Hello everyone,
when backtesting my latest algortihm which is working with second data for 10 different stocks it takes around five minute for a backtest over a period of five days. I think this could definitely be quicker. How much of a difference would it make to buy additional RAM? I already have one update. Or is my internet connection to slow? I have 16 MBit/s currently.
Kind regards,
Christian Lauer
Petter Hansson
Wow this seems slow. It's not doing anything fancy as far as I can tell. Then again, I'm using C#.
One thing that can be slow: Subscribed indicators and by extension maybe consolidators. Calling .Update() manually on them from OnData is typically faster (at least in C# case). Still, I doubt it accounts for massive slowness here.
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Jared Broad
4k/sec is slow for second data. In C# its 50k/sec. 10 second symbols - 23,400 samples per symbol-day; 1,170,000 points + your scheduled events. My guess is all of the dictionary enumerators are slowing it down (vs using object access).
We're still learning / understanding the python-C# interactions but saw one support request where commenting out a single (pandas) line caused it to finish 10x faster and use 1/10th RAM.
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"4k/sec is slow for second data. In C# its 50k/sec. 10 second symbols - 23,400 samples per symbol-day; 1,170,000 points + your scheduled events. My guess is all of the dictionary enumerators are slowing it down (vs using object access).
We're still learning / understanding the python-C# interactions but saw one support request where commenting out a single (pandas) line caused it to finish 10x faster and use 1/10th RAM. "
Interesting, At some point if you learn what types of operations are better than others it would be good to compile that into some sort of speed optimization tutorial post. I am getting 4k data points per second in python as well and had no idea that was abnormal.
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