I am currently stuck trying to get symbol bars for different time windows, using the AlphaModel class from the Algorithm Framework.
The Update-method of my AlphaModel class is defined as follows:
def Update(self, algorithm, data):
''' Determines an insight for each security based on two annualized slopes
algorithm: The algorithm instance
data: The new data available
The new insights generated'''
insights = []
#shortTermBars = GetDailyClosesForAllSymbolsInUniverse(self.shortTermMomentumWindow,self.resolution)
#longTermBars = GetDailyClosesForAllSymbolsInUniverse(self.longTermMomentumWindow,self.resolution)
return insights
How can I get the shortTermBars and the longTermBars for all symbols with the defined windows sizes resolutions, based on the data parameter?
Here is the complete code:
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