Hi, I am still learning the intricacies of the API. This must be a very simple questions, but where can find the reference for _Python_ on which math operations are overloaded for the indicators? Or defined as functions of one or two arguments? I know it is possible to pass one indicator into another as an argument, or add/subtract them. What about sqrt, power, divide, multiply, log, etc. Are any of these present in some form or shape.?
Alexandre Catarino
For C# algorithm, it is possible to combine indicators. We do it with extension methods. Since pythonnet does not support extension methods, we will work on a alternative solution that can be used in python algorithms. A github issue has been created for that: Indicator Operators in Python #1085.
For sqrt, power, devide, multiply, log, etc... you can use the python built-in functions or the math library.
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