We have quietly been working on a new documentation system for QuantConnect to help you get started. We listened to all the community feedback and tried to invent a new way to train you in how to use the platform. What we've designed is a merger of DataCamp, Code Academy and Klan Academy for QuantConnect. We're calling it Boot Camp.

The idea is Boot Camp will get you started with a series of Courses, made of many Lessons, involving many Tasks/Challenges. Tasks are meant to be tiny and easy to achieve with hints and solutions available for you to learn.

When you complete the challenges you'll win experience points and badges. Eventually we might even make it so unlocking different lessons will give you free features on QuantConnect.


We'll be adding more lessons over the next few weeks. If you're interested in getting notified when we post new content subscribe to this discussion thread and we'll post a the link here.

We'd love your feedback! Please try your hand at a few challenges above.