Hello! I am trying to transpose a code from Quantopian to QuantConnect but face difficulties with the header
from QuantConnect.pipeline import Pipeline
from QuantConnect.algorithm import attach_pipeline, pipeline_output
from QuantConnect.pipeline.data.builtin import USEquityPricing
from QuantConnect.pipeline.data import morningstar
from QuantConnect.pipeline.factors import SimpleMovingAverage, AverageDollarVolume
from QuantConnect.pipeline.filters.morningstar import IsPrimaryShare
and the following instruction
# Equities listed as common stock (as opposed to, say, preferred stock).
# 'ST00000001' indicates common stock.
common_stock = morningstar.share_class_reference.security_type.latest.eq('ST00000001')
Help is appreciated! Thank you.
Alexandre Catarino
Please checkout the docs, under Universes.
You can also find working examples in the University tab in the Algorithm Lab and the open-source project.
If you want to filter the universe to find only common stock, you should use:
filtered = [x for x in fine if x.SecurityReference.SecurityType == 'ST00000001']
in the selector method:
# sort the data by P/E ratio and take the top 'NumberOfSymbolsFine' def FineSelectionFunction(self, fine): # only use common stock (ST00000001) filtered = [x for x in fine if x.SecurityReference.SecurityType == 'ST00000001'] # sort descending by P/E ratio sortedByPeRatio = sorted(filtered, key=lambda x: x.ValuationRatios.PERatio, reverse=True) # take the top entries from our sorted collection return [ x.Symbol for x in sortedByPeRatio[:self.__numberOfSymbolsFine] ]
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Thank you very much Alexandre for your support. I will look attentively to the provided documentation.
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Any updates on the algorithm?
It just so happens that I am trying to convert the same one, so feel free to let me know if there are any areas you need help with.
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Chris Buckley
You guys ever finish converting this algorithm?? ive been hitting nothing but roadblocks :/
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