The docs for Handling Data include sample code like:
For example ibmBar = slice.Bars["IBM"]
When I try this I get the error message:
Runtime Error: TypeError : unindexable object at OnData in 96
TypeError : unindexable object
My ondata code looks like this:
def OnData(self, slice):
#self.Debug('Begin OnData ' +' '+str(self.Time)+' '+str(slice.Bars.Count)+' '+str(self.curPositions))
if slice.Bars.Count == 0: return
#if self.changes == None: return
for tradeBar in slice.Bars.Values:
sym = tradeBar.Symbol.Value
self.Log('tradeBar Sym: '+ sym)
crmBar = slice.Bars["CRM"]
self.Log ('slice.count: '+str(slice.Bars.Count)+' crm: '+str(crmBar.Symbol.Value))
The universe is loaded by a custom list and the code properly logs the four symbols in the slice, including CRM, before failing at crmBar=slice.Bars['CRM'].
This is obviously test code, but related to my goal to evaluate the symbols in slice in the order they are loaded in the custom universe. I want to evaluate potential trades in that order because the symbols loaded first have a better profit potential than the other symbols - if the trade is triggered.
Thanks for some help, I've spent way too much time on this simple issue.
Jing Wu
Hi Hugh,
For equity, you could simply use slice["CRM"]. It is already a TradeBar.
slice["CRM"].Open slice["CRM"].Close slice["CRM"].EndTime slice["CRM"].Volume
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Hugh Todd
Jing Wu Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately it does not work - when the symbols are added via the custom universe. As a test I tried adding the same four symbols in initialize using AddEquity and your suggestion worked, but not with the custom universe. The error message was different though. Where it was generating an "unindexable object" error using slice.Bars, it is now generating a "KeyNotFound" exception.
Below is my code using the custom universe logic. It properly logs the four symbols in the slice, and then dies at the slice["CRM'] command.
import numpy as np import decimal as d class BasicTemplateAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm): def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2018,4,6) #(2013,1,1) self.SetEndDate(2018,4,10) self.backtestSymbolsPerDay = {} self.current_universe = [] self.cuDate = 'x' self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Hour; self.AddUniverse("my-dropbox-universe", self.universeGetter) self.symDatas = {} # holds symbolData objects self.curPositions = 0 def universeGetter(self, date): # handle live mode file format if self.LiveMode: # work on this later return self.current_universe # backtest - first cache the entire file #if len(self.backtestSymbolsPerDay) == 0: # str = self.Download("") # for line in str.splitlines(): # data = line.split(',') # self.backtestSymbolsPerDay[data[0]] = data[1:] # Dummmy this up for now if len(self.backtestSymbolsPerDay) == 0: self.backtestSymbolsPerDay['20180406'] = ['ABMD', 'BZUN', 'CRM', 'NOW'] self.backtestSymbolsPerDay['20180413'] = ['PAYC', 'ULTI', 'CRM', 'ADBE'] self.backtestSymbolsPerDay['20180420'] = ['PAYC', 'ADBE', 'CRM', 'RHT'] self.backtestSymbolsPerDay['20180427'] = ['PAYC', 'CRM', 'RHT', 'BOOT'] index = date.strftime("%Y%m%d") if index in self.backtestSymbolsPerDay: self.cuDate = index self.current_universe = self.backtestSymbolsPerDay.get(index, self.current_universe) return self.current_universe def OnData(self, slice): #self.Debug('Begin OnData ' +' '+str(self.Time)+' '+str(slice.Bars.Count)+' '+str(self.curPositions)) if slice.Bars.Count == 0: return #if self.changes == None: return for tradeBar in slice.Bars.Values: sym = tradeBar.Symbol.Value self.Log('tradeBar Sym: '+ sym +' '+ str(tradeBar.Close)) crmBar = slice["CRM"] self.Log('Close: for ' + crmBar.Symbol.Value +' is '+str(crmBar.Close)) # reset changes self.changes = None #self.Debug(str(self.Time) +' '+'end OnData') def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes): self.changes = changes # remove symbolData for removed symbols #for sec in self.changes.RemovedSecurities: # self.symDatas.pop(sec.Symbol, None)
Thanks. Any other ideas?
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Hugh Todd
Let me go at this another way - if slice[symbol string] doesn't work but slice[symbol object] does work, how can I get symbol object from symbol string?
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Jared Broad
Like this:
symbol = Symbol.Create("IBM", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA)
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Hugh Todd
Jared Broad
Thank you very much. That works and let's me move forward.
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