Hi QuantConnect community,
I have several algos live trading on Quantopian. Unfortunately, they just announced that they will no longer support broker integration. Dissapointing to say the least. However, a quick google search brought me here and I like what I see so far.. Does anyone have any experience moving code from Quantopian to QuantConnect? Just trying to get a sense of how easy/difficult it is to port your code here.
I presume that a Prime subscription includes Equity data?
Patrick Star
Hi Eric,
Welcome to the community. I have also joined QC a few months ago. Before coming here I played with quantopian a little. Some other users could have more experience with quantopian and help more, but translating codes is always painful and error-prone. So, you may have a little bumpy road ahead. From my very little knowledge about quantopian, I would say that these two platforms are conceptually different and if you are not in rush, it would be helpful to spend some time with the tutorials, clone a few examples, and get comfortable with the platform here.
In QC everything goes through Initialize first and then for every bar you will get a call back on OnData. Normally you set up your indicators, et.c . in Initialize and the signal recognition and orders go to the OnData method.
If you need to warp up your indicators, there are some examples too.
Good luck.
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Jared Broad
Welcome Eric Cheshier! Alex is drafting a post now for Quantopian users to help the migration process. It might take a day or so but we'll post back here when its done to give you a ping.
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