Hi, all. When comparing two variables, eg is x > y, I only get one answer "False" which I believe has to do with mixed (and incompatible) data types for x and y. Despite attempts at converting to float() and other dtypes, I have not found a solution. The logs highlight the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Dan Whitnable
Is there a backtest attached? All I see is "502 Bad Gateway". Maybe paste your code and I could take a stab at it.
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Dan Whitnable
Do something like this
if price >= self.sma10[s].Current.Value: self.SetHoldings(s, 1.0) if price < self.sma10[s].Current.Value: self.SetHoldings(s, 0.0)
You defined 'self.sma10' as a dict indexed by a security (ie "SPY" and "IWM" in this case). The values in the dictionary are SMA indicator objects. So, in order to retrieve and compare to the indicator values one needs to first index into the dict (that's what the [s] does). However, that simply returns the value stored in the dict which is a SMA indicator object. In order to get the current value of an indicator object one needs to use the 'Curent.Value' method.
Hope that makes sense. Attached is a working backtest.
Good luck!
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Brett C.
Dan, your input was extremely helpful, and as always, clear and concise. Many thanks!
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