In my live trading my algorithm has purchased a stock with a 5 cent increment requirement, then I was stuck with the stock because my algorithm had no way of determining that there was a 5 cent increment rule on the pricing. I had to sell it manually. Has anyone found a way to deal with this?
Alexandre Catarino
What is the stock?
We have a fixed value for minimum price increments for each asset and all US equity has a value of $0.01.
If there is a case where minimum price increments of a US equity is not $0.01 or vary according to the current price, we should look into it.
Once Stefano Raggi pointed out that this happens in Italian Stock Exchange (link).
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Paul McKinney
I believe it was WBKC. Although, I have had this several times before using other platforms.
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Alexandre Catarino
Looking at WBKC daily data, we can see that it trades at $0.01 increments. On the other hand, the volume is ridiculously low (most of the days is it trades less than 1000 shares). Probably the $0.05 increment is just the the bid/ask spread.
However, you should be able to trade it with market orders. Is that the case?
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William Patterson
Regarding the above statement I know some smaller stocks have been put on $.05 increments as part of a test plan by the NYSE.
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Paul McKinney
I'm actually fairly new to trading stocks directly, althought I was advisor for 7 years. I've updated my alogrithm to focus on stocks with more volume. I think it may alleviate this issue for me.
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