Hi All, I'm new here. I'm guessing this should be easy, but I can't find anything in the docs about it! (been searching for ages now).

In my research notebook I want to pull in Market Cap and Enterprise value for a few stocks. However can't find any info on how to do this?? I've looked all through here: Documentation   /   Research   /   Fundamental Data and can't for the life of me find how to do it.

I also want to pull in the EVtoRev ratios, eg data = qb.GetFundamental(["BOX","TEAM", "TWLO","VEEV"], "ValuationRatios.EVtoRevenue", datetime(2017, 1, 4), datetime.now()) 

but when I do that, I just get results of 0 or NaN in the data. Which also seems odd for such a simple ratio...

Thanks in advance for the help!



November 2018