I am currently trying to train a model inside the algorithm environment on a given symbol's daily close, volume and various indicators. Ideally, I want to convert all this data to a dataframe. self.History() provides this data however I can't figure out how to join, say, a 20 day Simple Moving Average onto the dataframe.
Could somebody please advise?
Corey Davis
As an added note, this is easy to do in the research environemnt with the following commands:
qb = QuantBook() sma = SimpleMovingAverage(20) smadf = qb.Indicator(sma,"SPY",3600,Resolution.Daily) smadf.head(n=2)
I see no easy translation however to the Algo environment
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HanByul P
Hi Corey Davis, QC historical dataframe is multi-layered, which is not easy to play with (as far as for me - -;). It would be much easier to re-create dataframes of data that you want, and then combine them (if you want). I attached a sample algo how to re-create and cobine DFs. Please check 'Logs'. Hope this helps. Thank you.
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Corey Davis
Thank you HanByul P - this is very helpful! My one question is how would I maintain the index of "time" in this new table in order to maintain the time series component?
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HanByul P
Corey Davis, I'm glad that it was helpful. You mentioned "..in order to maintain the time series component". I'm sorry I don't understand what exactly you want. The new table could be a multi-indexed df or a panel or something else. Can you clearly describe what your goal is or can you show us what your desired output is so that we can help you better?. BTW, I attached a sample algo where the new table has 'datetime' info as a column. I think if you want to work with dataframes, it'll be much easier to work with single-indexed dataframes. Thank you.
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Corey Davis
Thanks HanByul P ,
Upon reviewing this further I realize I was confused and have since clarifed.
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