RSI indicator but have defined SPY equity with a minute resolution and schedule a trade window just before the close.
My expectation was that the RSI value would be updated EOD and remain unchanged until the next EOD cycle. In the log file I output a line flagged PM for the trade window and EOD for the end-of-day cycle. You can see in the log that the RSI is not static during the day. I no longer have the negative (or > 100) values that were in the prior example, but the RSI values seem to be erratic.
Obviously I don't understand something and would appreciate some guidance here.
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Hugh Todd
I guess I'm talking to myself here, but maybe this will help someone else. My problems seemed to go away when I specified the MovingAverageType in the RSI definition.
Basically like this:
# Changed from self.myRSI = self.RSI(sym, 14, Resolution.Daily) # To self.myRSI = self.RSI(sym, 14, MovingAverageType.Wilders, Resolution.Daily)
I don't understand why, but note to self: Always define MovingAverageType for RSI
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