I have lost serious money in February on an algo subscription with futures of somebody else. Same for my stock portfolio. So I want to trade more myself as I can then transparently see what the back testing result are..and I save serious money on the fees. The transparency is most important for me.
Are there traders out there that are interested in designing an generic indicator or maybe have one already to pick ideas from or share ideas? The custom indicator must be able to give a warning and a trade and/or eliminate signal. I know the bollinger, the VIX, maybe some market rumors or news feeds ? Any other ideas?
David E
I may be able to help. I run an algo on ETFs where I go long or short based on momentum and a day like yesterday could really benefit from something like this. My algo was up about 5% and then went into the red in about 15 minutes cause of the fed minutes. Much of my algo never switched to shorting or did so too late. I'm thinking of a way to monitor new feeds and maybe if there is a 2% decline in a 5 minute period or something Id have a new signal to switch to short earlier. I'll keep brainstorming and let you know
Alin Sinpalean
I think it unlikely that you (or me, for that matter) will be able to come up with a sell indicator that no one has yet thought about. Possible, but unlikely. Yahoo Finance has a bunch of indicators you can select from to play with, I'd suggest finding one that looks reasonable to you, reading up about it and using it, possibly with some tweaks.
E.g. it's likely you already know about this, but ADX (and particularly its DI+ and DI- components) seem like a good start: https://finance.yahoo.com/chart/SPY#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%3D%3D
You can also look at it as a way of brainstorming ideas, if you want to. :)
Quant Trader
@David Eldringhoff : can you share your indicator? I had a look at ADX and was wondering the time frame. If I look at Yahoo, it indeed shows the red/ green crosses, but are they on time. Does somebody know where to get a newsfeed with sentiment?
Quant Trader
I am looking into the future on the ES. I see it changes momentum and then the SPY follows and breaks through its 100-days EMA.
Quant Trader
Does anybody where this indicator is to be read automatically?
Quant Trader
I have been reading a bit. Is this indicator sufficient? I will collect the SP500 universe and calculate the percentage stock above 40 SMA 70/20% as an overbought situation. I am wondering how to process the stock universe for 40 and 200 sma without getting memory limitations.
Quant Trader
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