Hello, Newbie here. I have been learning from a simple example of an RSI algorithm that I am changing to use ADX().
A question regarding the ADX PositiveDirectionalIndex calculation result which I've been struggling with. The ADX value returned agrees with other sources but when I look at the PositiveDirectionalIndex it shows a number that consistently does not match the DI+ results from other sources. e.g. 12 vs 32 DI+ index score AAPL on 3 Oct. Similar for NegativeDirectionalIndex. I have done quite a bit of searching in the community and I know lots of testing has been done on indicators so I assume it is my indicator syntax or usage or interpretation that is wrong. Any suggestions please?
p.s. apologies to support I think I posted my question in wrong place initially.
Alexandre Catarino
Hi , we have found some issues in ADX, so we made a patch to fix it.
The computations now follow StockCharts.
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